Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 92 - Betrayed

Chapter 92 - Betrayed

~ ZEV ~

Rage burned in Zev's chest as he peered through the leaves to watch Xar inciting the anger and despair of the other males. He shook his head and swore under his breath.

Everything in him pulled back in the direction of the fox hole, where Sasha stood, listening to this, her head probably spinning with questions and her heart either breaking, or going up in flames.

He hadn't had enough time to explain. He needed to explain!

But Xar was so busy riling up the males, he was terrified they would break from the village and go hunting him. Despite the circuitous route he'd taken, they'd find him easily when he was this close.

The safe thing to do would have been to flee to the mountains, use the snow and rivers to hide his scent until everyone had cooled down.

But then Xar would continue to spew these lies, and set the others against him. And Sasha… Sasha might listen to them, too. She'd been so uncomfortable with all of this already. To have everyone knowing and talking about it…

He had to see her.

There was no other choice.

The conviction was so strong, he didn't even question it, simply began to slip down the tree to the ground, careful to keep himself low and out of sight. But listening carefully, he could still hear Xar as he crept through the forest, back towards the fox hole.

"Your former alpha is a traitor! He left you without word, without an appointed second—he abandoned you for three years. He took your females, and now he has stolen one of the human females as well!"

Zev clenched his teeth so hard his jaw almost cracked. The lies… the fucking lies!

He hesitated for a minute, tempted to confront Xar and put this entire episode to rest—despite the uproar it would have caused for him to force the King to acknowledge him, he likely would have done it if the humans hadn't been there. He knew they would have anesthetic darts, tazers, any number of medications on them that could drop a Chimera in seconds.

They never took the risk that a Chimera would lose their temper and attack, despite the controls placed on them.

And he couldn't risk being taken and leaving Sasha here and alone in the wake of this. josei

So, no matter how the growl wanted to begin in his throat, no matter how his fingers twitched, yearning for the Tiger's neck, he crept on.

There had been a lull in Xar's rant. But the Tiger spoke up again a breath later.

"If anyone sees him, or learns of his whereabouts, you bring that information to me, or to the humans directly. You will not be punished for delaying. The Wolf is cunning and manipulative—the truth you think you hear is not necessarily the truth when you speak with him. Give careful thought, brothers, to what kind of heart it takes to have taken our females this way!"

Zev snarled under the sound of the crowd that howled and bellowed their rage in response to that. Zev shook his head—his entire body trembling with rage.

The Tiger was working hard to turn the people against him. Which meant that he'd received word that the wolves were in support of Zev. That had to be it. Xar didn't want the humans taking any more Chimera from Thana any more than Zev did. So for him to bring them in like this, to feed this fury, he was using it to turn the clans against Zev. Which meant he knew his leadership was under threat.

Zev gave a grim smile at the idea of finally putting the tiger on his ass and taking control of this shitshow.

But then Sasha's face flashed into his mind—how she must be feeling now. And the males, their snarls and roars making it very clear that they believed he'd come here to protect his own female while theirs all remained under threat—and, apparently, mated to him, though he hadn't stayed with them. Of course they believed it. They were all grieving and alone. If the roles had been reversed, he would have wanted to bite out his throat, as well. He couldn't blame them. They were not accustomed to such blatant lies. The question was whether Xar knew he was lying or not.

He reached the open space he'd avoided on the way in, where movement risked betraying his location if anyone was looking in the right direction. His choice was to head east for a few minutes until the land slanted down, or belly-crawl across this space to ensure none of them would see him below the level of the snow and underbrush.

He was about to turn and follow the longer route that he'd used coming in, when Xar roared for silence and the crowd settled.

"No matter what, my friends, you know that I have stayed true to you—to your safety, and to seeking the return of our females—since the day the former alpha abandoned you. Do not let your heads be turned now. If you know of his location, speak it!"

The village was silent. Zev dropped to his belly and began to snake his way across the rocky dirt. His ribs complained at the uneven pressure of the rough ground and he winced. But he was healing. Would heal, and soon. But he would likely have to fight more of the wolves now since many more would be invested in seeing his downfall.

He had to hide the vulnerability. He paused to press his arm to his side and protect the spot—but then his mind flashed with an image of Sasha's face, pale and horrified as she watched him fall to the humans… or red-eyed and shaking as she accused him of further betrayals.

He couldn't let her carry this alone.

With teeth gritted and counting the ways he would make the tiger pay for this, he plowed forward across the clear land as quickly as he could without risking discovery.

His ribs would heal. And he would win the right to claim her. And they would put all this bullshit behind them.

Including the tiger. No more question in his mind. He would not stop until Xar was defeated—and hopefully given over to the humans that he loved so much.

Yes… the old male didn't deserve any better than that.

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