Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 333 - Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance And Snow Noble Household Versus Silver Royal Family Part 3

Chapter 333 - Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance And Snow Noble Household Versus Silver Royal Family Part 3

Chapter 333 Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance and Snow Noble Household versus Silver royal family part 3

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Seeing this, Ethan turned to look at his older brother Edward as he suggested, "You can go and lead them if you want,"

Crown Prince Edward nodded before flying down from the west wall. He has nothing to do anyways if he keeps on staying here, so might as well just go down and do something else that he knows he was good at.

Ethan smiled before turning to look at his 500 men, including Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, Jeffrey, Matt, and Venice, and said, "Everyone, begin attacking the north wall!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded as they quickly moved the war weapons on top of the west wall to point to the north wall.






The war weapons immediately began shooting towards the north wall.






The north wall, despite only having a few soldiers stationed due to the majority being stationed at the south wall, didn't just idle around as they have long already positioned their war weapons and returned fire soon after.

Chief Lago nodded to Ethan before motioning for Sebastian, Dan, Jeffrey, Matt, Venice, and a few others to follow after him as they would charge straight towards the north wall, intending to have melee combat again.

"Men, follow me and charge!" As what Chief Lago ordered before jumping from the corner of the west wall straight towards the north wall.

Sebastian, Dan, Jeffrey, Matt, and Venice were the first ones to follow after Chief Lago and a few other soldiers who were also capable of such feat then followed behind quickly while the rest first went to the tower connecting the west wall and north wall as they couldn't jump the same as the others.

A few men went up to kill those up on the tower, while the rest quickly made a turn to begin fighting the Silver royal family's soldiers on the top of the north wall.

Back on the south wall, Leo didn't just watch the ongoing battle at the north wall as he himself also lead a group of soldiers to go to the east wall.

Because there were only hundreds or so of war weapons remaining on the top of the south wall, for that reason only a few people were needed to operate them while the rest followed behind Leo.


Leo quickly began summoning his Elementals to assist him in his fight.

The first ones to be summoned were 3 Earth Elementals to act as his defense, then 2 Wind Elementals to act as his eyes around his surrounding, which was soon followed after with 1 Nature Elemental to act as his support, lastly were 2 Water Elementals and 1 Fire Elemental, both were for assault.

He specifically chooses to prioritize the Water Elemental instead for this fight rather than the Fire Elemental because they can simply push every Silver royal family's soldiers off the walls easily. It should also be possible for the Fire Elemental, but so far the attack it's been using was only a single target attack, specifically the fireball, as for the Water Elemental it shoots off something like a water jet out from its hand continuously, which causes more damage in their current location right now.



The two Water Elementals quickly put their hands up in front of them before it shoots off continuous gushing water out from its hands straight towards the Silver royal family's soldiers in front of them. Everyone that was hit was easily pushed backward, and some unlucky ones were even pushed off the walls.

Whooosh! Whooosh!

Bang! Bang!

Whooosh! Whooosh!

Bang! Bang!

Seemingly like the Fire Elemental doesn't want to lose to the two Water Elementals, the frequency of it throwing fireballs became twice faster than the usual, causing a lot of Silver royal family's soldiers to receive its burning hot attack. The fireball also caused a bit of knockback from time to time, hence sometimes it was able to knock soldiers off the wall, but still, nothing compared to the Water Elementals

The two Water Elementals who noticed the Fire Elemental's competitive action right after releases an even more powerful jet of water out from their hands, and this time they weren't only attacking the Silver royal family's soldiers, but as well as the war weapons threatening to shoot towards Leo.



One or two war weapons were thrown off the wall every now and then, causing the war weapons on top of the east wall to slowly decrease.

The Fire Elemental who saw the damage caused by the 2 Water Elementals finally decided to give up competing. It then shoots Leo some kind of disappointed look, seemingly saying to him, "Quickly learn more Fire Element related Magic spells!"

Although Leo still hasn't yet learned any Water Element related Assault Magic spells, the attack being used by the Water Elemental right now was actually something inborn to them, meaning it is part of them from the very start and it's their natural way of attacking, so it wasn't strange why they were able to use such kind of attack.






Moments later, a few war weapons were finally able to shoot towards Leo's direction. But, with the 3 Earth Elementals plus the added 1 Nature Elemental, the earth wall defending in front of him became twice or thrice as harder than the usual. And because of that, the metal balls were only able to cause a small dent in the earth wall.

Leo who finally noticed the war weapons' continuous attack towards him immediately dashed in front, not intending to rely forever on the shield brought by the Earth Elementals and Nature Elemental. The shield was really effective, but what could he get by just standing still and watching?

Every fight he has experienced ever since the beginning of this war has always been his way of training and adapting himself to his new life as a Mage. Therefore, he obviously wouldn't waste this golden opportunity presented in front of him.



Two daggers were thrown towards the head of two soldiers preparing the war weapons.



One soldier was killed while the other one was fast enough to draw his sword to deflect the dagger away. But unfortunately though, the 3 Earth Elementals and Nature Elemental closely sticking behind Leo shoot out earth spikes and thorns, piercing that soldier soon after.

"Block!" Leo exclaimed the moment he saw a few war weapons attack coming straight towards him.


An earth wall was quickly formed, followed after by vines to further strengthen the defense.


At the end of the attack, Leo then quickly jumped to the side to continue running forward. In his peripheral vision, he immediately noticed that the metal balls were actually unable to even pass the roots. And seemingly like something clicks on his mind, he stopped running before turning to look at his Earth Elementals and Nature Elemental.

"Earth Elementals, begin throwing the metal balls towards the enemy. Nature Elemental, make a Y shape root and add some vines behind, we will make some slingshots!"

The Earth Elementals nodded before quickly picking up the metal balls prepared for the war weapons from the side, as they soon after began throwing them.







Explosions soon after sounded in the middle of the Silver royal family's soldier's formation, causing a lot of casualties and a few war weapons being destroyed.


A few tall Y-shaped roots were suddenly formed with vines connected to their backs, making something like a slingshot.josei

Leo's men who quickly understood the purpose of those tall Y-shaped roots immediately carried metal balls to the vines before they began pulling the vines, and when the vines were already pulled to the maximum limit, they finally let go.







"Perfect!" Leo can't help exclaiming in delight as he saw that his plan was working.

To be honest, he could have actually just told his men to use the war weapons nearby them instead of the Y-shaped roots, but doing so would require some time to reposition and also needs manpower due to how heavy moving the war weapons were. If he compares it to the slingshots that the Nature Elemental easily made, not only was it already positioned to point at the Silver royal family's soldiers, but he can keep on creating more while at the same time they are advancing forward.







Leo along with the Earth Elementals, Nature Elemental, and his men keep on advancing and advancing forward.

Back to the side of Ethan. The moment they finally reached 1/4 of the north wall, they immediately issued a retreat order.

Leo's plan from the very beginning was never been to conquer the wall of Silver city, but rather it was to decrease the numbers of war weapons so that when the battle finally enters the Silver city, there would then only be a few war weapons remaining to attack the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance and Snow Noble Household. After all, the Black organization's secret trap was still underneath the west and north side, hence staying there any longer would just cause them to be in the range of the Lesser Chaos Magic Array's attack.

"Begin retreating to the south!" Ethan yelled out a new command.

"Retreat to the south!"

"Retreat to the south!"

"Retreat to the south!"


Orders were quickly being passed to the other, hence the retreat became more fast and efficient.

The Silver royal family's soldiers on top of the north wall who have seen their opponent's retreating can���t help celebrating, thinking that they have won. It was really out of their expectations that a Lesser Chaos Magic Array was planted nearby them.

Ethan quickly leads all 500 of his men to the south, specifically back to where Ash and the others were located at right now. Along the way, they eventually started meeting those soldiers who have surrendered to them, guiding some civilians to the south as well.

A Captain who saw Ethan can't help asking, "Fourth Prince Ethan, why did you stop attacking the north wall? You were already winning."

"Change of order from the Commander," Ethan replied without divulging any classified information.

"Oh..." The Captain nodded his head before ordering all of his soldiers to do their job quickly.

Noticing that there were already a lot of civilians being escorted to the south, Ethan then said, "You don't need to bring any more civilians to the relocation area. This would be the last batch."

"If it's okay to ask, Fourth Prince Ethan, but why is that?" The Captain can't help asking.

"You will find out the moment you arrive," Ethan said before observing his eyes around, seemingly looking for someone. But because he can't find the person he was looking for, he turned to the Captain and asked, "Where's my older brother Edward?"

"Up ahead!" The Captain replied while pointing at their front.

Ethan nodded his head to the Captain before guiding all 500 of his men to look for his older brother Edward.

Author's note:


• Good news to my dearest readers. I will be releasing 2 chapters again next week Friday. Thank you for understanding and the support.

• I will be releasing a redeem code that will give 100 coins to 10 lucky accounts only at the end of a planned Mass Release during the month of January, specifically a 23 chapter Mass Release that will be released slowly since the current stock chapters can't handle a one day release, beginning next week Friday. This is the reward for the votes and to also make up for my 1 chapter release, so be sure to check out the chapters early at that time so that you can become one of the 10 lucky winners.

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