Rise of The Demon General

122 Chapter 122

122 Chapter 122

"Hold!" Amon uttered when he heard Lin Siaumau's words.

"Hah? You act so cool but are you afraid now that your fate is sealed?" Lin Baxiong said mockingly.

Amon ignored the mocking. He looked at Lin Siaumau and said, "Are you not afraid of offending Madam Lin? If she knows you hand me over without a fight, she won't let you go."

"Pathetic! Even here, you are still seeking protection from your stepmother!" Lin Fen uttered.

"Brother Siaumau, he is right. We can't just hand him over like this," Lin Siuni said.

Siaumau seemed to be pondering heavily. He then said, "As long as none of us talk about this, Madam Lin won't know. We can say it is the work of the spirit beast. We might get reprimanded but it won't be too severe."

Siaumau turned to Weisui and said, "I believe you will keep this incident secret as well?"

"Of course. My beef is not with the Lin clan, only with that boy. I will be glad to keep quiet so that our two clans won't go into conflict."

"But…," Siuni said but couldn't continue.

"I agree with that!" Lin Baxiong exclaimed.

"Me too!" Lin Fen uttered.

"How can we do that? Lin Mo is our comrade!" Lin Anwen finally said. He couldn't believe where this conversation was heading.

"If you can't agree, then we can hand you over to the Wei people as well," Baxiong said mercilessly, which turned Lin Anwen's face pale. Although Anwen had the Lin blood, his family was the outer family that held little importance in the clan. Other than his parents, no one would turn heaven and earth if he went missing on this journey.

"Are you people done deciding?" Weisui asked. She seemed to start to lose her patience.

Amon had kept quiet until Lin Siaumau agreed to hand him over, not because he was out of ideas. He had suspected the bandit leader behind the mask to be Wei Sui when these masked men appeared. He sensed that all the masked men were stronger than him and the first attack was aimed at him. Only a few could muster such a force and even fewer were willing to come all this way into the wild for him.

When Lin Siuni's water wall crumbled and he saw the situation, Amon started to take action. He couldn't rely on these three protectors. He was proven right, these three protectors now decided to hand him over.

The Phantom Inducer Pouch that Amon gained from the Mind Demon, was enough to create several doses of Thousand Dream Poison. He had used three doses to infuse into his throwing knife. The remaining ingredient was still enough for him to make another three doses.

He had modified these remaining doses to make them into an airborne poison. Not only that, but it was also colorless and without smell. No one would suspect poisonous fume was released around them. Additionally, these people were too tense at this moment. They wouldn't pay attention to the little changes in the air.

The drawback of turning the poison into an airborne version was that the poison became weakened. In its concentrated version, it could affect the Mystic stage and even the Spirit stage though only slightly. In its current airborne state, it could no longer be effective against the Martial realm cultivator but was still potent enough to affect the Transformation stage cultivator.

Another drawback of this airborne version was that it took quite some time before anyone started to get the symptoms. That's why he had been talking to drag the time. Not because he was trying to reason with these protectors to not hand him over to Weisui, but to increase the time these people were exposed to his poison.

When Amon was about to speak again to drag the time, Lin Fen suddenly said, "Brother Baxiong, what happen to your face?"

'It's started,' Amon thought. He himself had taken the poison repelling pill while inside Lin Siuni's water wall when everyone was not looking. Since this weakened Thousand Dream Poison couldn't affect the Martial realm, the repellant pill was still effective enough to protect Amon.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Horns are growing on your head!" Lin Baxiong uttered anxiously to Lin Fen.

"Horns? What are you… Hey! Where is everyone? Why there are so many spirit beasts around us?" Lin Fen exclaimed with alarm.

Lin Anwen also started to shriek as he moved away.

The adults were confused by the three youths' sudden changes in behavior. Amon assumed that because the youths were only at the Strength stage, they were the first to be affected by the poison.

Soon, one of the masked men also showed strange behaviors. He started shouting at the others. He even attacked his masked comrades. One by one, all six masked men ended up fighting each other.

"What the hell are you people doing?" Wei Sui scolded.

Lin Siuni had taken action to prevent Lin Baxiong and Lin Fen from hurting one another. Lin Siaumau just watched the entire thing with a confused expression.

"Hahaha… Hahaha…" Lin Toru, who was still being held by Wei Sui, started laughing hysterically.

"What are you laughing about?!" Wei Sui scolded. She had been upset by how her men started fighting one another.

Lin Toru glanced back. His laughter turned to a horrific scream. "Aahhh…! Aahh…! Demon! Let go of me! Let go of me!" He fought frantically to make Wei Sui release her grip.josei

"Stop it…!" Wei Sui yelled, but Lin Toru didn't heed the warning despite the back of his neck was still held by Wei Sui. He continued to fight madly.

"I SAID STOP IT…!!!" Wei Sui screamed and her free hand shaped into a claw. She then slammed her claw on Toru's head. Toru's face quickly became pale and blue as Wei Sui's cold energy entered his head. He was then completely still with open eyes but an empty gaze.

Amon recognized that claw attack as one that Wei Sui had used when she tried to assault Pai Kuan. That cold-inducing claw must be her signature martial art. She only used it now that her cover was blown.

"No, Toru…!" Lin Siaumau yelled. "You, Wei bitch! You have done it!"

"Hahaha…" Before Lin Siaumau rushed over to avenge Toru, he heard Lin Siuni's voice. He turned and saw that the woman was just laughing as she looked at Lin Toru's lifeless corpse.

"Siuni…?" He was completely lost on what had exactly happened. Why had everyone suddenly lost their minds? His eyes then turned to another person who was still calm despite the entire proceedings. His eyes locked with Amon. Amon immediately turned and ran.

"Where do you think you are going!" Wei Sui screamed and shot forward, chasing after Amon.

Lin Siaumau was still in a daze there. 'Was it that kid's doing? What did he do?'

He was just about to join Wei Sui in chasing Amon. He figured if it is truly the boy's doing, the boy would know how to reverse what had happened. But just as he was about to take his first step, the ground in front of him ruptured. From underneath the ground, all manners of demons and spirit beasts emerged. He screamed as he watched the unbelievable turn of events.

'That bitch is still not affected, her cultivation is higher than Lin Siaumau,' Amon thought when he looked back.

Wei Sui was very fast. In just a few seconds, she had managed to get close to Amon.

A yellow paper appeared in Amon's hand and he threw it forward.

"A talisman?!" Wei Sui recognized the paper.

Before the yellow paper approached, Wei Sui's two arms wave forward. Turbulence was created from her energy. She then waved her hands sideways. The paper was forcefully thrown to the side by an invisible force.


The talisman exploded in the air away from them.

"Face your punishment, you fiend!" Wei Sui waved her arm again and multiple thin needles shot out.

Amon sensed the killing intent and immediately rolled to the side to dodge. One of the needles scraped his arm. Due to dodging the needles, Wei Sui had caught up to him. Wei Sui's hand clawed down at him. But when the claw hit Amon, it passed through him as if he was air.

Amon had used Lingering Shade Stride, his body shot to another place while leaving an afterimage.

"You have a good movement art, but that only prolongs your life by a little!" Wei Sui uttered.

Amon readied himself to face Wei Sui's attack. Now that she was so close, it would not do to show her his back. However, as Wei sui was about to resume her attack, she suddenly stopped. Her eyes were unfocused and were looking past Amon.

"Lho… Lhosa…? My Lhosa…? You are alive? Have you come back to me?" She said.

'She is affected!' Amon thought excitedly and threw a flying knife at her.

Yet, she swatted the knife away. "Demons! Give me back my Lhosa! Where are you taking him?!" Wei Sui started to attack frantically at nothing in particular. Her powerful energy destroyed the rock and the ground around her.

'Even affected, her fighting ability is not reduced. She could still sense a real attack and react accordingly,' Amon thought. In that case, trying to kill her was risky. The effect of his weakened Thousand Dream Poison was also not indefinite. If she regained her senses before Amon managed to kill her, he would be the one doomed.

Amon turned and resumed his run. He used Shadowless Sprint and his running speed increased.

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