Rise of the Crusader

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

187 Gift

Meanwhile, Allan’s mouth was wide open, he was a little shocked at that answer, but after a brief moment, he turned around.

Yvonne glanced at Gus, who was laughing at the situation, and before Raphael would send the people outside away, she rushed out quickly.


“Let’s hope she agrees to help, or else we will be in a serious mess.”


“The city has been very nice to her and her son ever since they came here, so if she has the means of helping us when needed, they should be no reason why she shouldn’t.”

The people outside of Yvonne’s house discussed this among themselves after Allan walked into the house.

It went on until the door of the house was opened, and as they saw that familiar face in front of them, they all sealed their lips immediately.

Fear swept all over their body immediately, to the extent that a few of them ran from the sight of the brown-haired youth in front.



With his hand folded across his chest, Raphael let out a chuckle soon after he saw the people outside.

“S-Sir Raphael.”

“We didn’t know you were around, we apologize for the disturbance, it won’t ever happen again.”

Once the city head’s voice rang out, none of the people in the surroundings wasted any other time, and they turned around quickly.

However, they had only just moved a few steps when Raphael spoke.

“The audacity of you to walk out in my presence.”

It was merely a few words, but the impact it had on the people in the surrounding was massive.

Beads of sweat immediately gathered around their forehead, and even though they desperately wanted to move, they found themselves incapable of moving an inch.

Raphael’s lips curved inwardly, “I’m only messing with you.”

“I must say, I missed how it used to be around here.” Said Raphael as he stared at his surrounding.

“Anyway, I heard you need some help,” Raphael paused. “I’m not an ungrateful person, and considering what you all have done for me, I will help you.”

Raphael allowed them to assimilate what he had just said, and a few seconds later, he waved his hand.

“This is some of the finest weapons I’ve created, take any weapon of your choice, then we go get what rightly belongs to us.”

A confused, as well as a dumbfounded expression, appeared on the faces of the people in the surrounding after Raphael spoke.

The weapons which were on the floor made it more confusing as they wondered if Raphael had been hit in the head or something.

Raphael soon shook his head, “Don’t you want to recover what was stolen from you, the farms, and the rest?” He asked.

A nod came from the people in front of him afterward.

They stared at him for a few seconds before then moving their gaze to the weapons that were laying on the ground.

“You mean, we...”

Before the woman in the midst would complete for her words, Raphael nodded his head repeatedly.

“This has been happening for quite some time, and now that those people have gone to the length of stealing all your belongings, don’t you think you should retaliate.” Said Raphael.

“You have all been bullied, pushed to the breaking point, so if there’s a chance to get back at them, I say you grab it.”

Raphael was addressing the people in the city when the door behind open, was opened, and Yvonne, as well as Allan, stepped out.

Allan was able to hear a bit of what was said by Raphael, and it made him just as dumbfounded as the rest of the people in the surrounding.

Yvonne stared at Raphael, and the more she watched him, the smile on her face widened soon after.

“So, are you going to take vengeance, or will you just sit and watch as everything is taken away from you.” Raphael blurted.

“Today, it was your farm that was taken from you, tomorrow, they might come from your homes. And what next, after they can’t have anything materialistic from you, they will come for your life.”

There was a certain level of assurance that was present in Raphael, almost as if he knew what was coming for them.

“So, what is it going to be?”

Raphael sneered, “Do you want to keep hiding behind people’s backs, being a coward for the rest of your lives, or do you want to stand up for yourself.”

After uttering those words, Raphael allowed them a few minutes to make a decision, and as those minutes went by, and no words left their mouth he spoke.


Raphael was about to send the weapons into his ring when someone suddenly walked to his front.

“I want to get what was stolen from us back. I’m no coward.” josei

It was a youth that appeared to be seventeen. He had brown eyes and black hair, and as Raphael saw the expression on his face, his lips curved inwardly.

Raphael moved his gaze to the others in the surrounding, and if a youth of this age was willing to step forward, while the old geezers refused to make any move, it was disgraceful.

As Raphael didn’t hide the disdainful look on his face, everyone could naturally tell that he was disappointed by their action.

This then prompted them to lower their head in shame.

“I will go too.”

Another person spoke, but this time around it was a middle-aged woman.

She balled her hand into a tight fist, “My children were taken away from him by those fiends, I have nothing else to lose.”

“I might as well use this life of my mine to avenge them. Even if it’s going to be the last thing I will do, I’m willing to.” Said the woman.

There was determination written all over the woman’s face that none of the people doubted what she was saying, including Raphael.

Suddenly, Raphael’s mouth opened slightly, he seemed to have realized something, and after a brief moment, he let out a chuckle.

“What if I told you, none of you will lose your life or suffer any harm.” Said Raphael as he stared at the people around him.

Certainly, Raphael’s words brought forth a reaction, just like he expected, as that was the fear they had.

“I guarantee you that none of you will suffer any harm. You don’t have to trust my words for it, but it would be you who would be losing and not me.” Raphael said.

“Now, will anyone be joining these two, or this is all?” Raphael inquired.

It took a few seconds, but they all agreed.

“We will go.”

“We will go.”

*I might hate you, but I still trust that you won’t let any harm happen to us.”

While Raphael might have bullied them over the years, they had never been any time when. He allowed the bullying or ripping off to be done by someone else.

It was as if he preferred the bullying to be done by him, and no one else.

Raphael’s lips curved into a smile, and with a glance from Gus, Gus knew exactly what was needed to be done.

Gus flew towards the weapons on the floor, and one after the other, it began to hand them the weapon of its choosing.

“The weapons given to you are tailored and made for only you, I should have handed this over to you all before I left, but I wasn’t create it then.” Said Raphael.

As the puzzled look still remained on most of their faces, Raphael decided to address the matter a little further.

“The weapons are not just random, like I said earlier. They were created for you. I made my research on each of you, and chose to make something that would serve as a means of protection.”

Shock was written all over their face after Raphael spoke, they were astonished as this was something none of them saw coming.

“This is so...”

What came after those words were the sound of an explosion as the man accidentally pulled the trigger.

Raphael’s raised an eyebrow, he stared at the house that had just been demolished, and he shook his head.

“Relax, you will get your shot once we get to the battlefield.” Said Raphael, staring at the man who fired the shot.

The man flashed Raphael a rough smile and then moved his gaze back to his weapon.

He wasn’t the only one who was astounded about the weapon that was in his hand, but the others were as well.

They stared at the weapons with adoration present in their eyes, and even though no words left their mouth, the weapon in front of them seemed to be considered the most important piece in their life.

Raphael very much expected this sort of reaction from them, he smiled and then said, “Once we leave the city, I will let you get to know more about your weapon.”

“Let’s go.”

With that said, and Raphael moved forward.

It took them a few minutes, but as soon as they regained composure, they hurried out of the city.


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