Rise of the Crusader

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

42 The Bass Mansion

The night is deep, the blue sky is dotted with countless small stars, while the street of the estate was aglow from the city lights. josei

A couple of the students had stern expressions on their faces when they arrived at the street across from the Bass mansion.

“Let’s go!” With that said, and they all dashed forward.

While this was the first mission they were taking from the academy, the students had their own share of experience, and they moved in a manner that their footsteps couldn’t be heard in the slightest.

The street they were dropped off wasn’t all that far from the Bass mansion, and a few seconds before they would come in touch with the gate of the mansion, seven dark spiraling portals immediately appeared in front of the students.

And within seconds, the students grouped themselves into seven groups, with three students entering into one portal, and in a brief moment, the twenty-one students had disappeared from the surrounding.


Followed by that sound were five of the lights which surrounded the mansion going black instantly. The guards who were roaming around the compound of the mansion stared at the light that just went off, and before any of them could even react, the remaining ones also went off.


Raising his hand slightly, the guard who was putting on a black and white suit said, “Code 10-33!” It wasn’t even up to five seconds after he spoke, and an arrow punctured through his left chest.

The arrow penetrated through his body deeply that it came out on the other side of his body.


Staring at the figure of the person who sent the arrow at him, the guard opened his mouth slightly, and the moment he tried to speak, blood gushed out of his mouth.

“Code 10-33, state your emergency!” As the guard stumbled to the ground, a voice suddenly rang out from the wristwatch he had on.

“Code 10-33, state your emergency!”

As the voice rang out once again, a figure appeared in front of the corpse of the guard that had just fallen. The figure stared at Dwayne who was meters away, before then taking the wristwatch, the guard was putting on and then said, “Code 10-22, disregard!” Jackson said.

There was, however, no response from the other side, and a second after, Jackson sent Dwayne thumps up.

The Bass mansion was really massive, and despite the house shady act, the members of the household were living a rather worry-free lifestyle.

It was however like most homes which they prioritized themselves on the security at the front and the side of the building. Little was paid to be back of the mansion, and this was exactly where the students from the elite division focused greatly on.

The former plan of the students was to have two groups handle the outside affairs of the mansion, but after weighing their options, they decided to make it three rather than two groups.

While Dwayne, Jackson, and Aiden handled the back of the mansion, where the swimming was, Elisa, Sean, and Bane took the other end. “Good job!” The door at the swimming pool was where the students entered from, and after the guards were cleared, the four groups entered immediately.

Bane was seating crossed-legged beside the swimming pool with a gourd in front of him. With his eyes shut closed, he placed both hands on the gourd, and insects could be seen coming out of the gourd.

His hands which were placed on the gourd were without flesh, as once the insects came out of the gourd, they would eat his flesh, and coil themselves around his body before they moved about the compound.

That was how the sequence went on, and a few minutes after Bane continued to create those red insects, it was no longer his hands that were without flesh, and the flesh on his head was no more. The only reason why Bane could be said to still be alive was his heart, which was still beating.

“What the hell!!!!” Sean, who was charging around the compound, delivering black thunderbolts to the guards he set eyes on, suddenly came across one of the guards who had his body covered in insects, and he couldn’t help but be disgusted.

The guard was in the same condition just like Bane, but unlike Bane whose heart wasn’t touched by the insects, the red insects didn’t show the same compassion towards the guard it met. And they simply chewed them up like some bucket of chicken.

The guards which were met with the insects were incapable of struggling, as once the insect touched them, they secreted a product that left their bodies paralyzed. They were unable to move a muscle and neither could they utter a word, and this gave the insects access into pulling any stunt they want.

Sean glanced at the guard who was being eaten by the insects for a few seconds before he then dashed forward.

As the two groups focused on those areas of the mansion, the figure leading the attack at the front was Sylvia. It was, however, only after the other four groups had moved into the mansion, that Sylvia took action.

“Code 10-35, we have...” Before the female guard could complete her word, Sylvia slashed her sword at her neck.

Blood splattered all over the area, as the female guard’s head slid from her body. Sylvia, who had been in front of her, moved back very quickly, and she managed to avoid any of the guard blood from touching her body.

Sylvia had stuck with her usual style of dressing and demanded it for her costumes. She stuck with bandages wrapped around her body, leaving only her long blue-tinted silver hair on the display.

The academy, of course, had no problem with the choice of costumes the students chose, and they simply gave the students whatever it is they wanted.

“Arghhhhh!!!” With a full force wave of her sword, Sylvia sent two heads flying away.

While it was Sylvia, Melinda, and Aiden that were at the front, the guards focused heavily on Sylvia, as among the three of them she was the one who butchered their colleagues like pigs.

The materials which the academy had used when creating Sylvia’s costumes were ones she could control at will.

Suddenly, Sylvia stretched her hand forward, and a portion of the bandages which she had on flew towards two of the guards.

“Y-You...” As the bandages wrapped themselves around the neck of the two guards, Sylvia propelled her body forward and then slashed her sword at the abdomen of the two guards.

Among the year one elite division students, there was only a handful of them who could match up to Sylvia’s attacking force. It was one of the reasons why she was able to earn the respect of the dean and a few other teachers.

And this time around, when Sylvia targeted the abdomen of the two guards, her sword sliced them up. Their upper body separated itself from the lower body, and as both guards fell to the ground, a horrified look appeared on the faces of the other guards.

Even Melinda stared at the guards and she couldn’t help but be stunned by what Sylvia had just done.


The guards who were in charge of protecting the compound of the mansion soon found themselves rushing into the mansion for protection. However, before they could cover much ground, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.


Aiden clenched both hands into a tight fist and delivered a full-force punch at the guards who were at the front of the door. “Where do you think you’re going?!” Aiden said, then sneered at the other guards.

The guards staggered several steps backward, they glanced at Sylvia, Aiden, and Melinda, and dismay was written evidently on their faces. Even staring at the bodies of their colleagues which were in a miserable state, fear gripped each one of them.

And as a couple of them stared into the mansion from the glasses, the fear that they were experiencing grew significantly.

It wasn’t only outside the mansion that bodies were piling up, even the inside of the mansion was decorated in blood. The guards could see some of their colleagues being set ablaze, while a few others were having their heads smashed together by a tan, muscular figure.

“Who are you?!” One of the guards spoke in a frightened tone.

One of the drawbacks of living in an influential neighborhood like the lower south side was that the riches disliked noises. Every household on the lower south side possessed a soundproof system that canceled out any form of noise from other houses.

So, whatever it was that was going on in the house nearby was completely oblivious to the others. Except they were to receive a message directly, there was noway for others to figure out whatever it is that was going on.

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