Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 351 He Is An Ascended One?

Chapter 351 He Is An Ascended One?

Marcus quickly ran back to Nathasia's house but didn't barge in since he wanted to take them by surprise and get rid of as many men as he could using the element of surprise.

He knew he could barely be classified as an Ascended now since his true powers apparently have a mood swing and were not something under his control.

He didn't know how powerful the Ascended ones who entered her house were. So he didn't want to take unnecessary risks. As for a weapon, he only had an axe in his hand.

But when he looked through the windows, he saw that the situation had become worse just as he expected.

William was holding a man as a shield with a gun behind his back while the two Ascended men didn't seem to show any signs of backing off.

Instead, the stocky Ascended man seemed to say something to William with a glare. Marcus immediately knew that the situation was going to explode and someone was going to die.

Inside the house,

"Tell us where the girl is, and you two will at least live," Reinhard gruffly said as he looked at William, ignoring Ray's pleas and didn't even bother to glance at him.

William wryly smiled, "We both know you are lying. And even if that was true, you won't ever find her even if you step over our dead bodies."

"Vitaly, take him down," Reinhard said with a smirk.

William frowned and looked at Vitaly only to see him simply looking at him back. But before he could pull the trigger of his gun or even move his hand, he felt some force invading his mind, making him lose control of his entire body.

The gun fell out of his hand, and his hold over Ray loosened, allowing him to easily free himself.

William stumbled back with a shocked expression while Laina's face became ashen and shouted as she pointed her gun, "What the hell did you do to him?!!"

Vitaly didn't reply and simply looked at her. She also experienced the same thing as William, making her stagger back and fall on her bottom.

The couple wondered if Vitaly was an Ascendant with psychic powers who had the power to affect people's minds.

"Tie them up, and let's make them cough out where their daughter is," Reinhard said, indirectly taking charge.

Ray felt like he had dodged a bullet and felt aggrieved seeing how these two Ascended didn't even give a fuck about him when he had bootlicked them all the way.

Rick and Toby tied the couple up, and Reinhard sat down in a chair before the couple with a menacing look.

'Shit. Things aren't looking good,' Marcus was frustrated that he couldn't find a good opening or chance to take out more than one man. He was only confident of taking out one. But what happened after that was something he could not predict.

And seeing how the stock Ascended man didn't seem to be afraid of William's gun, he felt that he had some power that could turn a gun ineffective to be used against him.

"William or whatever your name is, you better tell us where your daughter and I assure you no harm will come to her or you two. But if you don't, not only will you two end up dead, but even we can't assure in what state we will be bringing your daughter back to General Alberto. His orders are absolute, and he is even willing to look away regarding the matter of you killing Timothy and the others if you cooperate obediently," Reinhard said with a snort.

William didn't reply but instead looked at Reinhard with a defiant glare as if he wasn't going to open his mouth ever.

Reinhard's lips turned into a sneer, "Is that how you want to play, huh? Let's see if you will stay the same when we gang bang your wife, hahaha! Take her!"

He was happy to go ahead with his plan since he was sure William would break seeing his wife ravaged, and they would also get to know the whereabouts of Nathasia while having a good time for themselves.

"You motherfucker! Ugh!" William bellowed with his veins jutted out, but Ray hit his forehead with the stock of his gun, making him groan in pain.

"William!!" Laina was worried, angry, and shocked, seeing how evil these men were. Her heart drowned in despair seeing three men approaching her with lecherous smiles.


Suddenly the door crashed open, and when everyone turned around to see who the intruder was, all they saw was an axe shooting towards the men standing near Laina.

The axe was strangely shooting towards them at a curved angle, and before Rick could dodge, the sharp blade of the axe cut through the veins in his neck.

But the most shocking thing was that the axe shot past Rick after cutting his neck and magically made a turn in mid-air and cut Toby's neck as well before shooting backward from where it came from.

It was like they saw a boomerang shooting through the air and cutting the necks of two men before returning back to where it was hurled from.

However, they were too shocked to see where the axe went back to since Toby and Rick succumbed to the floor while clutching on their bleeding necks.

Reinhard and Vitaly frowned as they quickly recovered from their shock and looked towards the door to see a man with a scarf around his face entering through the door with an axe in his hand.

Reinhard slowly got up and became alert since he felt that this mysterious man might be an Ascended one since he had never seen anyone able to use the axe like a boomerang and kill two people while at it.

"Marcus! What are you doing here?!" Laina called out in shock and relief. But then she got worried, realizing that Nathasia was supposed to be with Marcus.

"Don't worry," Marcus' brief reply made Laina feel relieved since it meant that she did not have to worry about Nathasia.

However, she felt moved that Marcus took a great risk by coming back to save them. Even William didn't think that Marcus would do something like this.

But now, he was sure that Marcus might not really be from the military since he didn't even bother to identify himself before these men.

However, he didn't care now who Marcus was since from this, he understood what kind of a man Marcus was, and that was enough for him and Laina.

Ray still wasn't able to recover from the shock he just experienced. Even if he was a soldier, he rarely came upon such unbelievable things, and this shook his heart. He had only seen weak Ascended ones showing some tricks but other than he had never really experienced how the truly powerful ones fought.

Even before, he felt frightened when he saw Vitaly immobilizing both William and Liana with just a glance.

But somehow, he was still able to move his hands while suppressing his shock to reach out for his gun. His rifle was still beside the sofa, and so he only had a pistol on his belt.

He quickly took out his gun and fired at Marcus.

"Look out!" William called out worriedly.

However, Marcus didn't seem fazed, and like lightning, his hand moved and brought his axe forward as if he wanted to defend against the incoming speeding bullet.

If Ray was able to see things in slow motion, he would have laughed seeing how Marcus was trying to defend himself using his axe against a bullet.



But what happened next shocked everyone in the house as the sound of metal hitting metal resounded, and the bullet ricocheted before it got lodged into the wall just behind Marcus.

Reinhard frowned, even more, when he saw how easily Marcus deflected the bullet just using an axe. This was not something a mere human can do but something only an Ascended one could.

"An Ascended one!" Ray shouted in shock as he quickly took cover behind Reinhard while clutching his pistol with sweaty hands.

William and Laina were also astonished to see how easily Marcus deflected such a tiny and speeding bullet with his axe. They also saw how he used the axe to kill those two men in a humanly impossible way before.

They wondered how this guy was not noticed by the military if he possessed such abilities.

"Marcus, is it? Why don't you remove your scarf? Or are you scared to show us your face? Perhaps you are a criminal on the run?" Reinhard asked with a snigger while being on guard.

"I was going to kill all of you anyway. But if I remove my scarf, then I will have to make sure not even a speck of your corpse would get out of this house," Marcus replied in a stone-cold voice.

Reinhard curved his lips, but inwardly he couldn't help but feel a strange uneasiness in his heart hearing his words.

He pinched his lips as he said, "Vitaly, take him out!"josei

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