Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 355 I Am...

Chapter 355 I Am...

A deathly silence descended as Marcus' slowly got up, and wiped away the blood from his mouth, his scarf already undone to reveal a strikingly handsome face which looked a bit pale.

Nathasia stared at Marcus as if she lost her breath. In fact, not only her but everyone else was petrified seeing the face they all were familiar...a face the whole world was familiar with.

In fact, there would hardly be a soul in the world who was not familiar with this face.

"Marcus…" Nathasia mumbled in disbelief while the air in the room felt like it had plunged into a cold abyss, making everyone's hair stand on its ends.

Marcus walked forward towards the shocked Reinhard, lifted his leg, and brought it down upon his face, crushing it into paste easily.

"Aaahh!!" Nathasia was scared, seeing flesh being flattened like clay and blood being splattered. In fact, some got onto her clothes.

William and Laina could only frantically hug Nathasia, unable to let out a word from their mouth. Never in their wildest dreams could they believe that they had spent over a month interacting with the most dangerous man in the world.

Marcus replied slowly in a low voice with a glazed stare, "I am not Marcus. I am Damien...the Crimson Devil…" He then continued as he looked at the dozen soldiers and Sanders who were literally shaking on the spot, unable to even properly hold their guns, "And none of you are getting out of here alive."

"FIRE!!!" Sanders somehow pulled up all the strength he could find in his soul and uttered a single word that triggered the others like a hornet's nest as everyone immediately cocked their guns and pressed their triggers.

Everyone howled like wolves as they pressed their triggers with all their strength, firing numerous bullets altogether.

Nathasia and her parents cowered behind a sofa, but Nathasia opened one of her eyes to take a peek at Damien.

Damien only had a cold expression as he saw the numerous bullets shooting towards his path.

His eyes remained impassive as he simply raised his hand, and all the bullets stopped in mid-air.

The soldiers and Sanders kept on firing, but all their bullets were stopping in mid-air, continuing to float there.


Soon their guns stopped firing as their cartridges got over after firing a whole round of bullets at Marcus.

But it was all for vain as now the room was filled with countless floating bullets.

Nathasia had a slack jaw seeing all these floating bullets while William and Laina gulped.

The soldiers and Sanders were even more shocked when all those bullets turned to dust.

This was the final blow to their will as they all tried to run away from this monster.

But the door closed on its own, and Damien made a gesture with his hand that seemed to make everyone's feet lift off from the ground.



"Please, we c-can talk!" Sanders said in a shaky voice as he lost control of his body, and he was floating in the air along with the others, feeling as if death was clutching their necks in mid-air.

But he managed to press the red button on his walkie-talkie, knowing that he was not getting out of this alive.

However, Damien seemed to pay no mind to their pleas and cries as he slowly brought together his fingers.

But inwardly, he was struggling to use his powers, making him use all of his will to maintain control. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use it for a long time. That was how it was every time he 'accidentally' got access to these powers.

"Die…" This single word from Damien made everyone feel his suffocating killing intent, and the next sound, the cracking of multiple bones, resounded as everyone's necks got broken, stifling their cries immediately.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

The next second, all of them dropped to the ground like dead flies, their lifeless eyes still containing dread and fear as if the last person they saw had harrowed their souls.

Nathasia felt like she lost her voice as she was unable to say or cry out something seeing all those men die within just a moment. And all it took was Damien to simply move his fingers.

Damien then slowly turned around to look at Nathasia and then at William and Laina, who couldn't stop their chins from trembling.

They wanted to say something but couldn't when they saw the bloodied face of Damien.

It was as if they were literally standing before a devil who had their lives hanging by a thread.

Nathasia quickly reacted and jumped forward to grab his leg and said, "My parents and I won't tell anyone about you. Please...trust us."

William and Laina wanted to pull back Nathasia, but they held their breaths to know what Damien was going to do.

They nodded along as Nathasia said her words since they wanted to assure Damien that their lips would remain sealed about his identity.josei

Damien let out a sigh as he bent down and pulled up Nathasia and said in a low voice, "Get out of here before they send backup. I have to go now."

'Sofie, I hope you are alright!' Damien bitterly prayed inwardly.

Then without wasting another second, Damien rushed out of the house without even looking back, leaving behind a stupefied Nathasia, including her parents.

Nathasia wanted to follow and ask him about many things...but she could only halt her steps as William and Laina pulled her back.

"Papa...he…" Nathasia wanted to say something but was unable to complete her words.

William let out a heavy sigh, "It seems like the world had misunderstood the Crimson Devil...maybe he is not really a devil."

Laina remained unnaturally quiet and didn't refute her husband's words despite the fact that she feared the words 'Crimson Devil' the most.

After realizing that she and her family had been interacting with the same person for over a month, she felt that her husband's words were true.

Most of all, she knew that she and her family were alive now only because he bothered to save them.

Would a true devil really care to save them? She then didn't understand why he killed so many people during the Great Calamity.

In fact, William had this question in his mind as well, making him feel more puzzled after interacting with the man in question.

"Where did he go...why did he seem in a rush?" Nathasia asked as she continued to stare at the door blankly.

"Didn't you hear what those soldiers said? They said they had got information about his whereabouts, which means he can no longer stay here.

Nathasia felt a loss in her heart hearing that Damien might never be returning here and asked, "Why can't he just fight them off like how he did now?"

William sighed with a slight head shake, "I don't think things are that simple. It seems like there is a cost for his powers. Let's not waste any more time staying here. He was right to warn us since more might be coming here soon. Let's go!"

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