Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 712 The Ghouls

Chapter 712 The Ghouls

"You four. Follow us. You guys don't wanna linger too much around here," One of the women in the suit said as she removed her helmet, revealing the face of a young woman looking in her late twenties.

She had short black hair but had pretty looks, while her eyes were sharp as a warrior. Her body had a lean structure yet was slender enough. She then looked at the other four men in suits, "You all. Go to the Station Master and report whatever happened."

The four of them nodded as they flew off.

By now, Reva was certain that this woman was kind of a leader figure in this place, though she was also curious who was really running this whole place.

"May we ask what your name is?" Lily asked since she was thankful to her and her friends for saving them and wanted to know who she was.

"You can call me Alex. Let's go," Alex said as she flew up.

"Alex…" Lily felt that the name sounded a bit strange for a woman, but she didn't say anything, thinking it would be rude.

She, along with her sisters, followed Alex while Farah also followed suit. However, the four couldn't stop feeling anxious about Damien, wondering if he was in a safe place. Just knowing that he was alive was not enough since none of them could predict if his condition would remain the same the next second.

However, they all agreed with each other to talk with the person who runs this place and then ask them how to find their husband who might be in a place very far from here.

As they flew up, Yuria noticed that even if they were inside a dome, they could still see the skies above. She wondered how that was possible unless it was a transparent dome. But from outside, it looked more like an armored dome and not a transparent one.

She wondered if they were using some kind of advanced formation to either mimic the skies or make the dome transparent one way.

"Now that we are here. Tell us why the humans who attacked us looked so strange? And also that beast who could also take human form. Why did they attack us for no reason?" Valentina asked Alex with a serious look.

Yuria, Reva, and Lily also narrowed their gazes since what Valentina asked had been lingering in their minds since they left with these people.

Alex didn't say anything but flew up to the roof of the tallest building as her feet touched the floor. The rest also followed, and the view from here allowed them to get a glimpse of the entire city within the dome.

Reva and her sisters saw that the city was indeed densely populated, and so many people were living on the streets in miserable conditions.

They seemed even more miserable than the poor people back in their continent. Some were even licking up the dirty water on the ground while there were fights breaking out here and there.

They could see men in uniforms trying to break up these fights, but they felt that this was a common occurrence.

"The people who look different from humans like us are called 'Ghouls'," Alex finally broke the silence while looking at the horizon, watching the sunset.

"Ghouls?" Lily and her sisters glanced at each other, hearing the strange term.

"How are they exactly different from us?" Yuria asked with a shake of her head.

"For starters, they feast on our flesh. They are just monsters who look and can even do everything we can. But most of them are just mindless flesh eaters who literally look like monsters. You all are lucky that none of you came upon a Fiend. The 'Fiends' are the ghouls who cannot be reasoned with, cannot be bargained with since all that matters to them are devouring us," Alex said without a change in her expression, though her fingers were digging into her skin.

p "So the Abominable Fiend—"

"Yeah. We all are lucky to not get killed by it. But I wonder what happened to poor Damien. Sigh, he made the ultimate sacrifice for you all by luring the Fiend out of the continent along with him," Farah said as if she was really feeling sympathetic.

"He is alive," Valentina immediately said with a glare.

"Oh…okay, okay. I was just worried for you guys. No harm done," Farah said with a shrug, though she wondered why Valentina seemed so confident or if she was just in denial.

But then she observed the other three wives of Damien as well, and noticed that there wasn't even a hint of doubt about Damien being alive in their eyes. All she could notice was that they were anxious to meet up with him. This piqued Farah's interest.

"You all are married? And your husband also came here?" Alex asked with crossed arms as she turned around.

"Yes, we are," Reva answered with a fixed gaze as the others strongly nodded.josei

"Is he strong?" Alex asked with knitted brows.

"He is stronger than us in certain ways, but what we are worried about is if the Ghouls who are intelligent like us would harm him. Are these Ghouls as weak as the ones we killed?" Yuria asked. She didn't expect the Ghouls who attacked them to be weak compared to them.

If every Ghoul was like that, then she would feel relieved that Damien would have less trouble to deal with.

Alex shook her head as she said, "Ghouls are like us only in many ways. But we are more like prey to them. The cultivation of Ghouls varies. Some are as weak as the ones you all killed, but some are strong enough to even destroy this entire city we are living in on their own. If your husband isn't in the Noble Ethereal Realm yet, then you all better pray that he doesn't come upon anybody in that realm, let alone a powerhouse in the Prime Ethereal Realm. That would literally be a nightmare."

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