Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 429 - Are You’re Really Just A Cartographer?

Chapter 429 - Are You’re Really Just A Cartographer?

Chapter 429 Are you're really just a Cartographer?

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

However, such a thought only lasted for a bit as Leo soon discovered just what exactly those so-called maps that Elvis had labeled as something they should not be needing.

In front of Leo were not only maps but also blueprints, which in some cases can also be called a map. The maps were about the ancient monuments, old temples, and other abandoned infrastructures to be found in Emerald Forest that should have some hidden treasures or whatsoever left behind. On the other hand, the blueprints were actually a layout of the manors of the City Lords, the fortresses of the Commanders, and even the palace of the Evergreen royal family in the Emerald Tree Kingdom.

Seeing this, Leo and everyone with him was immediately dumbfounded.

"This..." Leo was unable to express how surprised he was. He turned to look at Elvis and asked, "Are you sure that you're really just a Cartographer?"

"Oh, then what do you suspect me to be?" Elvis asked while feeling amused.

"A spy! You're definitely someone else's spy, right?" Cassandra quickly blurted out what she suspected.

Elvis turned to look at Cassandra, a bit surprised at knowing that this person using a Magic Mantle was actually a woman. He smiled and said, "May I know why you think of such an assumption?"

"Tch! Who else would have collections of confidential information such as like this," Elizabeth replied instead as she rolled her eyes under the hood of the Magic Mantle.

"Indeed," Elvis showed a surprised look once again as he turned to look at Elizabeth. He added, "But if I am really a spy, why would I sell this map to you guys? Wouldn't I be a retarded spy if I really sell my information to strangers?"

"He's not a spy, he's an Information Dealer," Leo immediately interrupted, not intending of letting Angel and the rest speak their opinion. He had given them the Magic Mantle in order to hide their identity, but with them speaking right now, Cassandra and Elizabeth, or possibly the others wearing the Magic Mantle as well, have completely blown up their cover. Any further than this might just cause him trouble, especially considering that Elvis is an Information Dealer.

Information Dealers are people that sell information that they knew about, to people that are interested to know. Like for example, confidential information, information about a person, mission, or place, and many more as long as it involves information.

Anyone, as in anyone, is considered as a product for the people who work as an Information Dealer, which includes them as well.

Obviously, with them arriving in this village in such a grand manner, it wouldn't be strange for people to want to know about them. Hence, Information Dealer would be the place where they would want to visit in order to know about such information, especially Elvis since they have visited his store to buy maps.

Leo immediately thought, "That random person I have picked before should be one of the suspected people that will want to buy our information. After all, there should be a lot of stores that sell maps in this village since there are a lot of people that would be needing them as they would go from here first to go to the Emerald Tree Kingdom. Yet, that person had actually recommended me a store that is owned by an Information Dealer."

As of now, Elvis already knew that they bought a lot of maps, including those that they should not be needing, and that they are using a Magic Mantle to hide the women in their group, meaning the women either have a special identity or something else worthy of hiding.

Leo doesn't plan to add more to that information, that's why he quickly interrupted the conversation.josei

"Bingo!" Elvis nodded his head with a smile on his face. As an Information Dealer, he of course wouldn't hide his identity to potential buyers like Leo, since the more people knew about him being an Information Dealer meant the more profit he would gain.

"How much to lock down their information?" Leo suddenly asked while pointing at Cassandra and the others using his eyes. As someone part of the Underground World, he of course knew that aside from buying information from Information Dealer, he can also buy the Information Dealer's secrecy to their information for the right price.

Normally, he would have chosen to kill the Information Dealer once he found out their identity. However, he didn't choose to do that this time simply because this is no longer the territory of Lionheart Kingdom.

He can't afford to casually kill people over here, especially people he doesn't have any information about.

What if he indeed killed Elvis to keep the information as a secret, but it turned out that he actually belongs to a big organization in the Emerald Tree Kingdom? At that time, he would definitely be facing a troublesome situation which honestly speaking, is not something he wanted to have.

"Oh, you're actually someone that belongs in the same side," Elvis looked at Leo intriguingly for a bit before replying, "50 gold coins to keep my mouth-,"

"30," Leo quickly interrupted while smiling mischievously. To lockdown the information for 50 gold coins is something considered as very expensive, so he of course wouldn't accept that, even if he has 5 million gold coins inside his Storage Ring.

"45," Elvis smiled in return after hearing Leo's bargain.


"How about 40 gold coins? That should be reasonable, right?" Elvis quickly gives a reasonable price. To be honest, he wasn't pricing the information lockdown for 50 gold coins because he wanted to gain more profit out from it, but rather because he just wanted to confirm whether Leo was really someone that belongs to the Underground World or not. Only people that belong in the Underground World would be able to calculate how much is the right price for the information that they want to lockdown. People that aren't would instead fall into a desperate situation and would immediately agree with his 50 gold coins price.

"39 gold coins, 99 silver coins, and 99 copper coins. If you accept this price, then I'll pay it to you. If not, then I'll pay for all of these maps and leave," Leo proposed instead.

"You..." Elvis was immediately rendered speechless at Leo's price. It was only lacking 1 copper coin to make it 40 gold coins.

"Do you accept or not?" Leo quickly asked while showing a dark expression on his face. His proposition of 39 gold coins, 99 silver coins, and 99 copper coins might look like he wanted to insult or mock Elvis. But in truth, it was to actually get the initiative between the two of them. He wants to be in control in their conversation in order to show Elvis that he's not just any person that belongs to the Underground World, but he is someone that has more experience and has a high status compared to him.

Of course, he doesn't exactly know whether he really has more experience and a much higher status compared to Elvis. After all, this is the Emerald Tree Kingdom, not the territory of Lionheart Kingdom. But through his words, he would be able to confirm that, because if Elvis wasn't what he assumed he was, then he would fight back so as to not let anyone step on his pride and respectable status.

In the end, Elvis decided to heave a sigh of resignation as he nodded his head and put his hand in front.

Seeing this, Leo smiled and shook Elvis's hand, implying that they have agreed with the deal.

"In total, you will be paying 10 gold coins for all of those maps you should be needing, and 20 gold coins for those maps that you are not needing. Adding the 39 gold coins, 99 silver coins, and 99 copper coins. You will have to pay me a total of 69 gold coins, 99 silver coins, and 99 copper coins," Elvis said before suddenly thinking of something interesting, "Wait, did you perhaps purposely proposed the 39 gold coins to perfectly make it into such a number?"

"Who knows..." Leo replied with a smile on his face. He waved his hand and put 69 gold coins, 99 silver coins, and 99 copper coins on top of the counter.

"Great having business with you, respectable sir," Elvis said while bowing his head a bit as a sign of courtesy.

"No problem," Leo said before turning around and leaving the store.

However, before Leo could step out of the store, Elvis suddenly said, "I have the feeling that we will be meeting again soon,"

Leo paused in his step and replied, "Only Fate knows,"


Unbeknownst to Elvis, after saying those words, Leo immediately activated his capability to see the Strings of Fate as he wanted to know what kind of relationship exactly would he have with Elvis. And to his surprise, it was actually a green-colored string, meaning he would be his ally.

"This is interesting..." Leo thought to himself inwardly before finally taking the step to exit out of Elvis' store.


The sound of the door being closed sounded.

The moment Leo left, Elvis walked towards the back of the room while speaking to himself, "I guess it's time for me to leave this place,"

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