Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 486 - Hunting Time Part 4

Chapter 486 - Hunting Time Part 4

Chapter 486 Hunting Time part 4

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

At this moment, Leo along with both of the Alpha Lion team and Frost Lion team were currently hiding behind a bushy area. Right in front of them is a Savage Fox moving in the same direction as to where they were supposedly going to go.

Everyone could easily guess that with the presence of this single Savage Fox here, it consequently also confirmed the presence of more Savage Foxes in the surrounding area, forming a pack of Savage Foxes.

Earlier, while observing the Savage Fox in front of them, everyone thought that it seems to be unaware that there are currently some people watching behind it. Later though, after they observe it really closely, in particular at its eyes, they were able to soon notice that it was actually just pretending.

From time to time, the Savage Fox would stop on its track and begin sniffing something on the ground. Such kind of action though was just normal for every Magical Beast, as it simply shows that it's trying to search for prey to hunt. But, every time the Savage Fox turns its head to its left or right, its eyes would actually not look towards that direction as well, but rather its eyes would focus at its back as if trying to confirm something.

Obviously, what the Savage Fox's eyes are searching for is the presence of the people behind its back, which if they just think deeply, they would realize that they are actually also be considered as prey.

It really shows that the Savage Foxes aren't the same as the Magical Beasts that people normally encounter. Its intelligence is so high, specifically almost comparable to people's intelligence or maybe even higher, which is the main reason why they are able to act so cunningly.josei

"No wonder Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre fell for their trap," Leo could finally understand now that no matter how strong a group is, there is still a very high chance for them to not notice that the Savage Foxes are actually planning to set a trap for them.

Only people who have a lot of experience when it comes to fighting against the Savage Foxes would be able to know their character and behavior.

Honestly, it was only due to Leo's extreme cautiousness that everyone was able to realize the truth.

Suddenly, the bushes behind them started moving.

Everyone quickly started preparing themselves after seeing this, thinking that the Savage Foxes are now attacking them.

Fortunately, it was only Elvis, along with his team from the Intelligence Department.

"Bad news, both the Charlie Lion team and Ghost Lion team have unexpectedly encountered a pack of Savage Foxes," Elvis quickly reported the moment he arrived. In the next moment though, as he looked around his surrounding, he soon noticed that everyone was currently raising their own weapons while looking cautiously at them, "Is there something wrong?"


Everyone slowly lowered their weapons while they turned their heads around in embarrassment as they realized that it was simply a false alarm.

"It seems like it's not only us experiencing this situation," Leo said while pointing to Elvis the Savage Fox in front of them.

"This is really unexpected," Elvis said, feeling a bit surprised.

"Tell every team to return back to the base, we need to discuss some new changes to our plan," Leo said as he turned to take one last look at the Savage Fox in front of them before finally leaving along with everyone back to base.


Soon, Leo and all the Executives have now gathered again inside the meeting tent.

Laid above the table in front of them is a slightly detailed map of their location that Elvis has yet to finish. At the center is a wooden piece with a symbol of a lion smiling mischievously, while at its north, west, south, and east were wooden pieces with a symbol of foxes.

"I gathered all of you here due to all of our teams encountering a pack of Savage Foxes," Leo said to inform everyone of the topic of their meeting. He then used a long wooden stick as he pointed at the four fox wood pieces on the map as he continued, "Currently, we are now surrounded by the Savage Foxes in all four of our directions, making us unable to continue with our operation. Though we can't confirm yet if we are really surrounded, but it should be safe to assume that to be true,"

"This is a really huge problem for our operation, so I would like to request from all of you present here to give your own suggestions on how we should handle this problem,"

Yesterday, they really thought that Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre's teams' experience was just a coincidence, that may be a pack of Savage Foxes were just hunting in the south, that's why they encountered them over there. But right now, it was very obvious for everyone to see that this is not in any way a mere coincidence.

The Savage Foxes are clearly planning to do something here. And the scary part is, they don't have any sort of idea what they are planning to do aside from that they are surrounded by them.

However, now that none of the teams have fallen for their traps, the Savage Foxes should also be planning right now on what they would do next, or worst, they already have a plan and are currently preparing for it.

No matter if it's the former or the latter though, both spells trouble for them, which means that they should solve the problem as soon as possible in order for them to prevent the situation from becoming worse.

"We can choose to eliminate all the Savage Fox tribes at the east first before proceeding with the other Magical Beast tribes. Though I'm just worried that maybe they will use this as an opportunity to launch an attack at our base as well," Cassandra expressed her thoughts.

"Indeed, and they might even cooperate with the other Magical Beast tribes to attack us," Elizabeth added.

"Well, we can just strengthen our defense and laid out some traps outside, right?" Angel suggested.

"But how long do you think would our defense be able to last?" Veronica shook her head.

"Oh, then how about let's not worry about the Magical Beast tribes yet and just proceed with clearing the surrounding area of our base first, just like what we have planned to do from the start? The only reason why we are targeting the Magical Beast tribes first is because they post a lot of danger to us during our clearing. But think about it, those other Magical Beasts that aren't part of any Magical Beast tribes could likewise also post a threat to us as well. So there is no problem solving them first," Ash presented her own idea.

"So what you mean to say is we solve the small problem first while slowly facing the bigger problem?" Charlotte asked in confirmation.

"Yes," Ash nodded her head. She continued explaining, "In such a way, we will only have one problem to worry about. Also, in the process, we will set up some traps in the area we have cleared to prepare in case the Magical Beast tribes would cooperate with each other and launch an attack to our base,"

"What you said is good, but that still doesn't solve the problem with the Savage Foxes," Elvis interrupted.

"Not necessarily," Ash shook her head and continued, "While all the teams are currently clearing the surrounding area of our base, we will establish a temporary team to handle the Savage Foxes. Of course, only members with a high cultivation level could be part of this temporary team, in particular the Ice Elves and the Night Elves, so as to avoid a high casualty rate. Instead of the Savage Foxes hunting us, let's reverse the situation, let's hunt the Savage Foxes instead,"

"Good idea, but who should be the Executive in-charged of this temporary team?" Elvis can't help asking.

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads to look at Leo.

"Charlotte and Elvis would be in-charged of this temporary team. I want Charlotte to lead a group to capture the Savage Foxes while Elvis would lead another group to look for the Savage Foxes. You both would be cooperating to effectively and efficiently capture the Savage Foxes. While on the other hand, the others would focus on clearing the surrounding area. Let's not waste any more time and begin with the hunt," Leo said, finally dismissing the meeting.

As soon as everyone left the meeting tent, they immediately started preparing on what to do.

Charlotte quickly gathered together both the Frost Lion team and Ghost Lion team to combine them in a temporary team, while at the same time Elvis gathered the team from the Intelligence Department.

At the same time, Leo gathered both the Alpha Lion team and Charlie Lion team, and a few others who were not doing anything from both the Delta Lion team and Eagle Lion team, together to prepare to clear the surrounding area of the base.

As soon as everyone was armed and ready, they immediately set out to begin with the new plan.

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