Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 419 - Reclaiming The Water Source Part 2

Chapter 419 - Reclaiming The Water Source Part 2

Chapter 419 Reclaiming the water source part 2

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo and the others rested for 5 hours before they finally decided to go down below and investigate the current situation of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

They can't obviously think of the new changes in the plan without having information, right? So the reason why they needed to investigate.

Surprisingly, the moment Leo opened up the entrance and gotten out first to check whether it was safe or not, Mayor Jong, Eato, and a few others were coincidentally making their way towards their direction as well.

"Prince Loki," Mayor Jong greeted before immediately explaining why he was here, "I thought that something bad has happened to you, so I quickly bought a few men to head out and save you. Fortunately, nothing bad has happened. Anyways, I've heard about the unexpected situation going on in the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest. Eato has reported to me that Cave Lizards are invading their nest. Therefore, you went here to think of some new plans to defeat them. Hearing those explosions yesterday and you getting out of here, I assumed that your plan had, unfortunately... failed...?"

It was evident from Mayor Jong's voice that he was a bit hesitant on mentioning the word 'Failed' to Prince Leo. After all, he is a prince, and most of the prince are prideful and doesn't want to hear from anyone that they have failed. But, considering their current situation right now, such a thing wasn't really that important. And he also feels that Prince Leo was unlike the majority of princes basing on the way he acts. So in the end, he decided to mention the word 'Failed' to Leo.

"Oh, actually, we have succeeded." Leo corrected Mayor Jong. He actually didn't mind Mayor Jong's words saying that he had failed. He wasn't such a ridiculous person making a big deal out of a molehill just because of his status as a prince of Lionheart Kingdom. And besides, he was even finding such a status as troublesome.

"If you don't mind, may I ask what exactly was your new plan?" Mayor Jong curiously asked after hearing that they have actually succeeded.

"Wait," Leo said before going back to the entrance to call out the others. Soon, he came out again, and slowly following behind were Ethan, Edward, Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre, then finally Cassandra and the other women.

As soon as Mayor Jong saw Ethan and the others, he immediately has a look of shock on his face due to seeing Ethan's group who were supposedly on the surface.


"The new plan was actually to simply make a pathway leading to the surface and stop Ethan's group from luring the Magical Beast tribe of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm here. And just like what I've said, we have succeeded, so we can put all of our focus to this place now." Leo said with a mischievous smile on his face.

No matter how mischievous Leo's smile was though, for Mayor Jong and the others who came along, it was akin to a benevolent angel smiling at them.

If Leo and the others knew about such a thing, they would certainly view it as the greatest joke they have ever heard in the entire Celestial World. After all, every time Leo smiled mischievously, it only meant he had done something he enjoyed, which in most cases, was about scheming, profiting, and other similar stuff.

"Oh, great, great, now we don't need to worry about anything else," Mayor Jong silently laughed to express how delightful he was. He then added, "So what's the next plan? I assume that since you're done with that part, it's time to proceed with the next, right?"

"You've guessed correctly. Unfortunately, there is no price," Leo replied to Mayor Jong jokingly. He continued, "We will go check on the current status of the fight between the Sandstone Spider tribe against the Cave Lizard tribe first. While on the other hand, you guys prepare. I recommend you to quickly cut the assigned people on the other outposts into half so that we will have enough manpower for the new plan."

"Okay! But would you guys really be alri..." Mayor Jong wanted to ask whether they would be alright without their help, but quickly realizing that Charlotte and Edward have cultivation of 9 Star level while Ethan is an official 1st Galaxy Mage, he instantly decided to stop speaking.

"Everyone, let's go!" Mayor Jong ordered his men before quickly retreat... leaving the place.

Leo and the others can't help themselves from chuckling at Mayor Jong's hilarious action.

After seeing Mayor Jong and his group leave, Leo and the others immediately proceeded to the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

Just like the last time, they first arrived at the place almost covered with the Sandstone Spider's webs after tens of minutes of journey.

"What the heck is this?" Ethan was dumbfounded seeing the pathway almost covered entirely with webs.

"I..." Elaine didn't speak any further as she quickly grabbed Ethan's arms. Not because of fear, but rather because she was uncomfortable seeing a lot of webs.

"You guys wouldn't really let anything stop you, aren't you?" Edward asked while smiling wryly. If it was him, even if he is a 9 Star Mage, he would still hesitate going into such a place. After all, in every Magical Beast Spider's nest, the part with a lot of webs was always the most dangerous place.

"What is there to be afraid of, if any Sandstone Spiders come, then we will hack our way forward!" Sebastian said fiercely.

"Don't worry, webs are weak against fire, so I can cover our surrounding whenever we feel like retreating," Dan assured everyone.

"This place really gives me the creeps," Sele expressed while rubbing both her shoulder then her hairs on her body stood up.

"Nothing to be afraid about. Back in the days, we lived at Twilight Forest, our Elephant Division once stumbled upon a place similar to this. As long as we remain vigilant, there wouldn't be any problem." Old man Torre shared his experience.

Right in front of everyone, Leo and the others who already knew about this place can't help letting out a soft chuckle.

"Don't worry, I can assure you that we would only be encountering a few Sandstone Spiders. The most dangerous time we were here was only when we stumbled upon two Sandstone Knight Spiders at the same time." Leo said as he soon after sent a signal to Charlotte to lead the way.

"If you say so," Ethan replied before taking on the role of guarding their side along with Edward, who followed after 10 meters behind him.

Sebastian and Dan stayed at the back to protect their rear, with Old man Torre providing defense. On the other hand, Ash and Sele protected the others in the middle.

Along the way, just like what Leo had said, they have only encountered a few Sandstone Spiders. This time, they encountered even fewer Sandstone Spiders compared to the last time they were here. One could even say that it was a peaceful trip. It really shows that the amount of Sandstone Spiders had really decreased by a lot for them to actually have such a peaceful journey.

After tens of minutes of walking, Leo and the others finally arrived nearby the entrance of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.

Looking at their front, they quickly saw that the fight between the Sandstone Spider tribe against the Cave Lizard tribe was still going on. But compared to the last time Leo's group was here, there were fewer fights happening right now.

As for who was winning and who was losing? It was surprisingly the Cave Lizard tribe who was losing while the Sandstone Spider tribe was winning.

It's really surprising to see such a situation taking place because the Sandstone Spiders were considered as the bottom feeders, so for them to win against the Cave Lizards, a Magical Beast considered as a mid-tier predator in the underground areas, it simply shows just how many Sandstone Spiders were in this Sandstone Mother Spider's nest because it's only through numerical advantage that a weak side could have a chance of winning against the strong side.

Looking at the carcasses of Magical Beasts laying on the ground, Leo and others easily confirmed their assumption as they saw more carcasses of Sandstone Spiders compared to Cave Lizards.josei

Compared to the last time Leo was here, it was already obvious from this sight alone that the Cave Lizards weren't really having that much of trouble having a twenty against one fight, despite the teamwork of the Sandstone Spiders. His guess is that the Cave Lizards should have been thinking that even if they go down, as long as they have brought a lot of Sandstone Spiders with them, it would be worth it.

"How much profit do you think we could get once this is all over?" Leo can't help asking as he turned to look at the others.

"Didn't you say that you only have tens or so remaining Storage Rings left?" Cassandra replied with a smirk on her face, seemingly saying to Leo that even if there is a lot he wouldn't be able to take everything.

"Indeed, so how would you store all of those carcasses of the Sandstone Spiders and Cave Lizards?" Elizabeth added.

"You guys should stop discussing about profit since it's still too early to think about it." Angel said.

"I agree with Angel," Veronica nodded her head.

"Yeah..." Ash agreed as well.

"Well, as long as the Sandstone Lord Spider and the Leader of this Cave Lizard tribe don't come out, then this battle would not be considered as over yet," Charlotte explained.

"I know," Leo said as he turned his head to look at the front while letting out a helpless smile. As if he doesn't know about that. He was just asking to liven up the mood a bit as he has noticed the intense atmosphere, which in his opinion, is not good. It's okay to be serious, but at the same time, they should also be calm.

Unfortunately, Cassandra and the other women didn't understand his point.

At the side, it was Ethan's group turn to chuckle at Leo, feeling delighted at him getting his joke stepped on by all of his women to the mud.

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