Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 540 - If Money Doesn't Work, Then Offer Them Something That They Can Never Refuse

Chapter 540 - If Money Doesn't Work, Then Offer Them Something That They Can Never Refuse

Chapter 540 If money doesn't work, then offer them something that they can never refuse

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce 

Leo found Elvis at his office.

"Guild Leader Loki," Elvis and a female Elf dressed in a black outfit greeted Leo the moment he walked inside his office.josei

Leo nodded his head at Elvis before he sat on his chair and turned to look at the female Elf beside him, "So, what's the price for the information, miss?"

The female Elf can't help smiling in delight inwardly after hearing Guild Leader Loki's words. It seems like her decision of accepting Elvis's offer to her was indeed correct. A person who would go straight to business has always been proven to be a profitable customer. 

Hiding her true emotion deep inside, the female Elf introduced herself, "You can call me Elsa, Guild Leader Loki. As for what Guild I belonged to, I deeply apologize, because I, unfortunately, can't reveal it to anyone so as to protect ourselves. I hope you can understand,"

"No problem. Anyways, if the information turns out to be fake, Elvis here can always come and find you again as long as you remain in the Emerald Tree Kingdom, just like what he did today. I hope you could also understand that I also only did such a thing to protect ourselves as well," Leo said coldly. 

Honestly, he wasn't really worried about that, since Elvis would never introduce to him someone he doesn't trust. The only reason why he was even threatening Elsa just now, to begin with, was simply because the conversation requires him to say so. And besides, if Elvis can find Elsa, then it wouldn't be a problem for him to investigate more information about her as well. In fact, there's even a high possibility that Elvis already knows the Guild where Elsa belonged and had only chosen not to reveal anything about it to him to respect Elsa's wishes. 

Well, sometimes, there would be chances that they will encounter situations where an unwritten rule such as respecting the wishes of the other party would be requested. Of course, they could always choose not to follow such a request. But choosing to follow it doesn't sound bad as well. In the end, it's completely up to them whether to respect their wishes or not.

As for the case this time, he doesn't have a problem with granting Elsa her small wish. But, if she really causes him trouble, then he would no longer have any choice left but to investigate her.

Elsa didn't feel afraid or nervous after hearing Guild Leader Loki's threat at all as she had already expected the situation to turn out like this. She has no choice but to wish to hide the Guild she belonged to because they were precisely the weak Guild that Elvis had told Leo about. What's even worst is, it was actually their weak Guild that had discovered the whereabouts of the Galaxy-level Magical Beast. 

However, since the Celestial World was always the strong preying over the weak, thus they were only offered to have a 5% share of the Galaxy-level Magical Beast once it was successfully captured. 

Anyone who would be in the same situation as their Guild at that time would definitely be left dissatisfied about such a small offer. 

But honestly, they don't really mind that much only having a 5% share, especially considering their position at that time. But the thing was, their Guild and the other weak Guilds were actually meant to share that 5% share amongst themselves, specifically a total of five Guilds, thus making their share merely 1% each.

The strong parties were obviously taking their efforts for granted and not taking them seriously. And when they come to ask for an explanation, they told them that they should be grateful that they are even willing to give them a 5% share.

Completely infuriated with such a remark, their Guild along with all the small Guilds swore an Oath to sell the information about the whereabouts of the Galaxy-level Magical Beast to someone powerful so that they can make those powerfully parties pay the consequences of their actions. 

Although there were five Guilds involved in this scheme, Elsa still wished to keep her identity and her Guild identity hidden so that they won't be solely taking the blame once those Guilds discovered what they have done, which would definitely happen once this transaction with Guild Leader Loki is successful and the Mischievous Lion Guild send their members in that location.

"I don't really know what Guild Leader Loki could exactly offer to me, so how about you tell me your price and then I'll decide whether I can accept it or not?" Elsa asked.

Leo nodded his head in understanding as he calmly offers, "How about 500,000 gold coins?" 

If it was any other normal times, then he would definitely not be willing to offer half a million gold coins for such information to Elsa. He might not even be willing to spend more than 1,000 gold coins.

Half a million gold coins is just so expensive, especially considering the fact that there are tens of Galaxy-level Magical Beast living in the Emerald Tree Kingdom. But knowing already how much he could get in return for successfully capturing a Galaxy-level Magical Beast in the span of time of the Emerald Event by exchanging it to the Evergreen royal family, he thought that he wouldn't lose anything in this exchange.

Just the five Emerald Elven Flyingboats alone would already cost more than 500,000 gold coins, let alone the other two remaining chances to exchange for something from the Evergreen royal family. In fact, he was even willing to offer 1,000,000 gold coins if he really doesn't have anything else aside from money. 

Elsa immediately gulped down a mouthful of saliva in shock after hearing the price that Guild Leader Loki has offered to her. She wasn't shocked because this is her first time earning this much money, because honestly speaking, she had already earned more than this. The thing that shocked her was the thought of earning this much in one transaction. Naturally, the only reason she was able to earn more than 500,000 gold coins in the past was simply because of years of hard work and with the help of her Guild. This is seriously her first time experiencing something like this.

Nevertheless, Elsa still didn't let greed get to her head as she reminded herself that this transaction isn't meant to be shared with her Guild alone. There are still four other Guilds that are waiting to earn some benefits from this transaction, so she needs to think about them as well if she doesn't want to do the same exact thing as what those powerful Guilds had done to them.

"The offer is really tempting, but due to some reason, I... need... No, I strongly request you to offer me more," Elsa didn't care about her face anymore as she shamelessly asked for more. 

Leo can't help himself from laughing after seeing how uncomfortable it was for Elsa to be this shameless. Well, some women indeed also feel ashamed of doing something like this, really unlike the woman he knew... Yes, he's talking about Cassandra and the others.

"I don't really know what you exactly want as well, so I'll just present to you some choices that you can choose," Leo said as he waved his hand, quickly taking out a bunch of items from his Storage Ring, specifically one of each of all the different species of Magical Beast's eggs that the Mischievous Lion Guild owns, a stack of gold coins which obviously represents money, rare Magical resources, Magic weapons, Magic equipment, Magic tools, and last but not the least, a paper with the single word 'Points' written on it. 

If money doesn't work, then offer them something that they can never refuse. 

"You can choose, let's say," Leo said as he stared straight at Elsa's eyes, trying to see what she really wants, "Three... No, four? Wait, five? Okay! Five it is! You can choose five different items that you want. Of course, there's a limit to their quantity depending on what item you choose. You can choose now,"

It wasn't really that difficult to guess Elsa's thoughts as she wasn't good at acting or hiding her true emotions. He just simply stared at her eyes, and after he offered her five items, her eyes showed a look of relief.

"I..." Elsa was immediately rendered dumbfounded after Guild Leader Loki easily guessed that she wants to choose five different items from the choices that were presented. Though she also really wished to have more than five... 

Looking at the Magical Beast's eggs, Elsa spotted three unfamiliar ones, which Guild Leader Loki introduced to her as the Sandpit Worm's eggs, Cave Lizard's eggs, and Sandstone Spider's eggs. As for the others, she was able to easily guess what they were. She was even really surprised at the Savage Fox's eggs, Treasure Beetle's eggs, and Storm Sparrow's eggs. But no matter how surprised she was, she wasn't so stupid so as to not to see what was much more beneficial to them. 

Of course, money is already one of the choices. After all, money can buy a lot of things that they necessarily needed.

For the Magical resources, Elsa was a bit hesitant about it. There were a wide variety of choices of their Elements and the rarity of the Magical resources, causing her a bit of trouble in choosing one. But after contemplating for a few minutes, she finally decided on what to choose. 

Magic weapons, Magic equipment, and Magic tools were really not that tempting, especially since she could easily buy one as long as she has the money. She would have been interested though if there were some interesting items, but unfortunately, there weren't, so she excluded them without any hesitation from her list of choices. 

Lastly, it was the points....

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