Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 229 - The Report.

Chapter 229 - The Report.

The Haron Continent...

The Central of human civilization in the Nexus world.

It was not always called Haron and the history books tell of a time when the Harons were but rulers of a kingdom rather than an empire.

At that time, the twelve Duchys were twelve kingdoms. Twelve human kingdoms ruled by Kings and Queens.

The Harons made the thirteenth.

And then the Dystopian continent waged war against humanity and for that reason, the First Emperor arose and sought to unite the Twelve Kingdoms.

They did not always accept to do so peacefully and could not be blamed, after all, should they agree, they would be subverted under a higher power.

It was something they could not accept.

Some fought to retain their prestige.

Some fought to retain their heritage.

Some fought because they were battle crazy.

Whatever the reason, only two kingdoms swore loyalty to the First Emperor peacefully.

The others refused and the battle was said to be long and gruesome.

The First Emperor however kept to his crusade for the 'good of humanity' and eventually got all twelve kingdoms to bow to his rule.

They went from being kingdoms to duchys and the First Emperor took the top seat to become the first to ever unify the Continent which he then named after his family name.

The Haron continent flourished and regardless of what means usurpers made use of, they could never unseat the Harons from their throne.

And for over five hundred thousand years, the crown had been passed down and their empire had lasted.

However, things were not as solid as they seemed.

Even then, there were already plots forming to finally break free of the Haron rule but they were not seeking independence but what the Harons had built for hundreds of thousands of years; They wanted to rule the Empire.

And yet, rumor had it that the Haron Emperor should not look too far for his enemies for they lay within his very own family and court.


The Doxon Duchy...

The Duchy palace...

A residence with an amalgam of buildings and such decor, beauty and prestige that it was fit for a ruler.

It was the residence of the Doxon family who have ruled the territory since it was a Kingdom and now that it was a Duchy.

Say what you want about your displeasure in the one presently ruling the Duchy but one thing remains the same, and it is the fact that the power remains with that family and does seem to be changing hands anytime soon.

We go past all the guards from whose body, the pressure of powerful cultivation could be felt.

We go past the servants and maids running around to tend to the needs of the family members and we finally go to the center of the Duchy Palace.

The grandest and tallest of the amalgam of buildings and it was in this building that we finally reach our destination;

The Doxon Throne room.

While it kept to the limits it was allowed by the Continent's imperial power and did not rival the Emperor's, grandeur was still clear in its design.

The high-backed throne raised higher than the level on which the members of the Duchy court were to sit or stand (depending on the occasion).

The high ceiling and the bright jewels engraved into the pillars.

Needless to say, entering into this room was bound to show off the wealth of the Doxon family and by extension, the Duchy.

Because, once again, you could say what you wish of the Duchess but she did care for her Duchy.

From the throne, there were two lines of chairs on each side, but only the one at the forefront of the right side was occupied.

The one who sat in it was a middle man with shoulder-length black hair and grey eyes. His robes while tight-fitting was of expensive materials and despite the slight frown on his face, he was no doubt a handsome man.

An attendant of the court had just informed him that the Duchess would be arriving soon but his frown was not one of impatience. It was one of worry and as a high-ranking member of the Duchess' court, he needed to inform her before taking steps to quell that worry.

*Click* *Clack* *Click* *Clack*

The sound of footsteps atop the hard floor announced the arrival of the Duchess dressed in a voluminous blue robe that complemented her eyes so well.

The middle-aged man had seen the face many times but it never ceased to cause him to catch his breath in appreciation of its beauty.

The face reminded him so much of his daughter despite the two not looking anything alike.josei

It was a residual emotion from how much he missed said daughter which was to be expected as it had been so long since he last saw or held her.

Svetlana walked across the hall and sat on her throne to look down at the man below, 

"Uncle Anton. I am sorry we had to meet in such a formal setting but I am expecting a message soon and did not feel like commuting twice. I hope you understand" Despite the words being polite and said with a smile, they did not feel particularly genuine but Anton had no problem with that.

He shook his head and smiled up at the Duchess, 

"Not at all my dear" his words could not help but be familiar as he counted as a family friend and there was only the two of them present.

Svetlana's expression remained the same because she preferred it that way as well.

"So what would the head of Sensual Palace want with me today?" She asked.

Anton sighed, 

"My lady, for years now, you have denied any expedition to the city my daughter has been residing and you have done so, as you yourself have admitted,  because of personal reasons.

But I can't take it anymore.

As someone who ranks so high in your court and is so close to the family, I felt it would be worse than disrespectful to you not to even inform you ahead and personally no less,

But I will bring Emiliana back from that deadbeat city in that stupid Duchy if I have to go over there and get her back myself"

Towards the end of his words, Anton's anger was clear.

He had given her enough time. And while Twenty years was a very short time to an Expert of his caliber and lifespan, it was a long time for a father.

Svetlana placed her cheek on her fist, 

"Okay fine. Go bring her back if you want. I agree that Emiliana has spent enough time away but I feel it would be far more prudent for you to send her a message beforehand.

I believe she has a communication talisman on hand"

Anton sighed, 

"She does, but has not replied to any of my messages for a month."

Svetlana chuckled in her mind as she realized it was only because this father had not heard his daughter's voice in the last month that he was so anxious, 

"Be that as it may. Leave her a message that if she does not contact you or come back home, you'll go and get her.

Salmon city does not have many experiences with Experts of your caliber and you are not known for your subtlety, uncle"

Anton frowned and then sighed, 

"Fine. But if she does not reply or does not come home, I can bring her back?" He asked.

"By all means. Although I don't know why you're so worried as I doubt there can ever be an Expert that would threaten her safety there." Svetlana said.

Anton narrowed his eye slightly before turning to walk out of the hall.

He felt she had been very unhelpful and the next time he wished to leave, he would simply do that.

Consequences be damned.

He was just about out of the hall when a beautiful lady walked in after a short but respectful bow to him.

The young lady walked up to Svetlana and bowed deeply, 

"My lady"

"What have you found out?"

The lady nodded and began her report, 

"For one thing the City is no longer called Salmon city, it has now being renamed Sapphire city in respect of the 'Benevolent One' who saved the city from catastrophe. 

The civil war apparently took a turn for the worse and civilians got attacked and it was all due to an evil villain who got involved but was defeated by the Benevolent One.

The city has undergone many changes since then"

Svetlana looked amused, 

"Oh? List some of them"

The lady bowed

"Yes, my lady. The Great families and the Plebeian families no longer exist. The most powerful families in the city now are called 'Blessed Families' and they are all said to obey every word of the 'Benevolent One' who is also sometimes referred to as the Lord of Sapphire city."

Svetlana perked up, 

"What of the Payne family?" She asked.

"I'm sorry to inform you my lady, but they have been annihilated and the few survivors have banded together to form Blessed families."

Svetlana stood to her feet, 

"What of Hal? If he's dead, I'll personally kill Rita" she said in anger.

The lady looked uncomfortable, 

"W-w-well my lady, young master Hal is alive and well but he can... He can also cultivate."

Svetlana looked confused, 

"He can what?"

"He can cultivate"

Svetlana shook her head, 

"That's impossible. I was sure it was impossible"

The lady shook her head, 

"I don't know how but he can. There was a competition among the young generation of Salmon city and from what I gleaned, the young master and a lady won it."

Svetlana slumped back into her seat and her blue eyes seemed far away, so much so she did not really hear the lady's question.

"My Lady, what would you have me do now?"

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