Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 492 - Hunting Time Part 10

Chapter 492 - Hunting Time Part 10

Chapter 492 Hunting Time part 10

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

At this moment, the atmosphere of the surrounding area has become very intense. Both sides were showing different serious expressions but it all meant one thing; they are prepared for the battle.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Soon, the Leaders of the Magical Beasts finally showed themselves at the very front.

On the north side, two tall Green Fur Apes have appeared. One of them is 20 meters tall while the other one is 30 meters tall. The 20 meters tall Green Fur Ape is a 7 Star level Magical Beast, while the 30 meters tall Green Fur Ape is an 8 Star level Magical Beast. They both have the same huge body shape and form, showing how strong and powerful they are.

At the west side, five powerful Magical Beasts have appeared. Two are Raging Bulls, while the other three are Titan Frogs.

The two Raging Bulls are 7 Star level Magical Beasts. Their body is 20 meters in length and 10 feet tall. Both have a very long and sharp horn spreading from both sides of their head that looks almost like a crescent moon with both ends of the horns trying to reach at each other. Their body looks really tough as if they're equipped with an armor making it difficult for ordinary metal weapons to inflict any damage to them.

On the other hand, the three Titan Frog are all 6 Star level Magical Beasts. The left is green in color; the middle is red in color, while the right is yellow in color, with all of them having some black polka dots around their bodies. They are all 100 meters tall with a somewhat thin body, a clear reason for why they have the word 'Titan' in their name. And their body is covered by some kind of gooey substance, making it look really sticky and slimy.

On the south side, three less than a hundred meters long, Green Skinned Anacondas have appeared. They are all 6 Star level Magical Beasts. Their looks are almost exactly similar to those of Yellow Skinned Anacondas if one doesn't consider their difference in color.

Lastly, on the east side, five Savage Foxes have appeared that are all 8 Star level Magical Beasts. They are all 10 feet tall and 20 meters long, including their tails which are 3 meters long. Surprisingly, each of them has three tails, showing that they are actually Three Tailed Savage Foxes. Such kind of Savage Foxes simply implies that they are three times more powerful compared to those Savage Foxes with only one tail. The color of their fur is mostly orange-colored with their belly being white-colored fur.

Seeing the Leaders of these Magical Beasts, Leo can't help smiling mischievously while saying, "This would definitely be easy,"

With all the Leaders of the Magical Beasts appearing in front of them now, they won't need to worry anymore about spending some time looking for them.

The moment this battle starts, they would just have to focus on attacking those Leaders and the moment they die, they would then focus on attacking those powerful Magical Beasts. Of course, they would also take care of those weaker Magical Beasts that got near the walls. After all, no matter how weak they are, they could still pose some dangers to them.

"No need to wait, shoot down those Leaders!" Leo exclaimed loudly.

Leo's order was quickly passed to everyone, and soon, the sounds of the war weapons being launched sounded.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Huge boulders shoot straight in the direction of the Leaders of the Magical Beasts. At the same time, different Elements of Magic spells were also shooting out from the hands of everyone in the same direction as the attack of the war weapons.

As soon as they saw the attacks being launched in their direction, all the Magical Beasts finally charged themselves towards the base of the Mischievous Lion Guild, marking the beginning of the battle. While on the other hand, the Leaders who were being targeted by the first round of attacks tried their best to defend themselves.


At the end of the attack, two of the Leaders of the Magical Beasts were dead, one is a 6 Star Titan Frog that Charlotte had killed, while the other one is a Green Skinned Anaconda that Dan and old man Torre had killed.


With the deaths of two of their Leaders, the charging Magical Beasts, in particular, the Titan Frogs and Green Skinned Anacondas, immediately became enraged. In the next moment, they launched their long-range attacks towards the base of the Mischievous Lion Guild.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

The Titan Frogs shoot out a water jet out from their mouths and the Green Skinned Anacondas began swinging stones straight in the direction of the base.


However, because of the walls being tall and how far they currently were, the majority of their attacks only hit the walls, with the minority only hitting the war weapons on top of the walls.

In the next moment, huge boulders were thrown out from the base of the Mischievous Lion Guild. This time, they were all thrown by the 15 Earth Elementals that Leo had just summoned straight in the direction of the Leaders of the Magical Beasts.


The Leader of the Magical Beasts was again unable to charge as they need to defend themselves from another round of attack.

In their minds, they swore that once they finished defending themselves from all of these attacks, they will immediately launch their own.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!josei

Contrary to their thoughts though, what followed right after the attacks of the Earth Elementals were another round of attacks from the war weapons, likewise towards the direction of the Leaders of the Magical Beasts.


All the Leaders of the Magical Beasts are seriously being kept company by the attack of both the Earth Elementals and war weapons. They were all unable to provide any help to their allies.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Lastly, the Magic spells were also launched. But this time, they were shooting towards the direction of the charging Magical Beasts, intending to not let them get closer to the walls.


The charging Magical Beasts were finally receiving some casualties. To add more to that, the traps that were secretly laid out around the 50 meters or so area from the base were finally getting activated one by one.

Whooosh! Bang! Booom! Clang! Cling!

But despite all of that, the Magical Beasts still keep on charging forward, unstoppable and unfazed. They didn't care about those that had died or got trapped, as all of them only put their focus on those people causing them to suffer.

Deep in their minds, they all knew that once they arrived in that base and kill all of those people, there would no longer be any Magical Beasts that would need to die and they could also free all of those Magical Beasts that had fallen into their traps.

Meanwhile, unlike the north, west, and south side, the east side was still calm, or to be more precise, the calm before the storm.

Not a single Savage Fox made any move, they were all simply staring at Chief Lago who was holding a Magic weapon in his hand.

"Is this perhaps a staring contest?" Chief Lago can't help but wonder while looking at the Savage Foxes. The other side was already reaching their climax in the battle, yet on the side of the Savage Foxes, it seems like none of them actually wanted to move.


"Wait, are they actually thinking of using us to eliminate the other Magical Beasts in this place?" Chief Lago suddenly thought.

This was the only reason Chief Lago could think about it after seeing that the Savage Foxes are still not making any kind of move. Considering as well that the Savage Foxes are known to be really cunning Magical Beasts, they are definitely capable of thinking of doing such a thing. If this really turns out to be true, then he doesn't know what to say to them. Should he say that they are wise because after this they would be the only remaining species of Magical Beasts remaining in this Green Area? Or should he say that they are stupid because they don't know that once all of the Magical Beasts here are gone, they would certainly be the next?

Nevertheless, this was a good thing for them, because if the Savage Foxes aren't making any moves, this means they would only be facing much lesser trouble. After all, their biggest trouble from the very beginning until now has always been the Savage Foxes. With the Savage Foxes gone, their dangerous characteristics are no longer needed to be taken into consideration in this battle.

However, Chief Lago still reminded himself not to let down his guard. It could also be possible that the real plan of the Savage Foxes is actually to simply make him think of such a thing. And once he tries to help the others, they would immediately launch a really swift attack on his side. At that time, considering that he's only alone on this side, he would definitely have a lot of trouble trying to defend against them.

And speaking about trouble...

All of a sudden, five huge fiercely burning fireballs appeared around Chief Lago.

"If there's one thing that I have really learned from Leo, that is to solve all the troubles I could think about and not wait for it to come," Chief Lago said to himself before pointing his hands towards the direction of the Savage Foxes.

Just now, Chief Lago was thinking 50-50 to the two assumptions that he had thought about, but he knows one thing for certain, and that is by eliminating the Leaders of the Savage Foxes, he would no longer have to worry about those two assumptions.

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