Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 523 - Sponsorship? Part 2

Chapter 523 - Sponsorship? Part 2

Chapter 523 Sponsorship? part 2

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Elvis cleared his throat before starting to explain, "Do you remember what I said to you back then, Guild Leader Leo? About the regulation to restrict the non-participants from causing any trouble to the participants?"

"I remember," Leo replied, as he then asked, "Is this related to sponsorship?"

"Yes, because it's the sponsors themselves who are the main target for that regulation," Elvis replied before explaining, "In the case of the Emerald Event, sponsors would help participants by catching Magical Beasts and giving it to them or by causing trouble to other participants so as to not let them earn more points. By doing this, they are helping the participants they are sponsoring increase their points faster and also allowing them to reach higher placing in the leaderboard, preferably reach the top 100 and be qualified to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition,"

"And in the case of the Emerald Elven Battle Competition, the sponsors offer various different weapons, equipment, tools, and other helpful items to the participants to help them win the round,"

"It was exactly because of this why the Evergreen royal family was forced to create a regulation that forbids them from abusing their power," Elvis finished explaining.

"But what does the sponsor get from doing all of that?" Leo curiously asked.

"Very simple, in exchange for them doing all of that, the participants who they are sponsoring are required to help them gain more fame and increase their popularity, by means of using their own products, shouting their names, or whatever kinds of method to achieve the same effect," Elvis replied.

"Wait, so these sponsors we are talking about are actually merchants? And what you really mean to say is, that they want us to simply help them increase their customers?" Leo asked in confirmation.

"Yes, exactly," Elvis nodded his head to confirm.

"Okay..." Leo really doesn't understand why exactly the merchants are doing something like this. In his opinion, they are just wasting money by doing all of that. After all, as long as their products are of good quality, customers would naturally come to them to buy their products.

"It's a bit difficult to explain because I haven't really experienced something like this before, and not to mention that I'm also not really that much of a merchant myself, not an experienced one to say the least," Elvis said while scratching his head, a bit embarrassed that he wasn't able to give Leo a satisfying answer.

"Let's see," Leo took out all the letters related to sponsorship and began looking at them one by one, "A sponsorship from Good Morning Breakfast Restaurant, Delicious Meal Restaurant, Sexy Ladies Slave House, Butchering Slave House, Hardest Steel Smithy Shop, Excellent Armament Smithy Shop, Pink Dress Tailoring Shop,..."

There were nearly hundreds of sponsorship letter that was given to him and his Mischievous Lion Guild.

"Wait, there's even a sponsorship letter from Elves Secret organization?!" Leo expressed his surprise.

"Huh? Let me see," Elvis quickly asked in shock after hearing the word 'Elves Secret organization' from Leo.

"Here," Leo handed the letter to Elvis.

"It's indeed from the Elves Secret organization," Elvis said before opening the letter. In the next moment, his eyes widen as he gave the letter back to Leo and saying, "This was even written by Madam Flores herself!"

Leo grabbed the letter before quickly reading the content. Just like what Elvis had said just now, the letter was personally written by Madam Flores, the President of the Elves Secret organization branch in the Emerald Tree Kingdom, to request that he accepts their sponsorship and in return, she will assist the Mischievous Lion Guild in both the Emerald Event and Emerald Elven Battle Competition.

"Leo... I mean, Guild Leader Leo, I suggest that you ignore the rest of the sponsorship and just accept only the sponsorship from the Elves Secret organization instead," Elvis suddenly suggested.

"Eh, why? Wouldn't it be good if we decide to accept all the sponsorship given to us? The more sponsors, the better, right?" Leo asked in doubt.

"No, you're completely mistaken, Guild Leader Leo. More sponsors don't necessarily mean a good thing for anyone. Imagine, when you are fighting someone else in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition, you would sometimes be needed to use one of the products of your sponsors. What if those products actually turned out to be bad in quality? Then there's a high chance that you'd lose the fight if that really happens,"

"Not all of the sponsors have a good intention to the participants, Guild Leader Leo. Some of them would sponsor a participant for fun and something similar. That's why we need to think thoroughly about the sponsorship that we accept. In fact, I recommend that we only accept a few sponsorships,"

"However, after seeing that the Elves Secret organization had actually decided to sponsor us, I strongly recommend that we only accept their sponsorship. Not only because I'm sure that what they will give us would certainly be of high quality and really helpful for us, but also because the Elves Secret organization has never sponsored anyone in the past," Elvis explained. He added, "So if we become the first participant that the Elves Secret organization has decided to sponsor, not only are we going to help them gain fame and increase their popularity, but the same thing would likewise happen to us. In other words, we would gain more from their sponsorship than what we can give to them,"

"Let me think about it first," Leo replied, as he waved his hand and said, "You can go handle your work now, I'll call you again once I have my final decision,"

"Yes, Guild Leader Leo," Elvis bid farewell and left the room.

After seeing Elvis leave, Leo stood up from his chair as he then looked outside of the hotel from the window of his room.

At this moment, the street of the Smiling Lion Village is bustling with a lot of activities. The Public Market is already open, both of the hotels they have constructed already had plenty of the members of the Mischievous Lion Guild taking residents, a huge line for those who wanted to join the Mischievous Lion Guild is formed outside, and a lot more of activities.

There is no doubt that right now the Mischievous Lion Guild is developing towards the right path.

Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that the Mischievous Lion Guild doesn't lack anything...

Leo turned to look at the sponsorship letters above the table as he scans their names one by one again.


The Mischievous Lion Guild doesn't need that. All the members can hunt for their own food, and there are also capable chefs to cook for their meals.

Slave House?josei

As of now, the Mischievous Lion Guild doesn't lack slaves. In fact, there is more slave compared to free men right now as they haven't accepted any new members yet. They also don't lack any manpower, because he has thousands of letters here about requesting to join the Mischievous Lion Guild, and even more is on their way here in every passing time. Once he accepts these letters, the Mischievous Lion Guild would have more manpower to use.

Smithy Shop?

The Mischievous Lion Guild does indeed need more weapons and other items that Blacksmiths could craft. But the members don't just need any random things, rather what they need is high-quality stuff. For example, Magic Weapons, Magic equipment, or Magic Tools. Not to mention, if ever they also need anything from the Blacksmiths that doesn't have any Magic properties, what they specifically needed are items that can suit them.

Tailoring Shop?

Clothes have never been something the Mischievous Lion Guild lacks since a majority of the members have seven pairs or more of clothes inside their respective Storage Rings. Or even if they do need clothes, what they need are customize clothes, not something that would be released for the masses to purchase and use.

As for the Elves Secret organization?

He suddenly remembered the Doombringer that they have given to him for free. That Magic weapon really helped the Mischievous Lion Guild a lot back then when they were surrounded by thousands of Magical Beasts. If it wasn't for the Doombringer, then it would have been really difficult for them to defeat all of those Magical Beasts.

"It seems like there's no need for me to think of what to choose anymore," Leo said with a smile. He grabbed the sponsorship letter of the Elves Secret organization on the table as he burned the rest of the sponsorship letter to dust.

He has a good feeling about the Elves Secret organization as they have the same vibe as the Sword and Magic organization. Also, ever since he meet Madam Flores for the first time, he always got the feeling that she would be the same person as Madam Silva, specifically someone worthy to fight alongside with.

Naturally, everything he had thought is just pure assumption as of now. He has no evidence yet to prove any of his claims. That's why he's going to risk himself getting into trouble in order to confirm his assumption.

In the next moment, Leo called out for Elvis who was currently busy handling some important matters about the future Intelligence Department.

"Yes, Guild Leader Leo?" Elvis asked after getting inside the office.

Leo handed Elvis the sponsorship letter from the Elves Secret organization and said, "Give this back to the Elves Secret organization,"

"I suggest that you think this thoroughly, Guild Leader Leo. This is a good chance for the Mischievous-"

Leo motioned his hand to make Elvis stop talking. He explained, "Give it back to them and tell them that I accept their sponsorship,"

"Oh..." Elvis really thought that Leo was going to return the sponsorship letter of the Elves Secret organization back to them because he doesn't want to accept their sponsorship. It turns out that it was actually the opposite.

Elvis quickly accepted the letter from Leo as he said, "Consider it complete, Guild Leader Leo,"

But before Elvis could really leave to the Elves Secret organization, Leo added, "Also, tell them that I have only accepted their sponsorship letter amongst all the sponsorship letters that was sent to the Mischievous Lion Guild,"

"Okay!" Elvis nodded his head as he easily understood what Leo's exact intention was.


Inside the President's office of the Elves' Secret organization, Madam Flores looked at the sponsorship letter on her hand with a smile on her face.

"Tell your Guild Leader Loki that he doesn't need to worry about anything else and just focus completely on winning both the Emerald Event and Emerald Elven Battle Competition. I'll make sure that he doesn't regret giving me all of his trust," Madam Flores said to Elvis in front of her.

"Consider it complete, Madam Flores," Elvis bowed his head before taking his leave.

The moment Elvis left, Bagley, the personal assistant of Madam Flores, walked out from the shadow behind the curtain of the room.

"Are you sure about your decision, Madam Flores?" Bagley asked.

"Yes, I also want to know the real reason why my dear friend Silva decided to give her one and only disciple, Angel, to Mister Loki, or should I start calling him now as, Leo Heart, one of the princes of the newly rising in power Lionheart Kingdom from the east?" Madam Flores replied before letting out a chuckle.

"As you command," Bagley bowed his head before leaving.

Madam Flores stood up from her chair as she said, "Now then, I hope you can give me a good show to watch, Guild Leader Leo,"

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