Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 38 - Discovering All The Magical Beast Layer

Chapter 38 - Discovering All The Magical Beast Layer

Chapter 38 Discovering the Magical Beast Layer

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Leo wasn't able to notice the hole before when he was killing all the Sewer Rat, since it was chaotic and a lot of bodies were blocking the hole. But now that he had finished cleaning up the place, the hole has now clearly appeared in his sight.

Leo quietly became excited looking at the hole, he was already expecting that this hole would lead him to another Magical Beast nest. If that would be the case, then he would be earning a lot of points today.

Putting the net bag aside, Leo slowly and carefully moved inside the hole while the Earth Elemental was standing still on his shoulder. The Earth Elemental was in a form of a small toy soldier at this moment, hence it could do such a thing.

The reason for this was because Leo had thought of a plan where he doesn't have to unsummoned his Earth Elemental anymore every time he doesn't need it. It was already a known fact that every time he unsummoned his Earth Elemental it wouldn't go back to his consciousness, and would instead just vanished forever. That was really a troublesome situation since he needed to look for a place with rich Earth Mana again in order for him to form another Earth Elemental in his consciousness. However, such a place wouldn't always be nearby or accessible to him. Hence, he needed to think of looking for a way to solve such a problem.

And the way that Leo had found was just simply to reduce the Earth Elemental's size into as little as a toy soldier. In that way, he could easily carry the Earth Elemental around, whether in his pocket, bag, or even just allow it to stand on his shoulder, while not bothering about summoning or unsummoning.

Anyway, the Earth Elemental doesn't have any time limit for its summon. So such a plan was possible.

At this moment, Leo was having a slight bit of a hard time moving inside the hole. It was so tight and small. Sometimes he even needed to crawl just to continue moving forward.

Finally, after a few minutes of walking and crawling inside the hole, Leo had finally arrived at a giant open area.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a giant cave leading deeper underground.

Looking around, Leo could vaguely see stalagmites and stalactites around in front of him. To be honest, he could actually only see a little in front of him due to the lack of any source of light. Actually, there were sources of light, but they were just from the Light stones, a common kind of magic ore that can provide light.

The Light stones were also small in size, hence it was insufficient to brightly lit up the giant cave.

"What if..." Leo suddenly thought of an idea. Although the Light stones were embedded into the rock, it wasn't a problem for him with his Earth Elemental around.

Making the Earth Elemental big again, Leo quickly ordered it to carefully remove the Light stones embedded into some of the nearby rocks. After removing the Light stones, he then attached the ores in the Earth Elemental's body.

Just like what Leo had expected, the Light stones were easily merged into the Earth Elementals' chest, which has then turned the Earth Elemental into something like a lamp.

Leo was really amused by how convenient was the Earth Elemental to mining. Not only could it mine minerals easily, but it could also become a lamp after merging some Light stones into its body.

After finishing with his Earth Elemental lamp, Leo then cautiously began moving deeper into the cave.

Along the way, Leo had spotted a few tiny bits of Mana stones. So tiny that no one would even likely think of mining them. He was different though since he was poor and every amount of resources was useful for him.

Hence, Leo ordered the Earth Elemental to mine all the tiny bits of Mana stones. Good thing he had bought a backpack with him, which contained his cleaning tools. Before, he had really thought that he was literally going to clean the sewer since the mission had the cleaning word in it. But, since the 'cleaning' was actually 'killing' the Magical Beast in the west sewer, then the cleaning tools don't have any use anymore for him, and so he quickly began removing everything. After removing the cleaning tools inside his bag, he then easily has himself a bag to pack the Mana stone.josei

Along the way, Leo has also killed some Magical beasts, snakes, rats, scorpions, bats, and other underground/cave-dwelling creatures that he doesn't know the name of. Though they were just too weak to even be called as Magical Beast. In fact, they were even weaker than those Sewer Rats he had first meet.

Leo finally realized something, too. "This giant cave is actually the dwelling place of all the Magical Beast hiding in the west sewer." With the amount of Magical Beast dwelling around the cave, it's an obvious fact that the cave was the Magical Beast layer."

Naturally, Leo didn't forget to cut all the heads every time he had killed a Magical Beast since it was the most important thing to do to earn his points, and putting it inside a net bag soon after before leaving it somewhere safe.

Leo was planning to leave the net bags somewhere safe for the meantime, since it would hinder him if he really carries all of them with him while moving deeper underground.

The cave was unexpectedly bigger than Leo had thought. Even after traveling a few meters deep, he wasn't still able to see any signs of its end.

Leo continued moving deeper, but he quickly noticed something unusual. The deeper he goes, the less Magical Beast had actually appeared in his path. He didn't mind it at first, since maybe the Magical Beast was just hiding around waiting for an opportunity to ambush him. But he soon found out that, as he keeps on walking deeper, the more unusual the Magical Beast behavior became.

While walking, Leo can't help but thought, "The cave is indeed surprisingly a large cave, but why were there only a few Magical Beast around, the deeper I went?" It was simply impossible that there won't be more Magical Beast along the way. What is more important too, would the Magical Beast really just stay near the entrance and not go any deeper underground?

Even Leo was tempted to go deeper since he could harvest more Mana stones the deeper underground he goes. However, the Magical Beast around doesn't actually dare to go deeper. They are all Magical beast, and one thing important for all the Magical Beast was their instincts that constantly tell them to become strong.

"With more Mana stone around, even though they were just mere bits, it was still a chance for them to become a Tier 1 Magical Beast. So, why was there only a few Magical Beast around, the deeper I go...?"


Leo suddenly remembered the same situation that had happened before when he was hunting in the forest nearby Heart city.

"If the place is silent, then something strong is around the area!"

Quickly, Leo became vigilant after thinking of such a thought. He started moving slowly. And he also doesn't dare to kill more Magical Beast. The Magical Beast wasn't strong anyway, so he could just scare them with his Earth Elemental.

"If what I had guessed is indeed right, then those Magical Beast didn't dare to go deeper in the cave because something more powerful is keeping them away."

Leo can't help but inwardly laugh to himself, "I can't believe that I had really thought before that those Magical Beast nearby the entrance were really stupid since they didn't dare go deeper underground, but it turns out that it was actually me who was stupid..."

Unexpectedly, Leo had entered a lion's den.

Leo wanted to return as soon as possible, but something was telling him to go deeper underground.

Surprisingly though, Leo had found out soon that it was actually the Earth Elemental telling him telepathically to go deeper. Although it wasn't talking in words, it was still something he could understand.

The Earth Elemental was seemingly making Leo feel that he should go deeper underground, and as if some kind of treasure was waiting over that place.

Since it was from Earth Elemental, a product of the Red Cube that was said to protect Leo from any harm, then surely it wouldn't bring him to any harm, right?

Hence, Leo chooses to believe the Earth Elemental once as he then keeps on walking deeper underground.

Along the way, Leo can't help but feel surprised as he realized another ability of his Elementals. At first, he had thought that they could only be used in fighting. But now, it seems like that the Elementals could also be used at mining, too.

Leo thought inwardly, "Maybe every different Elemental have this unique hidden ability like the Earth Elemental!"

Thinking about that, Leo can't help but feel really excited at his discovery. Too bad though that he was currently busy trying to keep away from trouble and to find the treasure hidden deeper into the cave that the Earth Elemental was telling him to.

However, Leo swore to himself that he will try this idea after getting out of this giant cave.

After hours of a long walk, Leo finally arrived in an open space. But he didn't dare go any deeper inside as he quickly saw that there was actually a Magical Beast Lizard sleeping in the center.

Leo immediately realized that it was surely this Lizard that was keeping all those Magical Beast at the entrance away from this place.

Looking at the Lizard, Leo finally discovered something really shocking.

Along the way, Leo can't help becoming curious as to why the Lizard, which was keeping all those other Magical Beast outside, didn't actually dare to attack him despite entering inside its territory. But now, he could finally see the reason why.

"The Magical Beast was seriously injured!"

Blood was flowing from the Lizard's stomach. A small pond made out entirely of blood was already formed at its side, and even a part of its intestine was showing out from its body. A lot of wounds could also be seen around its body, and blood continues to ooze out from the wounds, too.

"This Lizard would die sooner or later!"

Since the Lizard was already going to die, Leo took out his bow as he decided to just end its suffering as soon as possible. With a sling from his bow, two arrows were released, flying straight towards the Lizard's eyes.

With how strong the Lizard looked like, Leo was sure that his arrow won't be able to do that much of damage if he targeted its body. Moreover, he wanted to kill it as soon as possible to avoid any possible trouble, too. So, he specifically chooses to shoot at its eyes, since it would surely kill it that way. Though it was currently closed, he was sure that its eyelid won't be able to block his arrow.

*Whoosh! *Whoosh!

*Pluck! *Pluck!

*Phzziii *Phzziii

Just like what Leo had expected, his arrows were easily able to go through the Lizard's eyelids.

Soon after, the Lizard let out a silent sound before it finally stopped moving.

Of course, Leo still didn't feel assured and safe just because the Lizard had stopped moving. He cautiously ordered his Earth Elemental to move closer to the Lizard to check whether it was really dead or not.

After the Earth Elemental touches the Lizard's body multiple times and still didn't get any response, Leo quickly ordered the Earth Elemental to stab the Lizard's neck to surely kill it.. And after multiple stabs from the Earth Elemental, he finally breathed in relief, knowing that the Lizard had surely died already due to those lethal stabs.

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