Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 60 - Plan

Chapter 60 - Plan

~ ZEV ~

Zev had known most of his life that he was cursed. That whatever he touched would likely fail. When he was little more than a pup, and still handled a great deal by the humans, he'd noticed a difference in their family structures. In the ways he was so often alone, while they seemed to be so rarely.

And the ways they looked at him as if he frightened them. josei

When he'd gotten older, the Chimera had been explained to him—how they were made, how they didn't fit in the human world. Then he'd understood. And after that, when something went wrong, or stood in his way, he'd expected it.

As a soulless creature, the Creator wasn't giving him any easy wins.

Growing up in Thana had been relative bliss compared to his first years in the human world. He'd accepted his lot here and done the best he could with it, knowing he was alone in this world—in any world—and that it was his job to use what he'd been given to make the best life he could.

But Sasha wasn't cursed. Sasha had a soul. Sasha didn't need to be punished… unless it was because of him?

The thoughts of his young-adult years, all those months they'd been together and perfect ease of his heart when she was there, the way it always turned on him as soon as he was out of her company.

He'd been plagued, back then, with thoughts of what it might do to her, being close to him. What kind of curse it might call down. He'd been very up front with God—he would do as he was told. He wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't need hurting. And he wouldn't hurt her—ever. He would protect her. With his life. Just… just don't blame her for being close to him.

Everything he'd done since the day he met her was intended to keep her safe. And he'd done it, so far.

But this… this could mean that it didn't matter what he wanted, or what he tried to do. God might be stealing her away from him anyway.

She wouldn't mate another Chimera. Not by choice. He was sure of it.

But that wouldn't stop them trying. And if she didn't declare a name on the day Xar had defined… they'd both be outcast then.

He couldn't let that happen to her. Being hidden by the clans was her only option for staying out of Nick's hands. His surrogate father was terrified of the gateway and would never actually brave it to walk into Thana himself. And even if the humans were here and interfering, it sounded like they still didn't venture into the forests.

He had to get her away from the other males. But that also meant he had to climb at least high enough to take Alpha of the wolves and be recognized again.

Which would mean challenging his brother. After he'd fought his way through the pack.



He ran on, harder, faster, until his breath began to labor in his throat. As the wolf he could cover many, many miles like this before he tired. But he didn't want to be too far away from her. He had to watch over her, even if she didn't realize he was doing it. Just like he had for the last five years.

Shit. The irony…

He shook his head so hard his ears snapped against his skull, but he ran on. He had to find out if anyone other than Yhet had found his cave. He needed shelter and some new clothes since he'd just left his bag behind.

And he needed to make a plan. A very detailed and organized plan.

He didn't know how long he had, exactly. But by Sasha's scent, he suspected he didn't have much more than a week.

He ran on. Every second counted.


Twenty minutes later he trotted up a sharp incline on a narrow path made by goat feet that wove between rocks and boulders on the mountainside.

The cave was at the top, its mouth open to a ledge, but overhung by trees. Or at least, it had been, three years ago when he left.

As he made it to the top, he sighed with relief when he saw the tree—thicker and bushier than it had been three years ago, but now an even better screen for the mouth of the cave—and shifted back to his human form.

Being naked in the chill wasn't fun, but his body was much more efficient at moderating his temperature than a normal human's. It would take much colder temperatures than this to make him more than uncomfortable. But he would need food and water quickly. There was little fat on his body, and the energy it took to keep himself warm would deplete him before he fought if he didn't eat well.

It wasn't until he made it into the cave mouth, pushing aside the branches and leaves of the tree to walk into its dark depths, that he let himself slump.

The chill was even deeper in here, where the sun never reached. Without a fire or body heat, the cold stone on every side did little to insulate it from the creeping cold of winter outside. He didn't walk further in at first, just scanned the walls and ceilings and let himself scent in case he had a visitor.

But the cave was dusty and cold, with no scent of predators. Some rustling near the back told him he would need to clear it of unwelcome pests, but if that was all he had to deal with, he would be grateful.

If no one had found this place, there were some clothes and blankets at the back, along with a flint to make fire. This place was close enough to keep as a base until he could return to the village, but far enough away that no one would stumble on him and be tempted to speak, or help him.

He couldn't get anyone else cast out while he fixed this.

Creeping deeper and deeper into the cave, nostrils flared to catch every scent and eyes wide to allow as much light as they could discern, he made his way to the back… then cursed at what he saw.

Fucking Lhars.


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