Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 405 Reunited

Chapter 405 Reunited

Chapter 405 Reunited


When Lhars reached the opening of the Gateway, he wanted nothing more than to sprint out, shift into his wolf, and get back to the others as quickly as he was able. To make sure Kyelle was safe, and the others had all returned. His body itched with restrained tension and he was poised to run. But the moment he stepped into the cave he swore.

The cave curved from its opening so he couldn't see the door, but it was impossible to miss the glow of daylight creeping into the depths of the cave. How was it morning already? Hadn't he only been gone a few hours?

Then it struck him. He'd forgotten to ask the Gateway to take him back before dawn!

Shit! So did that mean the humans were on the move?

Lhars froze for a moment, listening. When he didn't catch anything immediately, he began creeping through the cave, his steps wary. As he approached the front he could hear approaching from the trail that led to the cave mouth outside. The question was, was it his brothers looking for him, or that fucker, Nick, on his way?

Tentatively, Lhars reached out with his mind, seeking other wolves, and found them soon enough.

Lhars, you're safe! Thank God!

Get the hell out of there, Lhars.

It was Skhal's voice in his head, growling. They quickly exchanged images, Lhars showing them his location and asking for theirs.

Move. We're almost there, Skhal snarled, then immediately sent an image of Nick, walking nervously up the path towards the cave, surrounded by guards, and a smiling Ernie scuttling in their wake.

Lhars cursed and shifted. Keeping his wolf low to the ground he hustled out of the cave on liquid joints that kept his footsteps utterly silent, his back and head low and unmoving, tail extended flat behind him.

He paused for only a second when he reached the mouth of the cave, his sharp ears having no trouble locating the group walking up the trail towards him. Even as he watched, the tops of their heads bobbed into his line of sight as they climbed the trail.

They'd see him in seconds.

Lhars darted out of the cave mouth, whipping to the right—away from the trail down towards the village—to flatten himself behind an outcropping of rocks and a scraggly bush.

No Chimera would be fooled by such an open hiding place. They'd all smelled him already if the wind was right—but Nick was sight-blind. The black outfit Lhars had borrowed from Zev, along with his wolf's coat would blend enough with the shadows and rocks that the male likely wouldn't even notice his presence. josei

But still. The humans had surprised him at times, their instincts sensing things their eyes and ears missed. So he took no risks, crouching below the level of the rock and bushes, heart-pounding for how close he'd come to being discovered—and frustrated with himself for forgetting such a crucial instruction. He'd have to submit to Sasha-don. She would be worried.

Nick and his entourage walked into sight, all of them moving slowly—at Nick's pace. While he waited for them to cross the space to the cave, Lhars reached, scratching at Zev's mind when he found it and found his brother.

Thank God, you're safe, Lhars!

There was genuine relief in his tone. Lhars was touched.

I forgot about the dawn instruction, Lhars muttered, frustrated with himself. I was almost too late.

He hurriedly sent an image of Nick and his guards now clearly visible on the trail.

I'll wait until they're deep enough into the cave that he can't catch sight of me passing, then I'll start back.

Good plan. Don't take any risks.

Lhars waited, but Zev didn't offer and he had to know.

Did they all make it back? Is… is Kyelle safe?

Zev laughed in his mind.

She was the first back, and she's going to be very relieved when I tell her you finally showed up. She was really worried when dawn broke. I'd say you better watch out. I think you'll get the sharp side of her tongue when she sees you. What held you up?

Lhars sighed with relief. But then his stomach sank.

I don't think you'd believe me if I told you, he sighed to his brother.

Try me, Zev said, his tone flat.

So, Lhars did. He explained how difficult it had been with the females—how frightened and young they were in truth. Then he sheepishly admitted he'd been so overwhelmed by the beauty of the safe place, that he'd rushed back without thinking about the timing.

It's incredible, Zev. Sasha's found an amazing place. I just pray we can all get there safely.

Me too, Zev replied, then sighed. Well, I'm glad you're safe, and there was genuine warmth and relief in his words.

Lhars' heart squeezed. Me too.

They sat with each other for a moment and Lhars wondered if Zev was appreciating, as he was, how much better it was to feel his brother as an ally, rather than an adversary.

That raised uncomfortable niggling thoughts about the role he'd played in putting the wedge between them, but there was no time to analyze it.

Nick and the others had almost reached the cave.

Skhal's hunter's eyes had no trouble locating Lhars' between the leaves of the little tree that gave cover. Their eyes met and Lhars went very still. But Nick didn't even glance in his direction, and since Skhal was walking behind him, he tipped his chin up in acknowledgment.

If Lhars had been in his human form, he would have smiled.

Nick—sweaty, eyes darting left and right, his breathing too fast—strode forward, surrounded by the Chimera, but his jaw was set. The idiot's eyes never even searched the surroundings—except to keep tabs on where Ernie was. He looked over his shoulder as he entered the cave and shuddered when he caught sight of the creature on the edge of the path in the shade of a tree.

Sight-blind didn't even cover it. All Nick's attention was on reaching the cave and making sure Ernie didn't get too close. He was utterly unaware of Lhars' presence.

A minute later the group passed into the cave. Lhars waited while their low voices muttered as the Chimera gave cautions and Nick growled at them just to make sure none of them followed. That he was likely going to end up staying overnight, so they shouldn't look for him until morning. That they shouldn't come looking for him. He would be back. And they couldn't afford to put anyone in the hands of the team that would be meeting him.

Skhal growled something, but they were deep enough into the cave that they were hidden from the entrance and obscured by the curve of it. So Lhars ducked out from behind the outcropping and raced down the trail towards the village, his heart pounding, not with fear of Nick, but with the anticipation of being around Kyelle again, of the Chimera finally being free of the humans—there was only another day to get through! They had to do this!

Zev's thoughts and images had indicated that they were at the City, so Lhars followed the trail around the edge of the village towards the city, running, his tongue lolling as he set himself an easy lope that he could maintain for hours. It would eat up the miles between him and the City, but not exhaust him before he got there.

He had to get back and help them prepare, he told himself, pushing away thoughts that his eagerness was far more to do with finding Kyelle and ensuring himself of her safety.

He'd been running for some time when a shadow passed over him and instinctively he flinched, but then there was an ear-shattering screech and a huge, beautiful owl hit the dirt fifty feet down the trail, immediately shifting to Kyelle's human form and sprinting towards him.

Alarmed, Lhars slid to a halt, taking his human form. "Kyelle? What's wrong—"

She hit his chest at a full sprint, sobbing, wrapping her long arms and legs around him, her face buried in the spot where his shoulder met his neck. Lhars staggered back, holding her, his heart pounding with fear and confusion.

What had happened? Why hadn't the others warned him?

"Kyelle? Kyelle, what—?"

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! You're safe! Thank the Creator!"

Lhars, stunned, stood there holding her, one hand in her hair, the other wrapped around her lower back to support her weight.

"I'm fine. Kyelle, I'm fine, shhhhhh, I'm sorry you were frightened—"

"Don't apologize!" she sobbed, her words muffled against his skin and making goosebumps rise on his back. "I'm the one who's been a fool!"

Lhars gripped her tightly. "What? What are you—"

Then, she pulled her head back to look him in the eye, cupped his face in her hands, and kissed him.

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