Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 380 - Fighting Against The Golden Thunderstorm Python Part 2

Chapter 380 - Fighting Against The Golden Thunderstorm Python Part 2

Chapter 380 Fighting against the Golden Thunderstorm Python part 2

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Meanwhile, Leo who was hiding inside an enclosed space wasn't spared from the Golden Thunderstorm Python's rampaging attack.

At this moment, the rock wall covering him a while ago has long already been destroyed. The ceiling of the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest was slowly crumbling down.

All of his Earth Elementals were also now trying their very best to defend against the continuous stream of random direction attacks of the Golden Thunderstorm Python.

Fortunately, Leo was smart enough to order one of his Earth Elementals to dig a hole in the wall of the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest, immediately giving himself a much more durable and tougher shield.

The shield that the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest gave him was much tougher compared to the wall that the Earth Elementals made, that's why he thought of using it as a shield.

But of course, that wasn't enough to completely defend against the Golden Thunderstorm Python's attack.

Every place that received the Golden Thunderstorm Python's attack would immediately turn into pieces, or sometimes into nothing.

The Golden Thunderstorm Python wasn't called an 8 Star Magical Beast for nothing.

Because of that, the Earth Elementals keep on reinforcing Leo's shield.

From time to time, an Earth Elemental would get blown into pieces, but Leo would quickly summon another one to quickly help in his defense.

At the same time, Leo tasked 2 Earth Elementals to carry 2 Chaos Orbs and dig their way under the Golden Thunderstorm Python's location.

It was very obvious to see that he had actually overestimated his assumption before. He doesn't really know why it was like that, considering that Chaos Orbs were much more powerful than large Chaos stones, but he will definitely try finding the reason for that once he has some free time. So, in order to quickly fix that problem, he began sending Chaos Orbs to cause more damage.

The Golden Thunderstorm Python was fully focused on fighting against the rampaging Chaos Mana, so it remained oblivious about Leo's existence and the Earth Elementals defending against its attack a bit far at the side of it.

Soon, the 2 Earth Elementals finally arrived below the Golden Thunderstorm Python with 2 Chaos Orbs on their hands.

"Explode!" Leo sent an order in his consciousness.



Out of the Golden Thunderstorm Python's expectations, a sudden explosion of Chaos Orbs from the ground erupted, threatening to eat its body from the ground.

Because of that explosion, the ground below the Golden Thunderstorm Python immediately collapsed, causing it to fall a bit far deeper below. As a result of that, its random direction attacks began hitting the walls of the hole, with only a few shooting randomly on the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest. Aside from the ceiling, the amount of attack that Leo's side was receiving has significantly decreased.

This was actually one of the reasons why Leo had sent out the 2 Earth Elementals towards the Golden Thunderstorm Python because he wants to create a hole that will put it inside and hence minimize the destruction it causes on the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest.

The Golden Thunderstorm Python's body right now was almost fully deep inside the hole, so the thunder arcs around its body and the ray of thunder shooting out from its mouth from time to time would only blast the walls of the hole, instead of the entire wall around the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest.

After seeing the success of his plan, Leo then immediately sent out even more Chaos Orbs to be thrown below the Golden Thunderstorm Python, wanting to again cause more damage to it.




With more Chaos Orbs exploding, the Golden Thunderstorm Python sinks deeper and deeper to the ground. And as time goes by, more and more injuries started appearing around its entire body. From mildly injured, it slowly turned into seriously injured.

The Golden Thunderstorm Python was really powerless and helpless against Leo's continuous stream of attack. Even though it has long wanted to escape away from this place in order to survive, it was incapable of even casting a Levitation spell on its body since the Chaos Mana would quickly devour the Mana it was trying to gather. And even if it had finished casting the Levitation spell and was preparing to fly away, Leo would purposely send Chaos Orbs down below, with its explosion causing it to propel downwards.

It was only after Leo has used 35 Chaos Orbs that the Golden Thunderstorm Python finally showed signs of dying.

The Golden Thunderstorm Python's body was already very weak to the point that it only laid its head on the ground and never use the ray of thunder from its mouth again. The only thing defending against the rampaging Chaos Mana was the weakening arcs of thunder surrounding its entire body.


With a sound of an explosion, the Magic Barrier protecting the Golden Thunderstorm Python's body was finally destroyed, right after causing the Chaos Mana to start devouring its entire body.

The Golden Thunderstorm Python could only let out painful cries while its body was slowly turned into dust by the Chaos Mana. And eventually, it finally gave up resisting and just closed its eyes, waiting for its death.

It was a really pitiful sight to look at, but Leo was not bothered about it.

Celestial World has always followed the rules of the jungle, specifically survival of the fittest. If one wasn't strong enough to survive, then it could only accept its death.

In fact, if the one in the losing shoes right now was instead Leo, then the Golden Thunderstorm Python would also not be bothered about it.

The only difference right now was who won and who loses. Whoever was in the position of either side doesn't matter, as they would certainly react the same way as the other if they were in such a position.

Soon, the Golden Thunderstorm Python finally died as its body was cut in half by the Chaos Mana.

Before the Chaos Mana could begin devouring the other remaining parts of the Golden Thunderstorm Python, Leo immediately stopped them.

The Chaos Mana rampaging right now were Leo's, Chaos Mana. It was unlike the Chaos Mana that was rampaging before in the Silver City and White River City. Those types of Chaos Mana were the wild ones, or using the term of Magical Beast Tamer, those Chaos Mana were not tamed. Whiles on the other hand, the rampaging Chaos Mana right now was tamed by Leo, so he has all control of it.

With the help of the Earth Elementals, Leo was able to slowly go down the deep hole where the dead body of the Golden Thunderstorm Python laid to rest.

"Bring me the Mana core of the Golden Thunderstorm Python and check if there are still remaining Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs on its back."

From the very beginning of the fight between Leo and the Golden Thunderstorm Python until moments ago, the Magic Barrier wasn't destroyed, so there might still be some chances for those Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs to still survive.

In no time, the Mana core of the Golden Thunderstorm Python was brought to him by one of the Earth Elementals.

The Mana core, or otherwise more commonly called as Mana stone, was as big as the large Mana stones he has gotten from the Black organization in the past back at the sewer systems. Its color, however, was lighter, specifically only blue, one lever lower to dark blue.

"If only this was a 9 Star Golden Thunderstorm Python, then the Mana stone inside its body would have been dark-blue in color." Leo can't help thinking in his mind.

Of course, he wasn't wishing for it to become a reality. If he was instead fighting against a 9 Star Golden Thunderstorm Python right now, then the situation would have certainly been different. After all, 8 Star and 9 Star, although only separated by one level, for the Magical Beast were like the difference between a hill and a mountain.

Although they're both a huge body of land, climbing the mountain would be more difficult compared to climbing a hill. That also explains why destroying a hill would be a lot easier compared to destroying a mountain.

What's even more important is, a mountain is more bigger than a hill, so applying that into a Magical Beast; a 9 Star Golden Thunderstorm Python would have an even more enormous size compared to this 8 Star Golden Thunderstorm, meaning it would be very difficult to bury it inside a hole, and not to mention it would be really hard to make it go into his trap. In fact, a 9 Star Golden Thunderstorm Python would definitely not bother going inside the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's nest, but rather just destroy its roof altogether, and from there it would begin picking up the Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs.

While entertaining such thoughts in his mind, an Earth Elemental finally arrived in front of Leo while bringing on its hand 5 Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs.

"So these were the only ones that we're able to survive," Leo can't help shaking his head in regret. If only the Golden Thunderstorm Python didn't come at this moment, then those tens or so of Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs that were destroyed in their fight would have been included in his profit. They would have been able to live and see the bright light of the day and the dark shadow of the night.josei

Quickly, Leo put the 5 pieces of Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs inside his Storage Ring before slowly gathering together the remaining Chaos Mana to return them back to being Chaos Orbs.

This was the exact reason why he was never afraid nor hesitated when using the Chaos Orbs because he knows that they can be recycled as long as there's still Chaos Mana remaining.

Soon, Chaos Orbs began piling in front of Leo.

"1... 5... 15... 20... So, I've exhausted 15 pieces of Chaos Orbs in this battle," Leo thought to himself before storing the 20 pieces of Chaos Orbs inside the Storage Ring.

Although every time he uses Chaos Orbs, it would still be possible to recycle it again, but that would only be the case if there's still remaining Chaos Mana to form Chaos Orbs. If there's none, then those Chaos Orbs would be considered gone.

"Not that big of a deal," Leo smiled as he turned to look at the dead body of the Golden Thunderstorm Python.

He had indeed lost 15 pieces of Chaos Orbs in this fight, but in turn, he had profited greatly. Not only did he earned 5 more pieces of Golden Thunderstorm Python's eggs, the remaining eggs up above this hole, and the single large Mana stones, but he had also got to have the dead body of the Golden Thunderstorm Python, specifically a body of an 8 Star Magical Beast.

The benefits he had earned had totally outweighed the loss by an extremely large margin!

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