Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 168 The Bitter Truth

Chapter 168 The Bitter Truth

Triton gestured to Blake and the woman to leave him and Damien alone while they talked. The two nodded and left while Damien and Triton came outside the building.

Damien never expected that one of the protectors of Triton was a woman with such high cultivation. After all, in this world, men were predominantly stronger than women. Only in rare cases did women hold some power.

He was sure that those two were not simple and wondered what Triton's status was in this insurgent group to have two Peak Level Heaven Ethereal Realm practitioners guarding him so earnestly.

As the two exited the building, Damien saw that many small buildings surrounded him, and the whole area seemed to be located in the outskirts without any nearby town within sight.

The buildings were ordinary, and he could see some people walking here and there. In all, it seemed as if this whole place was a tiny town. He saw men and women happily working while kids played around the fields.

"Did you expect some grand buildings, or does this place look as what you expected?" Triton asked as he looked at Damien.

Damien said what he had in mind, "It seems just like I expected. I have seen many places like this, and after all, why would a rebellion group waste their resources on constructing grand buildings?"

Triton nodded, "That's right. I just never expected you would have seen places like these. Although people know that we are in hiding, some are under the notion that we live lavishly in our hidden space."

Damien nodded and asked, "Well, who were the two people that seemed to be your protectors?"

Tritan shook his head, "No, they are not simply my protectors. They are my family, and the two are husband and wife. They took care of me since I was a child and played a huge role in making me the kind of person I am today. The man I am sure as you have heard is named 'Blake,' and the woman is named 'Shania'. They looked after me as their own son, and I am indebted to them for taking care of me."

Damien realized that Triton seemed to care about his people a lot, unlike many who only cared about building their own strength in this cruel world.

He also understood that Triton seemed to have been an orphan.

As they walked, many adults and kids expressions brightened up when they saw Triton. They got up and bowed deeply in respect.

Triton gently smiled as he gestured, "Please, don't get up. I am merely showing our friend around."

Just as Triton pointed to Damien as his friend, they all smiled at him and bowed to him as well.josei

Damien felt awkward seeing all of them bow to him and looked at Triton with a perplexed expression.

Triton let out a faint sigh as he said, "Don't think too much about it. They are just trying to express their gratitude as they think that I have done a lot for them. But only I know, I haven't really done much."

One of the elderly adults said with a concerned expression, "Master Triton, please don't say like that. You are our savior, and we will forever be in your debt for giving us a peaceful life. Had it not been for you, not only my life but even my two daughters would have b-been…" The old man got emotional as he looked at his two daughters beside him.

Triton said gently, "Don't worry, uncle. Remember our saying, 'We never forsake each other'. We will always protect and look after each other. Your daughters are safe now, and I promise to make sure it stays that way."

The two young girls who looked fifteen looked at Triton timidly with a red hue spread over their cheeks. They both mumbled something to each other and meekly approached Triton.

Triton looked at those two girls slowly approaching him and asked in a soft voice, "What is it, girls?"

The girls quietly took out their hands from behind and presented Triton with a simple-looking blue flower.

"M-Master Triton, th-this is our gift to you for saving us. Please accept." Their cheeks completely blushed as they deeply bowed with their heads down.

Looking at their innocent gesture, Triton warmly smiled as he took the two flowers from their hands.

"Thank you, girls. Please rise, and no need to bow before me like this."

The two girls slowly raised their heads, and their eyes sparkled with happiness as they looked at Triton.

'These two poor girls…' Damien could see how love-struck those two girls were and felt pity that Triton didn't seem to even notice their feelings.

He wondered how many hearts Triton unknowingly stole because of his charm.

However, he could see the deep respect and gratitude in the eyes of the people around him when they looked at Triton. This only made him more curious why Triton was held in such high regard despite being so young.

But when he suddenly remembered Luna saying that he was at least at the Sky Ethereal Realm, Damien was astounded as the revelation struck him. Someone barely a few years older than him was already at the Sky Ethereal Realm.

He wondered if the Forsaken hid Triton as their ace to strike the Xeton Empire later when he matured into a powerhouse. After all, the only other young exceptional genius he knew with such high cultivation was Reva Xeton.

'Seems like both the Xeton Empire and the Forsaken have their own geniuses.'

They continued walking, and Damien could also see some youngsters training and sparring while adults guided them.

"I take it everyone here are Zirians?" Damien casually asked as they continued walking.

Triton nodded, "Of course, most of us are Zirians, but there are also a very few Xetonians willing to help us who changed sides out of their own will."

"But you people didn't seem to hesitate to blow up the city square where many Xetonians and I am sure some Zirians also died," Damien asked as he observed Triton's expression.

Triton said with a glazed stare, "There is always a cost for freedom. And I experienced that first-hand with my mother as an example. It was not because we wanted to but because we didn't have a choice. I have been in this group from a noticeably young age, and there were many times I had to make hard decisions no matter how painful it was to my heart. Damien, do you really believe the history the Xetonians had been writing in their history books?"

Damien noticed that pain and regret flashed through Triton's eyes as he said his words.

Damien said plainly, "I don't really believe anything until I see things with my own eyes. And obviously, an empire would glorify themselves in their history books."

Triton said with a calm smile, "Good. Then let me show you the truth of the 'benevolent treatment' meted out to the Zirians."

Triton took Damien to a two-storeyed grey building as Damien curiously followed him.

But just as they entered, Damien wrinkled his nose feeling the stench of blood and death. Most of all, he was surprised by the sight of many men, women, and even children lying on beds suffering in pain with horrendous injuries.

Some of them were even unconscious, while some already seemed to have died, and their family members were crying over their cold corpses. There were physicians running around, treating whomever they can despite having their hands full.

When he inspected them, he was surprised as he realized that all of them had undergone cruel torture. Most of the women seemed to have been raped, and even some children's body parts seemed to have been maimed.

"What's this?" Damien asked with a focused gaze.

Triton was observing Damien's expression and was surprised that Damien didn't seem to be plagued by such a tragic and harrowing sight. He wondered if Damien saw something similar in his life already.

Triton sighed and said with faint resentment in his tone, "These are the Zirian slaves we rescued too late from the clutches of the Xeton Empire. Do you really believe Zirians are living peacefully in the Xeton Empire? The Cursed Seal is more like a slave seal as it allows all the higher-up Xeton officials to control them as they want. Of course, the Xeton Emperor holds the supreme control and decides who all can control the Zirians."

"But why go through all this trouble, and why do the Xetonians still keep Zirians around if they have such hatred against you people?" Damien questioned.

Triton gave a light scoff as he said, "Do you know who are truly "Blessed by the seas" and the true natives of this empire?"

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