Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 40 - Claming The Points

Chapter 40 - Claming The Points

Chapter 40 Claiming the points

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

At this moment, the whole West Sewer Management was shocked beyond belief because of Leo. Over one hundred heads of Magical Beast was actually killed in the span of a day. No! Specifically, less than half a day. Moreover, he had also killed a 1 Star Magical Beast, something they really can't believe that a 1st-year student could be capable of killing.

Brian was the most shocked at this moment compared to the others, as he really didn't believe from the very beginning that Leo could even kill a single Magical Beast. To be honest, he had even treated it as a joke when the latter had said to him if he can give him more net bags.

However, Brian had quickly become calm again since he had already more or less expected this after he received the reply from the Sword and Magic. Actually, he had reported to Sword and Magic a while ago about who Leo was since they had boldly sent a 1st-year student to him for such a kind of mission.

Obviously, the Sword and Magic have also quickly made a reply, it was even Madam Silva who personally had made the reply. She was afraid that Brian would report Leo's identity to the Silver city the moment he became shocked by the latter's capability. In short, she had already prepared for Brian's reaction, hence she purposely made the reply herself.

After all, Madam Silva doesn't want any others, aside from her and some of Leo's, to know about his secret because she wanted to recruit him after graduating from Silver Mage Academy to Sword and Magic.

So, Madam Silva quickly tried to cover it up by simply saying that Leo wasn't just a student of the Silver Mage Academy, but also a potential trainee to the Sword HQ of Sword and Magic.

Brian immediately changed the way he talked to Leo afterwards. He has become respectful towards the latter.

Unexpectedly, the Sword and Magic's covered up to Leo has also unexpectedly brought a really huge help to him at this moment. The West Sewer Management didn't ask any further questions about the other Magical Beast bodies and had instead simply just checked all the Magical Beast heads and then gave him the corresponding points before finally letting him leave.

Leo had earned a total of 1,150 points as he had killed a total of one hundred and fifteen Magical Beast. Moreover, he was also given 100 bonus points due to killing a 1 Star Magical Beast, the Sewer Lizard.

After receiving the Official Seal of Completion from Brian, Leo decided to go to the Silver Mage Academy to report. He still hasn't yet received his points from the last mission, so he plans to claim both at this moment. He also has nothing to do, so he thought that he might as well walk around the Silver Mage Academy to kill some time since it was still pretty early.

Indeed, it was still early, maybe around in between six and seven in the evening.

Obviously, before Leo reported back to the Silver Mage Academy, he decided to leave his treasures at Sword and Magic first. The net bags were really heavy, so carrying them around would be stupid. Moreover, what's inside the net bags was the 12 large Mana stones, carrying them around was more stupid.

Arriving in the street outside of the West Sewer, Leo then quickly called out a public carriage and told the driver to take to Sword and Magic.

After a while, the public carriage finally arrived. After paying the driver, Leo then went inside the Sword and Magic while carrying the net bags full of Magical Beast bodies and the 12 pieces of large Mana stones hidden inside. Fortunately, he meets Angel just after a few steps, a few hard to take steps.

Angel quickly called out some people to help Leo after realizing that he had bought some treasures with him.

After handing the net bag to the staff, Leo then went to Madam Silva's office along with them to report to her what he had found, revealing to her the 12 large Mana stones.

Madam Silva became astonished and excited at the same time while looking at Leo's harvest from his mission. Moreover, she also became shocked as soon as he told her that he was going to sell to her half of the 12 large Mana stones along with all the other Magical Beast bodies that he had hunted in the west sewer.

To be honest, at this moment, Madam Silva found it hard to accept since she would actually profit a lot from Leo despite doing nothing.

However, Leo insisted about it and had also told Madam Silva that he wouldn't accept any gold coins as he instead suggested to just exchange it with the Glacier Bow that he had really wanted the moment he had laid his eyes on it, hundreds of arrows compatible for the bow, and also to make him an armor made out of the Sewer Lizard's skin.

Naturally, Madam Silva agreed without any hesitation. She was basically giving Leo only half of the amount earned from the 6 large Mana stones and all the Magical Beast bodies. Specifically, only 500,000 gold coins for the Glacier Bow, around 150,000 gold coins for a hundred arrows compatible for the Glacier Bow, and a little more than 100,000 gold coins for the Sewer Lizard's skin armor.

Leo became really excited as he keeps on touching the Glacier Bow that the moment he had received it. For him, the Glacier Bow was really something cool looking and powerful at the same time.

Unfortunately, though, Madam Silva could only give Leo two dozens of arrows for the moment since the Sword and Magic don't have any more stock of arrows compatible with the Glacier Bow.

Arrows compatible for the Glacier Bow, specifically the Crystal arrow, wasn't really that much of popular merchandise. In fact, only a few people would really choose to buy such kind of arrows.

It wasn't because the Crystal arrows weren't powerful, since to be honest, the arrows were actually really powerful. In fact, it was actually capable of easily penetrating Iron armors.

The only reason why the Crystal arrows weren't selling that much was simply because only a few bows were compatible with such kind of arrows, such as the Glacier Bow. And such kind of bows were expensive items.

In fact, only a few Noble Households would really choose to equip their soldiers with Crystal arrows and bows compatible with such arrows since it was so expensive to do so. It wasn't something that their finances could handle for the moment.

As to why Leo had ordered such arrows instead of just ordinary arrows, it was simply because he wanted to use them for important situations. An example of such a situation was if ever he would meet a 1 Star Magical Beast again.

"If that 1 Star Magical Beast wasn't seriously injured, then I would have faced a really troublesome situation at that time..."

That was Leo's reason. He realized that he needed powerful weapons in order for him to avoid such a troublesome situation again, since he really hated such a thing. Hence, he specifically chooses the Crystal arrows.

However, since at this moment, there were only two dozens of Crystal arrows, then Leo could only choose to accept the two dozens of arrows and wait until the remaining arrows arrived later on.

After leaving Sword and Magic, Leo quickly called out for a public carriage to finally take him to Silver Mage Academy. It didn't take that long before he finally arrived at the Silver Mage Academy's gate.

After paying the chauffeur 1 silver coin for the ride, Leo then disembarked from the public carriage.

Getting inside Silver Mage Academy, Leo quickly looked at the map on the side to locate the Job Bulletin office. He actually knew where it was, he was just making sure that he was right.

The Job Bulletin Office was the office where every student of the Silver Mage Academy who had completed their missions report their completion and receive their corresponding reward points.

Soon, Leo arrived at the Job Bulletin office of the Silver Mage Academy.

Leo was again shocked at the Job Bulletin office size when he arrived at its entrance. It was again a building like the Admission office, but much larger than it. He estimated that its size was the same as one football field.

"This building only has one floor, yet it was built this huge."

The Second Prince has again shown every student of the Silver Mage Academy the difference between them and him. Comparing themselves to him was like a child comparing a toy car to an adult's real car. It was much better to just stop it since it wasn't even on the same level.

Getting inside the Job Bulletin office building, Leo was again dumbfounded at the size of the Job Bulletin board in front of him. It had actually covered the entire wall in front of him; it was really gigantic and long.

However, Leo soon after shook his head as he realized that the Job Bulletin board in front of him was basically useless since no one would basically be able to really use it.

Obviously, not a single person in their right mind would really bother choosing missions by looking at it on the Job Bulletin board. Even a blind person would rather use the Book of Missions, despite still not being able to see its content. In short, it was a waste of time and effort to look for missions on such a gigantic and long Job Bulletin board.

Arriving in front of a vacant counter, Leo quickly handed his Official Seal of Completion to a woman staff inside.josei

After receiving the two Official Seal of Completion, the woman then took out a blue crystal. She pressed the top of the blue crystal, making the top sink to the bottom, as suddenly a blue screen made out entirely of Mana appeared in front of her.

The woman began typing something in the blue screen before pressing it back again, making it return back to its former shape, and putting it back in a hole as the hole then suddenly close.

Soon after, an ID card appeared out above from that hole, as the woman picked it up before she gave it to Leo afterwards.

Leo wasn't shocked while watching the process that the woman had done. In fact, he was actually amused about it.

"Magic Technology is really cool!"

Magic Technology, the one that replaced the Earth's technology after the Humans were transported in the Celestial World.

As the name suggests, the Magic Technology was simply just technologies invented by the Mages to make the Humans live in the Celestial World easier.

Naturally, with how to advance science was back on Earth, the Humans could obviously also recreate some of it in the Celestial World. Though not completely and not everything, too.

War weapons, Techs, Electricity, Vehicles, or anything related to the science back on Earth can't be reproduced in the Celestial World. It wasn't because the Humans still doesn't have the capability to reproduce them; it was simply because some part of science back on Earth can't be applied in such a world full of Magic.

Apparently, it was Mana itself that intervenes the further development of science. No one knows the reason why. So, the Humans don't have any choice anymore but to follow the rules of the jungle.

Survival of the finest!

If Humans don't adapt, then they will surely die and become extinct.

Hence, Humans invented Magic Technology.

The ID card that Leo has received from the woman has his own face, name, age, year, and class section, some kind of numbers unique to him, and lastly the number of points he has. Specifically 2,678 points.

Leo was really shocked at the amount of points he has. It was actually more than he had expected. Considering that his first mission was shared by six students, specifically 833 points since Ban wasn't counted anymore due to the latter's death and betrayal, plus his 1250 points from his second mission, having 2,678 total points was really confusing.

"This should be 2083 points!"

Leo quickly asked the woman about the reason for him having 2,678 points. The woman nodded her head in response before pressing again some buttons in front of her.

"Your first mission has rewarded you 1,428 points plus your new 1,250 points, so you have a total of 2678 points. The reward of 5,000 points from your first mission was divided into seven parts since seven people had taken part, and what was supposedly given to one of your members that have died was transferred to you through a majority voting which was done by all the students who had completed the mission along with you."

Leo was dumbfounded after hearing the reason. It was reasonable though why he had earned the points since he was the one that killed Ban, but it was still really shocking since the four people, excluding Cassandra, since she would surely agree without any hesitation, had actually agreed to concede 714 points to him.

The points were basically everything to a student, so the majority of the students would simply dare concede 714 points. Unexpectedly though, the four students didn't actually care about it.

Feeling grateful for their 714 points gift, Leo promised inside that he will surely help them once in return if ever they needed his help later on.

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