Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 49 - Leo Vs Carlos

Chapter 49 - Leo Vs Carlos

Chapter 49 Leo vs Carlos

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

"I want to have a fight with you! The winner will keep Elizabeth to their faction while the loser will f*ck off!" Carlos immediately said as soon as he arrived in front of Leo.

"I don't want to! If you want to keep her, then just get her out far from me this instant! No need for any battle, just keep her if you want. You can even bring her to one of your homes if you really like to!" Leo quickly rejected Carlos' challenge.

'Who was Elizabeth even kidding here?'

Leo wasn't a fool! If Elizabeth wants to use Carlos as a means of causing trouble to him, then just by making Carlos issue a challenge to him wouldn't be enough, since he could just simply reject such a challenge. Moreover, he wasn't foolish enough to fall into such an obvious trap, too. Carlos was stronger than him, really, that was an undisputed fact. Hence, accepting the challenge is such a stupid thing to do as he would surely lose the battle.

"No way, I don't want to be part of a weak faction! I only want to become a member of a faction with someone capable of Triple Layer Casting!" Elizabeth quickly said, adding more oil to the already burning fire in Carlos' mind.

Carlos was further enraged immediately after being called weak. He doesn't care anymore whether Elizabeth was going to return to their faction or not, he just wanted to prove that he is much stronger than Leo right at this moment.

"Let's just forget about her, we don't need her anymore. Let's just fight to prove who is much stronger between the two of us!" Carlos said to Leo.

"No thanks, you can claim the strongest person title, I don't care about it!" Leo said before turning around. He was really not interested, specifically if he is just going to humiliate himself in doing accepting the challenge.

However, such action of turning around and ignoring him was enough to trigger Carlos furthermore. He felt that it was an insult being rejected in such a way, hence he quickly grabbed Leo's shoulder before making him turn around and throwing a really hard punch towards the latter's face soon after.josei

Leo quickly stumbled back after receiving the punch to his face. Blood quickly oozed from his lips, making his lips red. Obviously, Carlos' action was also enough to make him enraged, too!

Leo didn't think of playing safe anymore, or any consequences after this fight. He quickly launched himself towards Carlos. Quickly arriving in front of the latter, he then swiftly sent a kick towards the latter's feet to make him out of balance.

However, Carlos wasn't stupid to just allow himself to receive that sort of kick from Leo. He quickly raised the targeted feet as he thought of trying to stomp Leo's feet the moment his kick arrives.

Unexpectedly though, Leo was able to quickly change his attack pattern as he suddenly jumped towards Carlos's only feet standing on the ground, which has successfully made Carlos fall to the floor.

After making Carlos fall to the ground, Leo quickly slid his own body to Carlos' body, holding the latter down. Then he repeatedly sent out punches towards the latter's head.

Carlos also didn't allow Leo to freely hit him, as he kept on throwing punches to Leo's face. But all of his punch was easily dodged by Leo by simply moving quickly to left and right while still punching Carlos's head. Unknown to Leo though, his hold towards Carlos's body would actually weaken every time he tried to dodge the latter's punch.

Carlos didn't care about Leo's punch anymore as he quickly tried to flip his body the moment the latter's hold weakens, which was successful and had also thrown Leo upfront.

It was finally Carlos's turn as he stood up quickly as then locked on Leo's waist, pulling it upward, and then trying to forcefully make Leo's head hit the floor.

However, Leo wouldn't just allow Carlos' attack to be successful. A sudden hand made out of rock appeared out from Leo's clothes before punching directly towards Carlos' stomach, making the latter let go of its hold to Leo's waist and at the same time being thrown a few meters away from him.

Carlos on the ground was unable to stand up anymore due to the extreme pain he felt every time he tried to move his body.

Right after that, the rock hand that Leo used has also quickly vanished, like it never appeared in the first place. But everyone was quick enough to notice the hand made out rock appearing out of nowhere from Leo's clothes.

Leo didn't mind it though, whether they saw it or not, that doesn't matter at all. What he only cares about right now was to make the person who had caused this pay! He slowly stood up from the ground as he wipes the blood from his lips. Turning around, he walked towards Elizabeth before quickly pulling her towards him as he quickly sent a slap to her face.

"Next time, if you want to try to make us fight, be sure that you run away far from me as soon as possible. The next time, I wouldn't attack the person you have sent anymore, but you!" Leo said before spitting blood on Elizabeth's face before he turned around, walking away from the place.

Cassandra, Alfred, Anna, Michael, and the other three from Leo's faction quickly followed behind to get farther from Elizabeth and Carlos.

Leo doesn't care anymore whether to respect women or not in his action. He was enraged, really enraged by Elizabeth's scheme! But he was still able to quickly calm himself down afterwards. He will make her pay, anyway. The moment she became his wife, then he'll make her life a living hell.

Being left by everyone, Elizabeth was left standing still after being spit blood by Leo. It was really out of her expectations that Leo will do that kind of thing to her. She was a woman, after all, and an Heir of the Snow Noble Household on top of that. Being spit on the face had never happened to her once or even thought of happening to her.

Turning her head to Carlos, Elizabeth immediately saw him looking at her full of disdain on his face. Carlos finally understood that it was Elizabeth that had schemed to make Leo and him fight. He really felt stupid at falling into such a trap. He stood up again with the help of the others around him before walking away far from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth didn't mind such an opinion though, she could try again anyway. But this time, she would do it in a more secretive way. Leo wasn't as stupid as she expected. He will not just allow her to do as she wishes next time.

At this moment, Leo slowly lost his vision while walking. Carlos's hard to punch to his face has finally taken effect on his head, adding to the fact the following action that just happened. He was finally unable to use his strength and was slowly getting dizzy. He wasn't yet someone really powerful; he was still an ordinary man, after all.

Leo slowly stumbles while walking and finally falling down to the ground, suddenly losing his consciousness.

A hard punch to the head, especially from a muscular man like Carlos, would surely make a normal person faint the moment they are hit. If Leo hadn't hunted Magical Beast before, hence having strong willpower and strength, then he might have surely fainted the moment his face received that hard punch.

Fortunately, Cassandra was right beside Leo the moment he fell unconscious, she was quick to catch Leo's falling body.. Alfred and Michael quickly took action as they carried Leo from Cassandra.

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