Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 30 - Discovering A New Elemental

Chapter 30 - Discovering A New Elemental

Chapter 30 Discovering a new Elemental

Author: M_W Cancer

Leo quietly went to sleep the moment the merchant caravan departed from Silver city.

According to Leo, the most important part of this mission was only at the Blacksmoke canyon, so he wanted to rest before arriving at that place. Moreover, since they were passing to his city first, Heart city, then it would surely be a safe journey.

"Hey, Cassandra, right?" Hannah suddenly greeted as soon as she went close to Cassandra.

"Yes, can I help you with anything?" Cassandra said, moving her attention away from the currently sleeping Leo.

"Are you both together?" Hannah can't help but ask curiously.

"Um, Yes... Since we both live in the same house." Cassandra answered, not knowing what Hannah really meant to ask.

Hannah immediately lost her romantic interest in Leo after receiving Cassandra's reply. She was really hoping that they were just friends, so she could make a move to him.

In Hannah's opinion, Leo was really a boyfriend type of material. Sadly though, it turned out that the both of them were already living together.

"Ohhh, so you've seen each other's body already?" Hannah suddenly asked as she thought that since they were already living together then they would surely have done that already, right?

"Ah..." Cassandra wasn't able to reply as she suddenly remembered that time when she saw Leo's rod getting hard because of her. Her face immediately turned red as she quickly lowered her head to hide it.

"Oh, you don't need to be shy about it. That is pretty normal for both people living together. Stay strong!" Hannah said, bidding farewell as she saw her face suddenly turning red.

"No, you misunderstood..." Cassandra finally realized what Hannah meant by the question, but the latter had already moved away to talk with the other girl name Dandelion.

Hence, Cassandra could only shake her head in helplessness.

"Yow, is that person really Leo Heart?" Claude suddenly approached her and asked as soon as Hannah left.

"Yes, why?" Cassandra replied confusingly.

"Ohhh, he is actually that capable Leo who was able to rule a city despite being only a mere 8 years old!" Claude exclaimed in admiration.

"How capable was he?" Cassandra immediately felt intrigued the moment Claude revealed an admiration look on his face.

"Oh, you actually don't know about Leo's great tale? Well, it all started ten years ago..."


The merchant caravan continued moving towards Blacksmoke city. They passed by Hearts city without any problem, like what Leo had said. And soon, they finally arrived at Blacksmoke canyon.

It was at this moment that Leo suddenly opened his eyes. He looked around his surrounding as he nodded his head seeming as if thinking of something in his mind.

What Leo was actually thinking was whether the Blacksmoke canyon has a rich Earth Mana around its environment. He wanted to find out whether he could summon another Elemental just by absorbing the Earth Mana around the Blacksmoke canyon.

Before, when Leo discovered that he could summon a Wind Elemental just by absorbing the Wind Mana around the Heart's manor, he had also thought about whether he could summon other Elements of Elemental just by absorbing different Elements of Mana. However, he wasn't able to find any good source of other Elements of Mana, so he wasn't able to really try out fully his idea.

Leo had thought of trying it a few times before, like trying to absorb the Mana from the fire when cooking, or in the water when he was taking a bath. But he had unfortunately concluded that he can only absorb a little amount of Mana by doing so because the source wasn't rich in the Elemental Mana he needed. So, he had immediately thought that maybe he should go look for a place with a strong, specific Elemental Mana.

When Leo was reading the Book of Mission that Angel had given to him the day before yesterday, he quickly noticed the name Blacksmoke Canyon.

A place where even the wind that a person feels has dirt mix within. With such an idea in mind, Leo carefully thought that maybe Blacksmoke canyon has a rich amount of Earth Mana to allow him to be able to summon an Earth Elemental.

Why Earth Elemental, though? Leo had discovered that the Wind Elemental was only good to use for doing a stealthy task, because it could blend within the wind, hence it would be hard to discover its existence being around a certain place. But unfortunately, it has a weak defense and attack, so not a good use for battle.

So, Leo quickly tried to think of an idea to solve this current problem that could finally make him fully use his ability. The answer he had found out was to look for other Elementals.

At that time, Leo had quickly found a book to read about the different Elementals, and he had astonishingly discovered the existence of the Fire Elemental that has a really strong attacking power. But there was no place for him to absorb Fire Mana, so he could only try to look for the other Elementals with a good combat prowess. Finally, all his efforts were paid off as he was able to find out about the Earth Elemental, which was an Elemetal that could also give him what he needed.

However, to Leo's astonishment, the Earth Elemental wasn't actually only good at attacking but also extremely good at defending! The Earth Elemental was naturally strong because it was made out of a rock. He could already imagine that it could cause a lot of damage due to its body being covered in rock. Imagine someone throwing a pebble at a person, just that small tiny rock could already cause a person to possibly bleed, how much more a Magical Entity made out entirely of rock-throwing a punch towards that person. It would surely make that person unconscious.josei

Moreover, the Earth Elemental was also extremely good at defending. With its body made out of a rock, Leo could use it to block arrows and other flying weapons, unlike the Wind Elemental that doesn't even have a slight bit of defensive capability, even allowing an arrow to just pass by its body easily.

The Earth Elemental was exactly something that Leo was looking for as a summoned Entity.

As Leo stared outside the wagon, he quietly tried to absorb the Mana around him. Just like what he had expected, Earth Mana was indeed really rich in the environment of Blacksmoke canyon.

With a smile forming on his face, Leo continued to quietly absorb the Earth's Mana until finally the Earth's Elemental was formed in his consciousness.

Unexpectedly, though, Leo had found out that forming the Earth Elemental wasn't as easy as when he was forming the Wind Elemental. He needed to focus all of his effort and attention on forming every edge and inch of its whole body.

Leo quickly found it reasonable, though. After the Red Cube embedded itself into his body, he found himself slowly being cultivated. Although it was only a bit by bit, not really something to be proud of. But still, this bit by bit had fortunately allowed him to form an Earth Elemental today. Without that bit by bit of cultivation, he would surely not have been able to form the Earth Elemental and would still be stuck at the somewhat useless Wind Elemental.

"Finally, something good!" Leo can't help but to finally feel relaxed. With an Earth Elemental in his arsenal, he could finally feel safe during the entire mission.

Before, Leo wasn't stupid enough to really believe that he could really be safe in the mission that he had chosen. Naturally, he had also felt the same way that Cassandra had felt before that the mission that they had accepted was something out of their league.

Actually, it was! Sword and Magic's merchant caravan was different from the other that he had just escorted before. The former was a rich business, while the latter that he had escorted before was just an average merchant caravan.

However, Leo still wanted to discover whether his idea was valid or not. So, he purposely chooses this mission of escorting the Sword and Magic merchant caravan to Blacksmoke city.

Moreover, Leo had also heard from the others with them talking about why were their two 1st year students with them in this mission. He could understand them though, since if ever something bad happened they would surely be unable to babysit him and Cassandra because they would be busy trying to defend the merchant caravan at the same time in their own life. They will not have any time to spare anymore effort and time to try to protect the duo.

However, this time was different now. With the Earth Elemental in Leo's arsenal, he is now confident that he can handle this mission with ease.

"What is good?" Cassandra had noticed Leo saying he had found something good, so she immediately felt curious about it.

"You! Having you is good!" Leo said hurriedly, trying to redirect the topic.

Cassandra immediately turned burning red after hearing Leo saying that having her was good. She hurriedly lowers her head, trying to hide her red-colored face.

"Stupid!" Cassandra silently whispered.

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