Rise of the Crusader

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

177 Meeting

It took only a few minutes and the students returned to the academy.

They however headed to the student’s administration office afterward.

“As this would be the final mission you’d be working on in the first year, the director of the division himself would be the one rewarding you.”

It was the middle-aged woman with violet eyes and a curvaceous figure that spoke.

As the director was said to be on his way to the administration block, they had no choice but to wait, and this brought forth an argument between them.

“Before he arrives, let’s discuss who will be taking the puppet?” Levi said impatiently.

There had only been five people who had been aware of puppet’s existence, but through moving from Sonia’s household to the academy, more students came to learn about the puppet.

And as Levi spoke, they all moved their gaze to Sylvia, who had the human puppet.

“Aliyah said she isn’t interested in the puppet, and same with Raphael... Since the two strongest are not interested in it, then it’s only right that it falls to the third person on the list.”


It wasn’t even up to a second after those words escaped Levi’s mouth, and the atmosphere in these surroundings became cold.

There was no doubt that the people in the area disagreed with what he had just said.

“You must be delusional if you think you’re the third strongest in the first year.” Bane blurted.

As Bane spoke, he took a step toward Levi.

While Bane hadn’t expressed any interest about the human puppet since he heard it, he hated to see Levi get the puppet.

And also calling himself the third strongest, when he, Bane Seneville existed was, in fact, insulting.

“Don’t mock yourself, Bane,” Levi said, taking his own step forward.

As Bane and Levi glared at one another, Raphael was also having his own heated exchange with the middle-aged woman.

This wasn’t the first time he was meeting the woman or even the second time, but each time he comes to see this woman, he couldn’t help but feel like she knew him more than what she revealed.

Raphael had, of course, asked her why she always stared at him that way, but she always dismissed his words, and sometimes, she replied with a light chuckle.

“Are you okay?” Elisa asked in a soft tone.

And as Raphael heard her, he turned towards her and gave a gentle nod.

“Didn’t you say you want the puppet, they seem to have forgotten what you said?” Said Elisa as she stared at Levi and Bane.

While there was no difference in the expression on Raphael’s face, he slowly walked towards Sylvia.

“The puppet?” Raphael inquired in a very unfriendly voice.

As Raphael’s voice rang out, whether it was Levi and Bane, or the others in the room, they all moved their gaze to him and Sylvia with their thought rather unknown.

However, the middle-aged woman’s lips curved inwardly, and an amused expression soon formed on her face.

“What makes you think I will hand it over to you,” Sylvia replied.

“Because I want it!” Raphael said. “Get this straight.”

I’m not interested in exchanging words with you, so choose your next response wisely or else you would pay with your life.”

Sylvia’s eyes twitched, clearly, she hadn’t been expecting Raphael to utter those words.

“Are you bullying the weak just cause, you’re more powerful,” Sylvia said with mockery written all over her face.

“Of course I am,” Raphael replied.

“It’s the weak fault for being weak, if the roles were changed, and you were the one doing the bullying, I wouldn’t blame you.”

“I might resent you, but I won’t blame you. Now, don’t waste any of my time, and hand the puppet over before I make you unable to distinguish between day and night.” Raphael said harshly.

And seeing the look that was on his face when he spoke, and even after, Sylvia didn’t doubt that Raphael wouldn’t make a move on her if she refused to hand the puppet to him.


Before Levi would complete his words, he received a deadly glance from Raphael that instantly sealed his lips.

Raphael turned towards Sylvia, with an eyebrow then raised. “The puppet,”

Sylvia’s eyebrows furrowed, she slowly moved her hand to her sword, and while Raphael could see her stretching her hands towards it, he wanted to see, if she was that dumb.

Time seemed to slow down between the both of them, everyone was aware of Sylvia’s stubbornness and Raphael was considered a monster.

And even though Sylvia knew that she was no match for the current Raphael, she still refused to bow her head to him.

So, a clash was very much inevitable between the both of them.


Suddenly, the tension was broken, as a light sound occurred from the middle-aged woman.

As they all moved their gaze to the woman, it came as a shock to see the director of the elite division, Kai London, and two other students standing beside him.

The student standing beside Kai was Melinda, however, whether it was the looks or the aura excluding out of her body, both were very different.


One of the students was about to offer his greeting to Kai when he shook his head.

“It’s alright,” Kai muttered.

“This won’t take much of your time, so It would mean much if you pay attention.” Said Kai, as he stared at the students.

Raphael, who was standing in front of Sylvia, turned around. He was still standing beside, but his attention was now on Kai.

“Thank you very much.”

A few seconds later and Kai’s voice rang out.

“For year’s the elite division has won the tournament, and it pleases me that the reputation, record, and status we have built wasn’t tarnished,” Kai said.

“The academy recruited each one of you with the hope that you would one day change the world, and with the improvement, we have seen, it’s only a matter of time before your names echo throughout the whole world.”

Kai then waved his hand, “As members of the elite division we are all winners,”

And as Kai spoke, the students who were beside him opened the boxes in his hand and passed the rings in it to the students in the surrounding.

The students had eyes on black rings on their palms, with different expressions on their faces.

“Those rings are called elite rings, and each of you has now earned the right to wear the ring.” Kai showed a black ring of his own as he spoke.

“You’re no longer a student of the elite division, now you have become a member of the elite division.” Kai blurted with a face full of smiles.

There was a round of applause from the student after Kai spoke, and it wasn’t just Kai who then had a smile on his face, a smile soon formed on their faces as well.

Kai nodded his head, “As this was to be your final mission in the first year, you have earned yourselves a break from the academy.”

“A two-month break, and once you return back to the academy, you won’t be first-year students instead you’d be resuming as second-year students.” Said Kai.

While the second year was filled with dangers, a smile still emerged on the student’s face.

The reason was quite simple, as the environment of the second block was indeed frightening, the opportunities that existed there were life-changing.

“I wish you the best of luck, and hope to see you soon. Good day.” With that said, and, Kai strolled out of the administration office.

Melinda and the male students beside her also walked out as well.

And the students hadn’t rejoiced about the news they had just heard when five figures walked into the office.

As their eyes came in contact with the five that walked in, they moved several steps backward quickly and then turned towards Raphael.

“The cabal,”

That name had only just escaped Aiden’s mouth when Serena, Melanie, Almond, Ves, and two other figures walked into the room.

The cabal walking into the administration office already made everyone very shocked, and as they saw the student council make an appearance at the same time, surely a show was about to go down.

“Oh, oh, this doesn’t look good,” Aiden mumbled.

As Aiden said those words, he saw Bane pointing his hands at the door entrance, and as he moved his gaze to the entrance, he turned towards Raphael.

In the academy, they existed many forces, societies, and even groups, but among the many, only three were deemed the sovereigns of all.

The cabal, the student council, and lastly the bratvas.

The cabal was the first to make an appearance in the administration block, and after them came the student’s council, and as if the presence of this two wasn’t enough, the bratvas walked in. josei

“The last time these three forces gathered together was during the takedown of Laden.”

“Yes, but, the reason why they are here is because of... Him!”


An- I probably shouldn’t have made it seem like gifts are the only way to support the book. Golden tickets and power stones also matter.


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