Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 536 - Operation

Chapter 536 - Operation: Capturing More Galaxylevel Magical Beast Part 11

Chapter 536 Operation: Capturing more Galaxy-level Magical Beast part 11

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Although Leo had received a death threat from Captain Timon just now, he quickly put such thoughts to the back of his head in the next second as he turned to look at the battle of Charlotte and the others against the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow. 

"It seems like the battle would be ending soon," Leo muttered silently. 

At this moment, the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow is already down on the ground, unable to continue flying as its bones in its wings seems to now be broken, not literally though, the bone is still connected to the rest of its body, but it couldn't flap anymore in order for it to fly as its wings were twisted into a weird angle by who knows exactly who.

Surrounding the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow were a few heavily injured but still fighting strong 8 Star Storm Sparrows that tried to help its Leader in its fight against Charlotte and the others. 

"I guess that we will have some extra catch today," Leo can't help smiling in delight while thinking of also capturing those 8 Star Storm Sparrows, a total of eight of them, along with the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow. 

Although there's really no use in exchanging for the 8 Star Storm Sparrows for points anymore in the Emerald Event at this moment, considering that they are already top three in the leaderboard of the Emerald Event with only a small chance for the top four to overtake them, but there are still plenty of uses for it. Like for example, exchanging it for money or Magical resources to those that wants to earn more points in the Emerald Event, or use it as a material to craft some useful items, such as using its claw to make a weapon, using its bones to make an armor, or use its feathers to make clothes that has a Wind Element or Lightning Element resistance.

There's really a lot of uses for capturing an 8 Star Storm Sparrow aside from exchanging it for points in the Emerald Event. As long as he could hire the right people to do the job, then it wouldn't be impossible to achieve any of those.

"Elvis, tell Ash and Nightingale to start retreating," Leo said as soon as he saw Charlotte taking out a few cages from her Storage Ring.

Elvis turned to look in the direction where Leo was looking at as he soon after understood the reason why. He replied, "Yes, Guild Leader Loki,"

After a few minutes, the front-line teams could finally be seen slowly retreating while at the same time storing all of the carcasses of the Storm Sparrows that they have killed inside their Storage Rings. Of course, there are certain people who were assigned to store those carcasses of the Storm Sparrows. After all, just letting everyone store the Storm Sparrows inside their Storage Rings would be so troublesome since not everyone would step forward to admit the truth.

Meanwhile, at the fight against the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow...

"Ethan and Elaine, help me make this big guy go to sleep!" Charlotte exclaimed after taking out a few cages from her Storage Ring.



Both Ethan and Elaine nodded their heads in affirmation. 

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

With her Six Headed Snake Twin Dagger in both her hands, Charlotte charged towards the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow along with both Ethan and Elaine following behind her.

"Get out of the way!" Charlotte waved the Six Headed Snake Twin Dagger to push away the incoming 8 Star Storm Sparrow. 



The unfortunate 8 Star Storm Sparrow was flung away towards the two 8 Star Storm Sparrows that Edward was currently fighting against. 

Bangggggg!  josei

"Thank you!" Edward nodded her head at Charlotte. 

"Help us keep away those 8 Star Storm Sparrows," Charlotte said. 



Edward went to chase after those three 8 Star Storm Sparrows so as to keep them busy and not to cause any trouble to Charlotte and the others.

Charlotte, Ethan, and Elaine continued flying towards the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow. But they were soon immediately rendered in disbelief as they saw the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow banging its head really hard to the Storm Sparrow Tree, causing its head to start bleeding really badly. That wasn't yet the end, as it continues to bang its head over and over again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

"What the heck! Is the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow trying to kill itself?!" Ethan asked in curiosity. 

"It seems to be the case," Elaine expressed her thoughts.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's quickly prevent the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow from killing itself. A dead Beast Lord Storm Sparrow wouldn't give us anything!" Charlotte exclaimed, a bit nervous inside. She really can't imagine what Leo would say to them if they bring to him a dead Beast Lord Storm Sparrow. 

What they have thought is indeed the case right now...

As soon as the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow found out that these people it was fighting against weren't actually here to kill it, but rather to bring it to the Emerald Tree Kingdom, it immediately thought of killing itself. With its many years of experience of being the Leader of the Storm Sparrow tribe, it already knew that all of the Magical Beasts that were caught and brought to the Emerald Tree Kingdom for the so-called Emerald Event would never return back alive. Until now, none of the Magical Beasts knew the exact reason why as there was no one that was captured and escaped alive to tell them the truth. But if there is one thing it knew for certain, that is death is much better than to be captured alive. 

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

All of a sudden, hundreds of vines shoot out from the ground towards the direction of the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow. 

At this moment, Chief Lago was closer to the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow, so the moment he understood what it was intending to do, he immediately throws away the two 8 Star Storm Sparrows he was fighting against just now and put his hand forward to cast a Vine spell to stop the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow from killing itself.

The hundreds of vines immediately began pulling the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow away from the Storm Sparrow Tree as soon as it arrived so that it can't continue banging its head anymore. But everyone was soon dumbfounded as they saw the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow beginning to twirl its neck around the vines, obviously intending to use the vines to choke itself. 

"Quickly make it go to sleep!" Chief Lago immediately canceled the Vine spell lest he would kill the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow because of it. 

With the vines losing their strength, the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow immediately dashed towards the Storm Sparrow Tree again as it soon after returned to banging its head. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

"Cut the tree, go and cut the fucking tree!" Edward explained loudly for Charlotte and the others to hear while still fending off against three 8 Star Storm Sparrows.

As soon as Ethan heard Edward's words, he immediately brandished his Moon Sword and casted, "Flaming Tempest!"


Two flaming crescent sword lights shoot towards the Storm Sparrow Tree. 

But before the two sword lights could reach the huge tree, the two 8 Star Storm Sparrows that Chief Lago had flung away just now suddenly jumped in front to block it. 

In the next moment, the two 8 Star Storm Sparrows were immediately sent flying as they soon after crashed on the ground tens of meters away from the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow, unable to stand back again due to their now seriously injured state.

"Are these 8 Star Storm Sparrows out of their minds?!" Ethan was really surprised at seeing the two 8 Star Storm Sparrows who nearly lost their lives just to block his attack.

"Don't tell me they are actually supporting their own Leader to kill itself?!" Edward can't help but assumed. 

"You ants really leave me with no other choice," Charlotte finally can't take the constant disturbance of the 8 Star Storm Sparrows anymore. With a wave of her Six Headed Snake Twin Dagger, she roared, "Rock Demon Slash!" 

Whoooooosh! Whooooosh! 

Two extremely sharp crescent lights were shot out from the Six Headed Snake Twin Daggers straight towards the three 8 Star Storm Sparrows blocking their front.

"Double Power!" 

The two crescent lights instantly merged together to combine both its Magic Power. 




The three 8 Star Storm Sparrows were easily cut into two halves and killed with Charlotte's Rock Demon Slash attack. 

"Speed Decrease!" Elaine casted a Support Magic spell towards the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow to slow down the speed of its movement. She then quickly followed after another Support Magic spell targeted towards the remaining five 8 Star Storm Sparrows, "Petrified!" 

Whooooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

All the remaining five 8 Star Storm Sparrows immediately stopped moving as they then started falling to the ground.

"Go! While I can still hold all of them down!" Elaine exclaimed loudly to both Charlotte and Ethan. Her Petrified spell could supposedly only hold down three targets for a maximum duration of a minute, but since she's using it to four targets, not to mention powerful ones, it would most likely only hold them for half a minute. 

Without wasting any time, Charlotte and Ethan flew swiftly flew towards the slow-moving Beast Lord Storm Sparrow.

Before the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow could bang its head for another time to the Storm Sparrow Tree, a series of powerful but not so deadly strikes hit its neck, instantly causing it to go to sleep. 


"Block its Galaxy so that it wouldn't be able to self-destruct its Stars and kill itself," Chief Lago didn't forget to remind Charlotte and Ethan as he remembered that it's still possible to kill oneself by destroying their own cultivation. 

Charlotte nodded her head gratefully at Chief Lago as she then blocked the Galaxy of the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow inside its consciousness with the help of Ethan. They used their own Mana to temporarily block off the connection of the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow to its own consciousness.

"Finally," Charlotte quickly sat down on the ground in relief after finally making the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow go to sleep. This big guy is really unlike the Beast Lord Treasure Beetle which only needed a few hits to become unconscious. 

"Elaine, hold on for a bit!" Ethan immediately flew towards his wife Elaine after defeating the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow as she still needed help in dealing with the remaining four 8 Star Storm Sparrows. 

"Remember to put those 8 Star Storm Sparrows inside the cages," Charlotte quickly reminded in fear that Ethan might just accidentally kill all of the 8 Star Storm Sparrows. 

Charlotte turned to look at the unconscious Beast Lord Storm Sparrow as she said, "Have a good night's sleep, big guy!"

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