Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 338 - Black Organization’s Second Trap

Chapter 338 - Black Organization’s Second Trap

Chapter 338 Black organization's second trap

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

However, it wasn't completely the end yet, King Erskine hasn't yet been defeated, and that was the last and at the same time most important thing to do to finally end this war.

"Let's go," Elder Rain motioned his hand to Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, and Madam Silva to follow him to the Silver royal family's castle. The Lesser Chaos Magic Array has already exploded, so there was nothing to worry about anymore.

"Okay!" Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, and Madam Silva all nodded their heads in unison before following behind Elder Rain.

While they were flying towards the Silver royal family's castle, the sight of the aftereffect caused by the Lesser Chaos Magic Array was finally laid upon their sight.

There was a 10-kilometer big hole in both the north and west which the water of sewer system continuously flows out, and with it as the center, 20 kilometers diameter has turned into a wasteland.

Nothing else could be seen over there aside from sands from the houses and other infrastructure that was destroyed into a fine dust by the still ongoing rampage of Chaos Mana up around the air.

No human remains could be seen, nor any kind of lifeforms. It was just an empty plot of land.

Aside from that, at this moment, a huge hole could be easily seen from both the west wall and north wall, obviously caused by the explosion of the Lesser Chaos Magic Array that was located only a few kilometers away from both walls.

With now a huge hole in both the north wall and west wall, Magical Beast slowly poured inside the Silver City.

"Should we send some soldiers to fend off those Magical Beast?" Queen Olivia can't help suggesting.

Elder Rain shook his head as he said, "You don't have to worry, look!" He pointed at the south.

Over there, tens of thousands of civilians were gathered while slowly being escorted out of the south wall's gate.

Of course, there were still a few civilians nearby in the explosion of the Lesser Chaos Magic Array, but what was important is the majority of them have already been saved.

"Let me guess, that is Leo's doing as well, right?" Queen Maria said, seemingly stating a fact rather than asking a question.

"Maybe... That guy is so hard to read!" Elder Rain expresses his difficulty in understanding Leo.

"Indeed, that kid... there are times when he's like a cold-blooded warrior, ruthless, cold, and heartless. There are also times when he's a cunning Commander, scheming, wise, and smart. And sometimes he's like an ordinary kid, soft-hearted, kind, and good-natured." Madam Silva nodded her head in agreement.

"That's because he's still Human no matter what," Queen Olivia sneered at their assumptions. She also noticed that Leo changes the nature of his character in the past when he was still under her strict training. But then she realized that it's only because he handles everything depending on the circumstances. If times require him to be a cold-blooded warrior, a cunning Commander, or an ordinary kid, then he will surely become one. It is completely depending on what is needed of him.

"Oh..." Queen Maria, Madam Silva, and Elder Rain nodded their heads as they easily understood what Queen Olivia meant to say.

Moments later, they finally landed before the Silver royal family's castle located in the middle of Silver city. This place was completely unaffected by the war that has just ended outside of Silver City.

Without wasting any more time, with Elder Rain leading the way, Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, and Madam Silva soon followed after.


At this moment, Leo was now gathered together with his men, busying themselves in guiding the civilians towards the south gate.

"Maintain order at Zone C, Zone E, and Zone F!"

"Be sure that there are six lines in total, 2 for males, 2 for females, and 2 for kids, strictly make them follow the formation or else they'll be kicked to the back of the line!"

"I want 5 groups to go up in front and begin making a new encampment for the relocation area!"

Commands after commands were being sent by Leo, hence the order of the place was maintained.

"Finally done!" Leo said as he wipes off the sweat on his forehead before he walked down the roof of a house.

The moment he arrived downstairs, Leo immediately saw Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Ash, Charlotte, Ethan, Princess Elaine, Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, Sele, and old man Torre gathered together at a long table while eating and having some random conversations. Crown Prince Edward was also present, currently having some conversation with Sele.

"Leo!" Cassandra was the first one that noticed Leo as she motioned with her hand to make Leo sit down beside her.josei

Leo smiled before walking forward to sit beside Cassandra. Confusingly though, even after he had sat down, Elizabeth and the others still didn't cause any trouble like saying, "Leo should sit beside me!" or something along those lines. Maybe they finally started to change for the better...

Unbeknownst to Leo, Cassandra and the others had actually already agreed upon themselves back at the Heart city that they would have different schedules to have Leo. First would be Cassandra, then Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Ash, and lastly it would be Charlotte. They have agreed upon this because they were already getting tired of always fighting with each other on who will have him when if they look outside of the box, it could easily be fixed by simply scheduling everything.

The moment Leo sat down on his chair and was preparing to eat, Cassandra immediately pulled his right hand and hugged it while her head was pressed against his shoulder.

Seeing this, Leo immediately observed Elizabeth and the other's reaction, and he still didn't see any sort of reaction from them.

"Did I miss something?" Leo can't help himself from asking.

Cassandra stopped on what she was doing as she replied, "Miss what?"

Leo rolled his eyes before replying, "Of course, from all of you. This... this is so weird. Shouldn't you guys supposedly be fighting already at this moment? All of you could see what she's currently doing, right? Cassandra is already doing her best to have me, which is..." He felt embarrassed saying it, but he shook his head a second later and made up his mind to say it, "Which is, in your own opinion, bad for your future position of being the first wife, second wife, and so on and so forth."

Hearing Leo's words, everyone around the table immediately started laughing loudly.

"That sounded so narcissistic of you, Darling~!" Elizabeth said before continuing to laugh.

"Indeed!" Angel nodded her head.

"It seems like you're getting addicted to us fighting over you, sir Leo!" Veronica added with a chuckle.

"Do you want us to do it?" Ash suggested, but with a smile on her face.

"As long as it's about fighting, then I'm ready!" Charlotte said as she began cracking her knuckles.

"What a flex!" Crown Prince Edward said while clapping his hand.

"Long live Leo!" Ethan cheered.

"Long live!" Princess Elaine added.

"Long Live!" Chief Lago chipped in.

"Long live!" Sebastian, Dan, Sele, and old man Torre added in unison.

Cassandra wipes the tears falling off from her eyes due to laughing so much before she explained, "The reason why we are not fighting anymore is simply because for today you're all mine!"

"Okay..." Leo was easily able to understand what Cassandra meant to say, but it's just that the way she said it sounded like he's a toy or something similar for them to pass around from one another to play with. Or was it actually not that way...?

Cassandra can't help pouting her lips when she noticed that Leo's looks seem to imply that he didn't appreciate her sweet lines. She worked up so much courage to say that, but in the end, it only ended up for nothing.


Suddenly, the door was flung open by Jeffrey with both Matt and Venice behind him. All three of them tried catching their breath first before saying with a grave look on their faces, "Look!"

On Jeffrey's hand was something everyone here was already aware of, Chaos stones!

Seeing that, Leo immediately stood up from his chair, "Where did you get that?!"

"We found this Chaos stone being pushed by the current of the water from the sewer system." Jeffrey replied.

"We don't really know what exactly this meant, but seeing that it is a Chaos stone and that an explosion from the Lesser Chaos Magic Array has just happened not that long ago, we quickly assumed that it's another trap set up by the Black organization and quickly went to report to you!" Matt added.

"No, this is a hundred percent sure another trap!" Venice quickly corrected.

"We have also found a few more Chaos stones floating around, but we didn't bother bringing all of those because we were in a rush to report to you." Jeffrey explained.

After hearing Jeffrey and the other's words, Leo immediately said, "Lead the way!"

"Okay!" Jeffrey, Matt, and Venice nodded as they then quickly lead Leo and the others to the location.

Leo really can't confirm yet of whether this was another trap or not by the Black organization, but based only on the fact that it is a Chaos stone, then assuming that it is a trap is the safest way to think this through.

Seeing Leo leave with a solemn expression on his face, everyone inside the house soon quickly followed after.

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