Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 246 - Conviction To Your Toes

Chapter 246 - Conviction To Your Toes

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Nick looked at her oddly. "How did you cross when you arrived?"

"I was asleep. Zev gave me something to help me stay unconscious and he carried me through. He said it was important I didn't know where the gateway was so I couldn't betray it."

Something about that seemed to disturb Nick, but he shook it off quickly. "Okay, well… let's go. I'll explain as we walk through the cave."

Yhet growled again and moved to follow, but Sasha waved him off and gave a quick smile to all of them watching. "Thank you again. Please take care of Zev for me, okay?"

Several nodded, but most of them just kept glaring at Nick as Sasha stepped into the darkness of the cave mouth and followed the man into the curving tunnel.

"So, the gateway is… unique," Nick said, looking ahead and stepping carefully through the cave. "It crosses worlds. Multiple worlds. Countless worlds, from what we can tell. It was discovered… well, that's not important now. The thing that's important to understand is that if you remember where you want to go and fix it in your mind, you'll have no trouble seeing the path—the light will show you the way. Easily. But we're not quite sure what it is, because it seems to be able to read your thoughts. The Gateway seems… almost sentient."

"What?!" Sasha snapped.

"It knows how to… tempt you."

Sasha's brows flew up, but Nick just raised his hands to soothe her. "Not like that. What it wants to do is take you somewhere. Anywhere. So you have to fix your mind on where you want to go. The world you want to step into. As long as you're focused on that, fully convinced of your destination, it will guide you through. No trouble. But if you waver… it will try to show you other places that might fulfill what you want. It… wants to please you."

Sasha was confused. "This place is going to try to tempt me to go into some random world?"

"A world that it measures would fulfill the things you want. That's why you have to be focused. Just… give yourself over to going home, okay? Focus on that. Remind yourself why you want to go and you'll be fine."

They'd reached the back of the cave. There was a discarded fur here—the one she'd been laying on when she woke up. She wasn't sure whether Zev had left it, or it had already been here. But it was dusty now and something inside Sasha quavered at the memory of waking up with Zev leaning over her….

"Just make sure you don't start thinking of another place, another world, or something else that you want more. It might spit you out in a world where the gateway isn't easily accessed. Or worse. Don't step into it until your conviction is certain. You know where you want to go. You have no question of your destination. And you know nothing will sway you from it. If you do that, you'll pass through quickly and safely."

Now that they were out from under the eyes of the Chimera, Sasha saw the strength in Nick again. It was true that being here in Thana made him afraid. She suspected she knew why. She couldn't decide if she was comforted by his growing confidence now, or more afraid. But she nodded.

"I don't step in until I'm certain I want to go back to our world."

Nick nodded and patted her arm, which made her skin crawl, but he didn't hold onto her. "Do you have any other questions?"

"I have nothing but questions, but I guess I'm about to find out the answer to all of them."

"Yes, you are," Nick smiled and he looked almost pleasant. Which made Sasha want to frown. "For what it's worth, Sasha, I could always see why he chose you. I don't want you to worry. I'm not lying to you. Your visit to our world is going to be brief. Just long enough to establish how this will work. I think my colleagues are going to be quite excited to learn what you've achieved in such a short time."

He smiled as if he expected her to be pleased about that. But Sasha just shook her head at him. "I'm going to keep everyone safe. But let's be utterly clear about this: You're taking me from the place I now call home, and out of the arms of my mate. There is nothing about this trip that… pleases me. Except that it will make things better for everyone in Thana. So please don't talk to me like I'm a child who needs a cheerleader."

Nick's brows popped up. "Well, then. Okay. I guess I'll go first so you can see how it's done. We won't see each other inside. We don't know why. It's like everyone takes their own route. But I'll see you on the other side. If you're ready?"

Sasha stared at him, stunned. "You're… going to let me go after you? What if I don't come? What if I just stay here?"

Nick's face got very serious. "I wasn't lying to you, Sasha. And I'm praying you weren't lying to me. I need you to come and be seen and negotiate, and generally convince my colleagues not to abandon this project. If you stay here… I won't be able to stop them coming through. And that band of merry men you have out there will be killed the moment they do. They won't have a chance to attack and protect like they think they can. Our weapons are… unique. And deadly. If that team shows up here with the decision made to take the Chimera out… Thana will be razed to the ground. So I pray you won't do that, Sasha. Because you won't live for many more hours or days after you do."

Sasha swallowed, then nodded. "I won't," she said. "I'm coming with you. Then it's your chance to prove you aren't lying and to let me come back here quickly so Zev doesn't have a cardiac arrest."

Sadness flickered on Nick's face, which surprised her. "I'm sorry I didn't get to see him," He said quietly. "I know he thinks I… he expects me to work against you. It's a sad fact that at times I have. But I'm not now, Sasha. If you're ready. I'll go in. You stand here until you know that you know that you know where you want to go. Then you step in after me and I'll see you on the other side. Between us, we'll get this fixed, okay?"


Nick blew out a breath, turned to face the wall at the back of the cave, took a deep breath in, then stepped forward.

Sasha braced—he looked like he would face plant right into but. But then her mouth dropped open as the wall seemed to simply absorb him.

Two seconds later, it was as if he'd never been there.

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