Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 118 - Adjust

Chapter 118 - Adjust

~ ZEV ~

Zev wanted to snarl at himself for not thinking this through. Of course she wanted a proposal—she'd even told him that's what she'd hoped he was preparing for five years ago when he'd said he had something important to talk to her about.

Fuck he was an idiot.

As he kissed her and his blood lit in his veins again from the sheer thrill of being close to her, of having claimed her—the Chimera equivalent to a proposal—he turned his mind to how he might fulfill the human tradition in the short time had before the ritual. josei

But before he could come up a plan—and just as Sasha's kiss became more frantic, her hands clawing into his hair—he heard footsteps approaching on the path to the cave. They were already in human form and only walking, but still they would be there in a very few minutes.

Sucking in a breath to calm himself, he pulled back out of the kiss, Sasha following him for a second, before opening her eyes, her face twisted in disappointment.

"What is it?" she asked when she saw his face.

"They're here," he said. "The council. I have to… turn my mind to them for a time. Will you stay, please? I'm not eager to have you out of my sight."

She smiled and her cheeks, already pink from the kisses, bloomed deeper. "I'm kind of eager to stick together myself," she said quietly.

"Just follow my lead," he said. "Technically you aren't supposed to be present for a council meeting because you aren't an Alpha. But I'm going to argue that you're about to become one, so… they can just suck it," he growled, glaring at the mouth of the cave as if they were already there.

Sasha snorted. "Okay, then."

He flashed her a grin, then got to his feet, pulling her behind him. "Help me spread some furs around the fire? I'll light it and we can all sit here. It's going to get cold soon."

"Soon?" Sasha said dryly, but she didn't look cold, and she was already walking to the furs he'd spread at the back of the cave as a bed and picking them up.

He busied himself getting the banked fire re-lit, place the wood carefully so the smoke would drift up and be drawn to the chimney at the side of the cave while Sasha fluffed furs and laid them out in a circle around the crackling fire.

For a moment Zev had a mental image of their lives—living and working together like this, each of them at their task, but their efforts bringing them both success, and his heart howled with joy.

As the footsteps outside became near, and Sasha started back to the bedding to replace one of the furs she hadn't needed, he caught her waist and pulled her into a quick kiss.

Taken by surprise, Sasha's free hand curled into his chest, but she responded enthusiastically, and her heartrate picked up immediately.

When he broke the kiss, she stared up at him, delight on her face. "I love you, Sash. Just… remember that, okay?"

She nodded, then they both turned as two forms suddenly appeared in the darkened mouth of the cave, black because the trees and bushes that grew outside didn't allow light in, so there was little light except from the fire.

Their scents drifted to him before he could see them clearly on the other side of the light of the fire.

Joyte, the older wolf who had tried to tempt Sasha, and Jhon, Zev's best friend. Zev's eyebrows rose. He hadn't realized Lhars had kept Jhon on the council. It was a good choice, but… yet another unexpected move from his manipulative brother.

"Congratulations, Zev," Jhon said, beaming as he stalked across the cave to take Zev in an embrace so they could share scents.

Zev grinned and clapped his back until Jhon pulled back to turn to Sasha. "And welcome to the pack, Sasha-don."

Sasha blinked, but smiled and accepted the title, though she had no idea what it meant. Zev's heart thudded, heavy with emotion at the generosity of his best friend. He caught Jhon's eye as the male turned away to let Joyte step into the ring of light from the fire.

To his surprise, Joyte went a step further, taking a knee and dropping his chin to both of them. "You have my faith and loyalty, Zev-dan, Sasha-don."

Sasha's brows climbed high at that—she recognized him. Zev winked at her. "Don't worry, this means he's accepted defeat," he murmured to her with a smile to soften the words for the male.

Joyte boomed a laugh and got to his feet, nodding. "Yes, definitely, Zev-dan. I know when the better male has won. You have my submission."

"Thank you, Joyte," Zev said firmly, he would give the male no room to question that he had been bettered. Joyte was a good male, and a strong one, but that only meant that when he got an idea he was confident about, it was difficult to sway him.

The others began to arrive then, as well. Lhars and his closest ally, Bleddyn—a heavyset and dark natured brute of a wolf that Zev always felt like he needed one eye on. Wheyln, the white-blonde young empath that Zev had planned to bring into the council when he got a little older because he'd never seen a wolf more skilled in reading a pack and offering advice for bringing wolves alongside in support. Clearly Lhars had had the same thought.

Behind Wheyln, two young wolves, both teenagers, Hahry and Thula, Zev thought—he barely recognized them because they'd grown from gangly pups tripping over their own feet, into young men in the past three years.

Without thought, Zev waited for the females, the alphas and advisors of the wolves… But there was nothing. No more bodies filling the cave mouth. No more feet on the path outside.

Of course. They were gone. The thought was a spear in his guts as Zev turned to Lhars.

"Where's Skhal?"

"He's coming. I sent a messenger. Apparently he didn't return from the hunt when Xar called us all in after the humans arrived.

They stared at each other, because they all knew what that meant.

Skhal had either been hurt, or was stepping into outright rebellion.

"I'll talk to him," Zev said quietly. Lhars nodded, but rolled a shoulder as he turned away, the loss of the Alpha authority grating. But Zev ignored it—his brother would have to become accustomed to the shift in power, just like everyone else. Including himself.

"Thank you all for coming," he said quietly, gesturing for them to sit around the fire.

The males started to move, but Bleddyn eye's fixed on Sasha, who had settled on the fur they'd been sitting on earlier.

"What's she doing here?" the dark wolf asked bluntly.

Zev turned to face him, let himself feel the pulse of the Alpha authority in his veins. "She's my mate, and soon to be Alpha Female of the pack. She's here to help. Take a seat and I'll explain."

But Bleddyn didn't sit down.. He stared at Sasha and growled.

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