Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 407 - The Plan To Make A Tunnel To The Surface

Chapter 407 - The Plan To Make A Tunnel To The Surface

Chapter 407 The plan to make a tunnel to the surface

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo leads everyone to the location where Mayor Jong had created a small tunnel leading to the ceiling of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

It was located a bit farther away after exiting the place covered with webs.

Along their way, they only encountered a few Sandstone Spiders, even fewer than what they have encountered when they were on their way to the entrance of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

It was understandable though, considering that they were moving at the very corner and had already once cleared up this place of Sandstone Spiders. Furthermore, with the ongoing battle in front of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest, would the Sandstone Spiders even bother this very corner?

After half an hour, Leo and the others arrived at the very small entrance of the tunnel.

"The 13 of you would return to the 5th outpost and report to Mayor Jong what you have discovered here," Leo ordered Eato and the others that Mayor Jong had assigned.

"Would it really be alright?" Eato worriedly asked. He was worried that once he leaves them, it would become difficult for them to return back to the 5th outpost.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Charlotte smiled in appreciation at Eato being worried about them.

"Oh," Eato and the others immediately understood that they indeed would be safe considering that Charlotte, a 9 Star peak Magical Knight, was with them.

"Okay, we would be going first. Be safe, Prince Loki," Eato waved his hand before leading the others back to the 5th outpost.

As soon as Eato left, Leo immediately turned to look at Cassandra and the others as he said, "Let's go!"

The size of this entrance to the ceiling of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest was very small, only half a meter big. In order to get in, they needed to crawl down. This was obviously made on purpose so that no Sandstone Spiders would accidentally get inside since the space was very small for their very big body.

Leo was the first one to get inside, followed after by Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, and Ash, while the last one was Charlotte.

Fortunately, the space slowly started expanding after crawling for tens or so of meters, allowing everyone to stand up feeling relief and walk normally.

"That was very troublesome," Leo can't help commenting in his mind. He really thought that they would continue crawling until the end.

Leo and the others continued walking forward. The deeper and higher they travel, the bigger the space of the tunnel becomes.

After tens or so of minutes, the tunnel could finally fit in 5 people side by side, without any problem.

Other people might find this detail as normal or has no meaning at all, but for him, it was very easy to guess that this was purposely arranged in such a way in order to have a much bigger space to fight in case some Sandstone Spiders indeed got inside.

The small entrance was obviously not a sure guarantee assurance that no Sandstone Spiders could get inside this place.

This discovery allowed Leo to understand that Mayor Jong is definitely a person just like him, specifically very cautious to the point that he would consider every point possible. Well, after all, Mayor Jong was also a Ruler of territory just like him, so it's only natural for him to also develop similar traits as him, considering that managing a territory requires the Ruler to be extremely cautious since all of the decision they make affects the entire territory.

Soon, Leo finally arrived at a dead-end, implying that they have finally reached the ceiling of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest. The space here was already big enough to set-up a camp.

"All of you can go and start preparing the camp," Leo said as he walked forward and summoned 10 Earth Elementals and right after turning them into toy soldier form.

"5 of you dig up while the other 5 digs down," Leo quickly sent an order to the 10 Earth Elementals.

The 10 Earth Elementals nodded their heads before separating into two groups before they started digging.

At first, the plan was to make a very big and wide tunnel at the ceiling of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest, making it as thin as possible, and after that plant some Magic bombs so that once it explodes the entire ceiling will be destroyed causing the sand up above to fall down straight towards the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

But now the plan has changed into making a way to the surface in order to quickly and easily meet up with Ethan's group.

What he is currently doing right now is he is making the two groups of Earth Elementals dig away up and below in a straight line. The first group would dig up towards the surface while the second group would dig down towards the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

Obviously, once the first group breakthrough to the sand layer, the sands would immediately fall down straight towards their place. And with no other exit, the sand would continuously pile up, causing their place to be covered by sand, which would, in turn, cause him a lot of trouble as they can't go up to the surface anymore because the sand is blocking their way.

However, by making the 2nd group dig another hole towards the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest, the sand wouldn't be piled up in their place anymore but rather it would go straight down towards the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

But of course, that wouldn't be enough to solve all the problems. That's why he would make the first group continue going up to the surface so that while the sand is continuously falling down, at the same time, they would also slowly make a tunnel surrounded by a stone wall with a stair leading to the surface. In such a way, it would be possible to go up without having any trouble with the sand.

The moment they finished with that, the first group would then block the hole to prevent more sand from falling inside, and right after allowing Leo and the others to finally go up to the surface.

On the other hand, the second group would continuously make holes around the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest so that no sands would accidentally be piled up and overflow to their place. Aside from that, they would also be in-charged of fighting against the Sandstone Spiders in case they try to cover the holes they made since obviously the Sandstone Spiders wouldn't allow their nest to be covered with sand.

The 10 Earth Elementals followed Leo's plan in his mind, thus making their job smooth.

The first group keeps on digging up, and the moment they broke through to the sand layer, the nearby sands immediately fell down to the hole. But, with the second group's hole already prepared, the sand fell down to that hole straight towards the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest, slowly piling up inside.

At the very beginning, no Sandstone Spiders paid any attention to the falling sands, thinking that it was just normal considering that there is currently a fight going on nearby their nest.

But, as the sand continuously piled up, and more holes being created, it finally raises the attention and concern of the Sandstone Spiders, making them go up to try and cover the hole with their webs.

Unexpectedly, the moment some Sandstone Spiders started climbing up to the ceiling, they immediately started receiving an attack from the Earth Elementals, finally starting the fight between the two sides.

With the Earth Elementals having the high-ground advantage, the Sandstone Spiders were having a difficult time fighting back, not to mention the Earth Elementals could continuously travel around the mini-tunnel they have made up the ceiling of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

After tens or so of minutes passed, it finally made a Sandstone Mother Spider make a move.


The Sandstone Mother Spider shoots its webs, right after covering the holes that the Earth Elementals had made.

Unfortunately, half a second later, a hole was quickly made from the webs, obviously caused by the Earth's Elementals.


Sand continuously fell down to the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.




The Sandstone Mother Spider didn't hesitate to shoot more of its webs, blocking the holes again. This time, it made the blockage even thicker, so that whatever was making the holes wouldn't easily breakthrough.

But it was really out of the Sandstone Mother Spider's expectations that Leo had actually already prepared a plan to counter such a situation.





Out of the Sandstone Mother Spider's expectation, a few holes a bit farther away from the hole it had blocked appeared, right after making the sand fall over there.













More and more holes were created, located farther away from each other.





Soon, the webs that the Sandstone Mother Spider had made were also broken through by the Earth Elementals.

This time, even more sands began falling down from the ceiling of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest, causing the pile of sand on the ground to quickly rise up higher.

Seeing this, the Sandstone Mother Spider began rapidly shooting webs out from its mouth while at the same time calling for more reinforcement to help block the holes.

However, this time, every time a hole was made, another group of holes would appear a bit farther away before quickly being followed by another group of holes.

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