Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 292 - Alpha To Alpha

Chapter 292 - Alpha To Alpha


Sasha didn't let herself hesitate. Not when Nick's calls became more urgent. Not when the shadows under the trees became discernible human forms. Not when Nick swore and started after her.

When she got within a few feet of the trees and she could finally make out detail of those in the shadows, she found a crowd of females, all dressed in some strange hybrid of Chimeran and human clothing—some wearing leather or fur leggings, with flannel shirts or thick fleeces. Others in clearly authentic fur jackets paired with jeans or motorcycle pants.

Sasha didn't let herself think too deeply about what it meant that these Chimerans looked like they were dressed as an afterthought, she rolled her shoulders back and headed straight for the female who stood a couple feet ahead of the others who spread out behind her like she was the head of the arrow.

The female, the only one in a full set of furs, had long, dirty-blond hair that had twisted into clumps and half-dreads. She stood with her chin down to protect her throat. Her eyes were locked on Sasha, and she stood the way Zev stood when he wasn't threatening, but was ready to fight.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Sasha said, her voice as loud and clear as she could make it when it was still rough from lack of use. "I'm Alpha in Thana and I'm here to help."

Not letting herself think about what these women could do to her if they chose, she strode straight up to the Alpha and stood in front of her, arms at her sides, and hands loose.

"Scent me," she said. "Zev is my mate. And I've been… I've been acknowledged. I killed Xar."

The Alpha's eyes widened, but her expression didn't change.

"I'll share scents," Sasha said, a tinge of desperation in her tone. "I mean no threat to you. I want to help." She needed to find a way to bridge the gap before Nick got the courage to come closer.

"I do not wish to share my scent with any human," the female said, her voice low and hard, but it shook.

Sasha took a deep breath. "I understand. I'll… you can smell me. Zev is with me." She prayed the bond was still a strong enough part of her scent that they'd catch it, even if she wasn't close. She didn't know how these things worked, or whether her showers the day before would have removed him from her skin.

The female scanned her from toe to crown, suspiciously. Sasha raised her hands slowly. "Scent me," she repeated. "I'm telling you the truth. I'm only here because if I didn't come they were going to take Zev again, and he couldn't… it would have broken him to come back here."

Without taking her eyes off of Sasha, the female motioned for one of the others to come closer. One of the three females directly behind her stepped forward. A young brunette, short for a Chimera, but still close to a foot taller than Sasha. She stepped up to Sasha like she was ready to fight, but when Sasha didn't move, she leaned into her hair and inhaled deeply, then walked a circle around her.

"It's true," she said in a husky voice. "She's his mate."

"Unless they have found a way to counterfeit this as well," the Alpha said, her eyes cutting to Nick behind Sasha. Sasha turned to look back quickly. Nick hovered halfway between the Jeep and the trees, still hissing at her to be careful and let them get a look at her.

His tight bravado that had returned the moment they'd left Thana was shredded. He was shaking, unwilling to come any closer.

Sasha frowned as she turned back to the females. Nick seemed almost as frightened of them as he had been of the creatures in Thana. She wasn't sure whether to be worried or amused. What had happened to him with the Chimera that broke through his fa?ade of arrogance so completely.

"Show us your skin," the Alpha said to her in a stern whisper.

"I… what?"

"These men use tools, they record our voices and… if you are not a tool for them, you will prove it. Let us search your clothing and hair. Be certain you aren't bugged."

It was a winter morning. She stood in the shadows of trees wearing a beanie, a thick fleece, a turtleneck, and jeans over a pair of thick hiking boots Nick had provided. Her breath wasn't quite making a cloud, but there was a haze when any of them spoke. josei

They wanted her to get naked?

Oh, and also, NAKED?

Sasha sucked in a deep breath. "I will," she said through her teeth. "Just give me a moment. I'm human. Our traditions are different. I find being naked… difficult."

The woman smirked and Sasha's anger flared. She was doing everything she could to prove herself! But she tamped it down. If she'd been imprisoned and held for three years away from her family and home, she'd be suspicious, too.

Sasha closed her eyes. She already felt so violated by those tests that morning, but she knew these women had probably fared far worse. She could embarrass herself for a few minutes for their sakes. Swallowing hard she turned to face Nick raising her voice so he'd hear her clearly.

"They need me to prove myself. Turn around, close your eyes, and don't turn back until I tell you that you can. They'll be watching you, Nick. If they see you peeking, they'll eat you."

She cut a look back at the Alpha, worried the woman might contradict her. But she only smiled wickedly.

With a shudder, Sasha turned back to Nick who'd raised his hands and put them over his eyes. "I won't look," he said. She wondered how much of his compliance was an act, but did it matter? She had to do this.

So, with a sigh, she started by unlacing her boots. A minute later, shivering in the cold, she was down to her underwear.

"All of it," the woman said. "We have been deceived before. We will not fall for it again."

Sasha quivered.

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