Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 53 - A Honey Covered Deadly Trap

Chapter 53 - A Honey Covered Deadly Trap

Chapter 53 A honey covered deadly trap

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fiercejosei

When the late morning arrives, the carriage that Leo and the others were riding on has finally arrived nearby the Honoris city, safe and sound. But, Leo was feeling really depressed, though.

Leo swore to himself that next time he will ask the complete information related to the chosen mission so that he can avoid a troublesome situation such as this.

Arriving in the Honoris city, fresh and sweet air hit everyone's body. The air was so fresh due to the greens around the city, and it was also sweet too, as if honey was mixed within the wind, which is somewhat reasonable since the Honoris Noble Household was a supplier of 10,000 tons of honey a year which is also 10,000,000 kilograms of honey.

Unlike the Blacksmoke city, Honoris city was flourishing with greenery. Seemingly endless fields of farmland covered almost the entire outside of the Honoris city. In fact, just by walking to the Honoris manor, which is located in the middle of the city like the Heart city, Leo and the others had already spotted plenty and huge plantations of wheat, vegetables, and fruits.

Moreover, they also saw a lot of farmers working around the fields. A group of kids running around while playing with each other. Farm animals and the likes were being raised in batches. It was really a refreshing and peaceful sight.

Imagine a city the exact opposite of Blacksmoke city, that is exactly what Honoris city was.

"You must be Leo Heart, the person who has accepted the escorting mission of Lady Veronica?" A Butler greeted Leo and the others as soon as they arrived at the gate of the Honoris manor. The Butler quickly observes Leo from head to toe before nodding his head, seemingly agreeing with something in his mind.

Leo nodded his head in response, not minding the Butler's observation at all. He was used to such action since Butler Xiao in the Heart city also does the same thing every time someone visited him. He doesn't know what they are observing about, but he feels like it's the aura and characteristic of the person, maybe... He is not an expert in such a field.

"Lady Veronica has long been waiting for you, come this way, please!" The Butler said as he motioned for all of them to follow after him.

The moment they got inside the manor, Leo quickly became astonished. It wasn't only huge, but he could also see numerous bees and many of their hives around while walking towards the yard of the manor. Surprisingly though, these bees weren't wild and aggressive at all, they were just flying peacefully, collecting the nectars from the flowers around the manor, and delivering it back to their hive afterwards in order to create more honey.

When the group arrived in the small garden in the yard, they quickly saw a person standing in the middle.

Observing closely, Leo soon noticed that it was actually a beautiful woman interacting with a group of bees.

This woman was as beautiful as Cassandra and Elizabeth, she has a sexy body, well-rounded buttocks, slender legs, but she has a small breast though, but it still suits her to have such small breast, her hair and pupils were green, and she has a white as snow skin like Cassandra and Elizabeth. Leo silently rated her "95/100!".

"Lady Veronica, sir Leo, your escort, has arrived!" The Butler announced as he bowed a little towards his master, Lady Veronica.

Hearing the Butler's words, Lady Veronica slowly turned her head around to face Leo and the others.

"Good thing you have arrived! Rest for a bit, we will be leaving later on." Lady Veronica said before she suddenly motioned for Leo to come closer. She was quick to notice that Leo was the leader of the group, so she specifically called him.

The moment Leo came closer, Veronica motioned him to come closer before she started whispering something.

Leo keeps on nodding his head in response to Veronica's words. After listening to her, he stared in shock as he secretly took a glimpse towards the Butler.

"Okay, Lady Veronica!" Leo said solemnly before going to his group to whisper the same thing. He had finally known the reason about why Veronica had given an escorting mission.

The mission of escorting her wasn't actually just simply protecting her along the way to the Silver city and back to the Honoris city while traveling along the brick road that her family had purposely made for her for smooth travel, but was actually to protect her on the detour she will take secretly to Silver city.

Veronica's reason was simple. Last week, when she was sneaking from her room to secretly gaze at the stars with the queen bees in their manor, she unexpectedly found out that her Butler was talking to three unknown people in black hoods in the yard. She obviously wanted to hear their conversation since it was done so secretly, hence she slowly approached them until finally arriving in a spot far enough to hear their conversation while still being hidden.

It was at that moment that Veronica found out the horrifying truth that her Butler was actually going to kidnap her along with the three unknown people's groups on the day she travels to Silver city.

Veronica had thought of reporting to her family about her findings so that she will be able to stop the kidnapping plan. Unfortunately, though, her parents were away for a trip to another Kingdom because of an important business, and all the trusted subordinates she could trust were also away doing some important stuff around Silver Kingdom. So, she has no people to ask for help. Of course, she cannot just report to anyone since there might be more people that the kidnappers had paid. Even her Butler has already betrayed her, someone her family has trusted to protect her, how much more those other guards.

So, Veronica thought of only keeping it to herself. Obviously, she wouldn't just allow herself to kidnap, so she thought of just canceling her journey to Silver City. It was that simple. After all, the moment she cancels her journey, the kidnapping will also be canceled. However, Princess Tiana has told her that she misses her so bad, since they weren't able to meet for more than one year already, and also she had already given her a promise to visit her, hence she was stuck in a dilemma.

So Veronica carefully thought, "Why not go in a detour to avoid the kidnappers?" She couldn't only avoid the kidnappers in that way, but at the same time, visit her friend too. Hence, she could hit two birds with one stone. Oh, actually, three birds with one stone, since she will also be able to catch her Butler the moment her parents or the other trusted subordinates return from their important business.

With that brilliant idea in Veronica's mind, she quickly made a rough guide on a map for which path she could possibly take. But unexpectedly though, she found out that she is unfortunately not able to go alone because all the detours leading to Silver city need her to go through the Yellow forest, hence she needed people to protect her.

Veronica cannot use her guards, as it would possibly blow her plan off, and she also couldn't go alone as it would surely kill her.


"Why not hire trustworthy people to protect me?"

With that sudden idea in mind, Veronica quickly created a mission, using the excuse escort, and passed it quickly to Sword and Magic. She needed someone trustworthy to come along with her in the detour, so she specifically gave the mission to Sword and Magic since their Sword branch people were known for being trustworthy when executing missions. Moreover, she has a relationship with Madam Silva, so obviously they would treat the mission very seriously.

With all of those things prepared, Veronica was then only waiting for someone to accept the mission from Sword and Magic. She was confident too that someone will accept it soon since the reward was a whooping 1,000,000 gold coin, which is also equivalent to 10,000 points.

(Author's note: 100 gold coins are also equivalent to 1 point.)

At this moment, Leo had realized that what he had said before was indeed right, it was indeed a deadly trap, a honey-covered deadly trap!

Not only were they protecting her from the possible kidnappers but also from the Magical Beast that they would surely meet along the detour.

Leo also didn't expect that the Butler, one of the trusted people of Honoris Noble Household and also a subordinate that Veronica's parents trusted the most for the safety of their daughter, was actually intending to kidnap her along the journey. It's not really the Butler going to kidnap her, but he was still cooperating with the kidnappers, hence making him part of the group.

Leo can't believe that Lady Veronica's Butler was actually going to do such a despicable deed to her. After all, he had always lived with Butler Xiao from a young age to the present him.

Suddenly, Leo remembered something that he had heard before, "Even a brother would betray his own brother just for the sake of benefits."

He doesn't know what benefits were offered to Veronica's Butler, but it is surely something big since he dared to betray the Honoris Noble Household.

Leo realized just how lucky he was to have Butler Xiao as his butler, since the latter was a person who had dedicated his entire life to serving him with loyalty and trustworthiness.

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