Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 423 - The Daring Peasant

Chapter 423 - The Daring Peasant

"Please don't hurt me!" A boy around 15 years old cried out while putting up his arms to shield his face.

He was dressed in peasant clothes, and it seemed as if he might be a boy servant around here.

"Please...don't h-hurt him…" Ai weakly cried out as she tried her best to get up, her eyes quivering with worry as she looked at that boy.

The little king was confused and asked since he recognized that boy, "Sister, what is Shin doing here?"

"Shin? Who is this guy, and why was he hiding?" Damien asked and didn't do anything to him since he could see that this boy was as harmless as a fly though he could guess what was going on here after seeing how much Ai was worried about him.

Shin slowly put down his arms while looking at Godnim and Tristen with wary expressions, hoping that they wouldn't do anything to him.

He then apologetically looked at the little king and tried to say something though the words got stuck in his throat, unable to say it out loud, especially to the little king.

Seeing how Shin was having a hard time, Ai let out a heavy sigh and said in a low voice, "He...I-I...love him…"

She then closed her eyes, not wanting to see her brother's expression since she had no idea how he was going to react.

"Ai…" Shin pressed his lips together, seeing his lover finally confessing it to the Shizar King despite how it might make her seem, especially considering her status as a princess.

He was sure that if the people came to know about this, Ai could lose her status as a princess or might even get looked down upon by her own people.

That was why he told her himself to never expose their relationship to others no matter what.

But this time, hearing how she was in trouble because of Lord Shade, he couldn't help but sneak in to check on her and didn't expect the little king to enter suddenly.

So he had no choice but to hide within the short interval though he obviously didn't get a good hiding spot and got found out.

Shin immediately kowtowed on the floor and spoke aloud in a trembling voice, "F-Forgive me, Your Majesty. Her Highness is lying. I forced my way into her room and threatened her not to speak the truth about my one-sided feelings for her. B-But...I am ready to pay for my sins by accepting any punishment, including a thousand deaths!"

"Shin...no...brother...don't listen to him...please…" Ai worriedly said as she clutched the little king's hand.

Seeing the drama unfold before him, Damien sighed, seeing how this was the romance between the lowly peasant and the elegant princess he had usually seen in soap movies and stories.

It was quite obvious to him that these two were trying to protect each other. Still, he was inwardly impressed by how brave this boy was since not everyone would have the courage to take all the blame and even be ready to accept a death sentence.

He knew Shin wasn't saying these words for show since, in this world, a simple death was the most merciful punishment meted out to those who tried to have a forbidden relationship, especially between a peasant and someone from the royal family.

Sometimes even the royal member would be either exiled or executed along with their lover, depending upon the local laws or the king who had the final say.josei

Sometimes, the king would have no choice but to exact out the punishment even if he didn't want to since otherwise he might receive a backlash from the people and his ministers and have his position as a king weakened.

The little king still had a baffled expression, not knowing how to react since the last thing he expected was his sick sister to have a lover and how he didn't even know about it.

With the same stupefied expression, the little king looked at his sister and asked, "How long? W-Why did you never tell me about this?"

Ai bit her lip and apologetically looked at him and said, "I...I am...sorry. I didn't know how you might react and if you might feel disappointed in me. Also, I thought it was better if no one else knew about our relationship because of the dangers involved. In case people came to know about us and also the fact that you knew too, then you could also face problems. Anyways, I never thought you would need to know, nor will anybody else know since my days are numbered."

The little king began to tear up seeing his sister like this and said in a comforting tone, "I-It's fine...I would never feel disappointed in you...As long as you are happy...I am happy too."

"Thank you, brother…" Ai felt as if a huge weight was lifted off her heart now that she told everything to her brother.

The little king then looked at Shin, who was still kowtowing, and said, "Please get up. There is no need for all this, and nor would I want any harm on the person my sister loves."

Shin had a look of disbelief as he slowly got up, not expecting the little king to be so understanding since no king would bend the rules even for their own family, as far as he knew.

But now, he realized that the little king was no ordinary person but someone who loved his family dearly.

"But all I want from you is that you take care of my sister well and never make her sad," The little king continued in a firm tone while inwardly wondering what was going to happen to these two if Lord Shade learns about this.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I swear on my lowly life that I would do everything that I can to make her happy and well," Shin said with full sincerity.

The little king nodded with a slight smile and then asked Tristen, "Prince Tristen, will things be tougher for you now?"

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