Rise of the Crusader

Chapter 247 The Queen's Method

Chapter 247 The Queen's Method

At about two hours later, the meeting between the directors and Eleanor ended. They left the room soon after, however, with Kai staying behind.

He looked at the screen in front, and the frown on his face deepened.

The frown had appeared ever since he got to know that the academy was coming for Ultraman's daughter, and now that the attack on the girl was in motion, Kai couldn't help but be furious.

"There has to be another way," Kai muttered to himself as he looked at the girl on the screen.

It was barely up to a minute after Kai murmured, and the door of the meeting room opened.

Stepping into the meeting room was Serena, and as her eyes came in contact with Kai, she slowly walked toward him.

"Is it done?" Kai asked once Serena appeared in front of him.

Upon hearing Kai, Serena shook her head. She then lowered her head, while her hands were clenched into a tight fists.

"What's stopping you from bringing him in, Serena? I assume the both of you were very close, so how can it be this difficult for you to bring him to our side." Kai spoke in an unfriendly tone.

His cold voice caused Serena to bite her lower lips hard while her body shook in fear from the killing intent he let out.

And not to talk of responding to his question, Serena was unable to get a grip on herself. She cowered her head in fear, as her body continued to tremble violently.

It was only until after a few minutes when Kai withdrew his intent that Serena was able to raise her head slightly. There were bids of sweat on her head, and as she stared at Kai, she flashed him a rough smile.

"I assumed my relationship with Raphael would aid in recruiting him to the council, but it's not that simple. Raphael is someone who doesn't mix relationship and business together." Serena said.

She then paused for a moment before saying, "And from what I have seen from him these last few months, chasing after him would be a waste of time."

"Raphael won't be joining any of the three forces," Serena stated.

Kai's eyebrows furrowed as he heard Serena.

He stared at her for a while before letting out a deep breath. "If Raphael won't join forces with us, then it means he is against us," Kai said.

"If the both of you cross paths in the future, you must be merciless to him."

Kai peered deep into Serena's eyes as he uttered that word, it was almost as though he were expecting a response or reaction from her, but as Serena remained neutral to his words, he smiled.

"It's good that you don't seem to have a strong attachment to the kid, and you seem willing to go against him." He said. "Because if that kid isn't going to ally with us or the others, then it must mean that his ambition is greater than what we realize."

Unbeknownst to Kai, on the mention of facing Raphael in the future as a foe, it was more easier said than done. Serena couldn't imagine that a day would come when she and Raphael would stand against one another.

She frowned upon the idea and pondered about it deeply.

If she and Raphael were to be in that situation in the future, could she do, what was needed to be done? Serena bit her lower lips at the thought of it happening, and as she felt a touch on her shoulder, she raised her head.

"Master," Serena muttered in a low voice.

Kai knitted his eyebrows, seeing the look on Serena's voice. "It can't be that you harbor some feelings for the kid, right?"

The instant Kai spoke, Serena shook her head vigorously in response. She then straightened her posture, and after heaving a deep breath, she spoke.

"I don't have feelings for Raphael. It's just that the both of us have been through a few things together, and I can't deny that there exists a connection between us."

With that said, and she looked directly into Kai's eyes.

Serena didn't evade from his gaze, instead she patiently waited for his response.

"You should get rid of that bond or connection because if Raphael were to be an obstacle for us in the future, it would be your task to end him," Kai said.

"And if you're unable to send him off, it would be my job to kill him." He added.

Kai seemed to be expecting a reaction from Serena, and as she didn't budge a bit to what he said, he smiled.

"Let's hope, it doesn't get to that," Kai said and then walked past Serena.

He had only just taken a few steps forward when he abruptly paused. With his lips curling inwardly, Kai spoke. "I can tell that while you say you harbor no feelings for Raphael, you feel the need to shelter him from harm, because of what he's been through."

"It's why you brought him to the academy to keep a close eye on him."

As Serena heard Kai, her body trembled slightly. Clearly, she hadn't been expecting Kai to be aware of her intention. She clenched her hand Into a tight fist and said.

"How long have you known?"

"Since the very beginning," Kai replied.

He then sneered, "It's quite foolish of you to think that Raphael needs your protection. Until now, every move you've made has only been successful because the people behind Raphael wanted it to go that way."

"The Queens?"

"Yes," Kai replied.

"It… It can't be." Serena stuttered. "They disowned him and declared they don't want to have anything to do with him, so how can they possible still shield him behind."

"If the Queens are really behind him, then how could they watch as he suffered all this while." Serena blurted.

Kai, however, responded to her words with a chuckle.

"You underestimate these people," He said.

"The Queens have a policy of sending out their members out of their household before the age of 10. What happened to Raphael occurred to the others as well, the only difference was, he was chased out of the family quickly."

Serena's brows furrowed. She looked at Kai, and after a few seconds, she asked what currently weighed on her mind.

"How come we are unaware of this, and what's their reason for this?"

"The Queens naturally have their way of hiding information like this," Kai responded. "Unlike the other top family, you hardly see a young member of the Queen's family until they reach the age the family wants them to appear before the world." josei

"The reason is that the hierarchy wants only the best of the best in their family. They consider all members of the family to have unpolished gems, and to bring out that extraordinary talent, they want their members to see the dark side of the world."

"If they can walk out of it then they will be accepted if not death is inevitable."

"This is sick! Isn't they any other way to teach their people than to see them tortured and in pain," Serena exclaimed with rage evident in her tone.

Kai shrugged his shoulder in response, "Maybe there is, but the Queens has firmly held its place as one of the strongest forces in the world, because of this method, so I don't think they would be changing it anytime soon."

Upon seeing the expression on Serena's face, Kai shook his head.

"You might be dissatisfied with the approach, but you can't deny that it isn't working for them," Kai said. "Take a look at the monster they were able to forge from Raphael.

You can say that the Queens turned him into a polished gem from an unpolished one."

Serena sneered, "A polished gem who wants nothing more than to obliterate everyone in the family."

"Don't we all want to see the Queen's family gone," Kai said. "But they still exist don't they, that should show how powerful the family really is."

"This goes beyond what we all want," He added.

Kai approached the door soon after, however, he was about to step out of the room when he suddenly turned towards Serena.

"Raphael will be fine, as long as he doesn't obstruct our aim. Because if he does stand before us, not even the Queen will be able to shelter him from what I will do to him."

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