Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 466 - Don’t Mess With The Mischievous Lion Guild Part 2

Chapter 466 - Don’t Mess With The Mischievous Lion Guild Part 2

Chapter 466 Don't mess with the Mischievous Lion Guild part 2

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Unlike Leo and his Alpha Lion team, the Bravo Lion team that Ethan and Elaine were leading was suddenly attacked by tens of Goblin teams.

"Defend our catch, I'm suspecting that they want to steal them," Ethan quickly informed the others before taking out his Moon Sword. He already expected that stealing Magical Beasts in the Emerald Event would be a common occurrence, thus he had long prepared himself for such a thing.

"You fools, you really thought that you can steal from me!" Ethan exclaimed as he casted a Magic spell to his Moon Sword, "Prepare to receive my strike!"

"Aquatic Slash!"


A huge wave of water in a shape of a crescent moon shoots out from Ethan's Moon Sword and went straight towards the direction of the Goblin teams.




Every tree along the way was brought down and taken along by the powerful wave, creating an open area on the place it has passed through.

Seeing the huge wave of water coming straight towards them, every Goblin team immediately realized that they have offended someone that they shouldn't offend. In fact, a few of them were even able to recognize the Aquatic Slash spell is a Galaxy level Magic spell.


"Everyone quickly cast your Defensive Magic spells!"

"Fools, that's a Galaxy level Magic spell, your mere Star level Defensive Magic spells wouldn't be able to defend against that!"

"We don't have any choice... Run for your lives!"


After being informed of their extremely dire situation, all the Goblin teams quickly abandoned their thoughts in defending as they quickly began running for their own lives.

Some choose to hide behind a big tree, thinking that the trunk of the tree could block the wave. Unfortunately, the same as the other trees, it was washed off when the wave arrived, taking the tree along with the Goblins hiding behind them.

Some decided to climb onto the top of the trees and then jump from one tree to another as to avoid the wave, thinking that they would be able to escape away from it. However, contrary to their thoughts, the speed of the wave was much faster than their own movement speed. Thus, causing them to be brought along by the wave as the trees they were jumping on were pushed down.

Some continued to simply just run forward, but the same as those that decided to climb the trees, the wave eventually caught up to them.

Soon, every Goblin team that dared to attack Ethan and Elaine's Bravo Lion team were caught, and as soon as the wave vanished, they were all found lying on the ground or mixed along with the trees that got washed away, and all of them were now lifeless.

Those spectators away from the battlefield were shocked beyond belief. They really didn't expect that the fight would be finished this quickly, with all the Goblin teams being wiped out in just a matter of a few seconds.

What's even more shocking is, they soon found out from the others that recognized the Aquatic Slash spell that Ethan is actually someone in the Galaxy level.

"Does anyone know who that person is?"

"I was nearby one of those Goblin teams and I think they mentioned that team is from the Mischievous Lion Guild,"

"Wait, do you mean that Mischievous Lion Guild who annihilated a Goblin team of the Hunter Goblin Guild?"

"That should be the one,"

"Damn, not only do they have a member with a 9 Star level cultivation, but they actually also have someone in the Galaxy level as well? Just how powerful is that new Guild?!"

After killing all the Goblin teams, Ethan put his Moon Sword inside his Storage Ring as he ordered his Bravo Lion team to start collecting the loots from the Goblin teams. He also ordered them to store those trees that his Aquatic Slash spell has washed away inside their Storage Rings, and more importantly, bring those surviving cages with Magical Beasts inside that those Goblin teams have caught.

"I now understand why, despite hating trouble, Leo would always smile mischievously after solving it," Ethan said while smiling mischievously. The situation he has encountered right now was indeed troublesome, but after solving it, he immediately gained a lot of profit out from it.

"Hehehe, I think you should smile like that every time you do something like this again," Elaine said with a giggle.

"You think so?" Ethan asked as he turned to look at his wife Elaine.

"Yeah, you look as handsome as Leo when you smile mischievously," Elaine nodded her head.

"Well,... wait, so you mean to say that I don't look as handsome as Leo?" Ethan said with a pout.

"Nevertheless, I still love you," Elaine said with a smile.


Since Chief Lago was the Executive of the Charlie Lion team, he didn't experience any attack from the Goblin teams.

Obviously, they didn't dare attack Chief Lago and his Charlie Lion team as they quickly recognized that he's the member with a 9 Star level of cultivation. Only foolish people that like to court death would choose to do such a thing.

Unfortunately, the Delta Lion team wasn't as fortunate as the Charlie Lion team. They were immediately attacked by the Goblin teams around them right after finding out that Chief Lago or Mister Loki is not part of their team.

"I got your back, just focus on attacking those pesky Goblins!" Dan informed Sebastian as he began manipulating the hundreds of fireballs around him as if they were dancing in mid-air while providing support.

"Then do your job correctly, because I'm still receiving their attacks!" Sebastian exclaimed in extreme annoyance. He was experiencing the difficulty of hitting his targets once again, and not only that, with him at the very center of the Goblin team's formation, he was also receiving some attacks every now and then, making him believe that Dan is not doing his job of being his support correctly.

"Fool, you're not the only one fighting this battle," Dan replied with a roll of his eyes. The reason why Sebastian is still receiving attacks every now and then was simply because their Delta Lion team was fighting the Goblin teams as well. Obviously, he can't just focus all of his support on Sebastian, as it would leave the others with no support.

"Ahhh, you bunch of extremely annoying walking small green people!" Sebastian exclaimed as he decided to stop caring about defending and focus solely on attacking.




This time, all of Sebastian's attacks landed accurately on his target in exchange for receiving their attacks. But with his 7 Star Mage cultivation plus his really tough body due to his aggressive style of fighting, they were only inflicting him small injuries, which he can still ignore for the moment.

"You..." Dan was dumbfounded after seeing Sebastian's extreme aggressiveness. But in the next moment, he quickly realized that such a style of fighting actually somewhat lifted some of his burden in supporting the Delta Lion team. The reason is mainly because the Goblins that wanted to attack Sebastian couldn't get close enough to him that easily anymore as they would receive an attack the moment they do and those that wanted to shoot a Magic spell to him was unable to finish casting since Sebastian would quickly arrive in their location.

"I didn't expect that this would actually work, hahahaha!" Sebastian exclaimed in delight before laughing loudly. But, he soon noticed that his energy was being consumed very rapidly, making him realized that he can't continue this kind of fighting style for that long. He exclaimed to inform Dan, "I can't continue this for long, so please finish this fight as soon as possible!"

"Why did I think for a second that this fool could actually choose to do something smart," Dan facepalm as he heard Sebastian's words. What's even more stupider is, now the Goblin teams also know that he can't last that long with his extremely aggressive fighting style, thus they quickly began distancing themselves from Sebastian, waiting until he gets exhausted before they would launch an attack on him again.

"What are you doing, come right here, you bunch of cowards!" Sebastian began taunting the Goblins as he noticed that they were no longer coming at him anymore.

Suddenly, a Defensive Magic spell appeared around everyone from the Delta Lion team, blocking all the attacks from the Goblin teams.

"Fortunately, I arrived just in time," Old man Torre heaves a sigh of relief as soon as he saw that Sebastian and Dan along with their Delta Lion team is still being in a good situation.

"Thank goodness you came, old man Torre, or else Sebastian would have died soon," Dan quickly informed old man Torre of how grateful he was that he came to lend a hand.

"What die, I can still fight, you small cat," Sebastian exclaimed.





"You..." Dan was dumbfounded again as soon as he saw tens of Goblin teams chasing behind Old man Torre and his Eagle Lion team. He finally realized that this old man didn't actually just brought with him a reinforcement, but also more enemies to worry about.

"Don't worry, now that our two teams are together here, we can easily defeat these Goblin teams," Old man Torre said in assurance.

Hearing old man Torre's words, Dan quickly thought of a plan, "Old man Torre, focus on defending our rear, don't let any Goblin teams pass through from that location. Eagle Lion team, quickly lends a hand to the Delta Lion team in front. Let's finished with our front yard first before taking care of our backyard!"




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