Rise of The Demon General

50 Chapter 50

50 Chapter 50

San Guo hesitated a bit before resigning to be Amon's accomplice. After all, he had made the first attack that caused one of Wei Fan's aides to fall. There was no way Wei Fan would let him go if he survived this.

San Guo ran towards the young master. His cultivation was lower than Wei Fan's, but in terms of real life and death experiences, he had more of them. Before he became a mediator between the powerful families and the lowly criminals who needed dirty jobs, he himself was one of these mercenaries. He had done many jobs himself before he gathered enough knowledge and connections to become the organizer.

The speed he exhibited belied his fat body. He slapped forward with an open palm as the young master came into range. His palm appeared as if covered by white dust.

​ "You overestimate yourself!" Wei Fan yelled. He punched out. His fist was covered by fire as it struck San Guo's palm.

After the fist and palm connected, a clear winner was shown. San Guo was thrown back several meters as he vomited blood. He was after all, lower in cultivation level compared to Wei Fan. His palm that had connected with Wei Fan's fist was also charred black.

However, when Wei Fan wanted to continue attacking. He felt something was wrong with his fist. He looked at it and found that blisters had formed around it, with some white dust covering his fist which made him feel itchy. He also had a problem controlling the aether in that hand.

"What did you do?" Wei Fan screamed in anger.

"Hehe, don't underestimate my White Dust Palm," San Guo uttered.

While San Guo and Wei Fang were dueling, Amon continued to dodge the flying saber while he slowly approached Wei Fan. The aide he was fighting finally noticed and immediately moved to go to his young master's side.

Amon threw five flying knives at Wei Fan. The five knives flew in non-linear arcs as they left behind light trails, as if five shooting stars were heading at the young master. The aide could not make it in time, he immediately controlled his flying saber to intercept these five flying knives. The saber spun rapidly as it cut through the knives one by one.

Amon took the chance when the aide was distracted to throw six Poison Cloud Bullets. The aide quickly used his defensive arcane art to form a round metal shield again. But the poison bullets were thrown at different positions, he blocked two while the other four flew by his side. Amon had practiced inserting his aether into the pellets so he could detonate them while in the air. The resulting poison smoke surrounded the aide. He quickly held his breath to prevent from inhaling this poison smoke.

Holding breath could prevent him from being poisoned by the smoke, but it also weakened his control over his aether. Amon didn't let go of the chance. He executed Bone Shattering Shadow Fist with his two fists. Three strong fist energies were unleashed from each fist. The six energy punched at the round metal shield. The shield didn't have enough supply of aether to sustain these rapid punches, it broke apart.

Five shooting stars came into the aide's view at once. He was still holding his breath, he could not form another protective shield fast enough, so he tried to dodge by jumping to the side. Amon had predicted it thought, he was already throwing his last normal knife in that direction. The knife hit the aide's leg.

Amon ran towards him with Swan Dagger on his right and a poisoned knife on his left. He only had two poison knives left with him, he won't throw these last two unless he was absolutely sure they would hit.

Wei Fan who had been saved by his aide, couldn't continue to stay idle. He realized now that his aide was struggling against this little kid. He was still wary of San Guo but he decided to attack Amon as well. He clasped his hands which then alighted with flame before punching forward. A fist of fire rushed at Amon.


Amon was fully aware of his surroundings even if he was fighting against the aide. He easily dodged Wei Fan's flaming fist as he ran at full speed. The young master's mastery of the art was not good enough.

The aide, who watched Amon getting closer, gritted his teeth as he tried to resist the pain in his leg. He looked at Amon as the kid came closer, he had already summoned his flying saber back. It was currently flying towards Amon's back, but suddenly Amon turned invisible again.

Remembering the last time Amon used that art, he immediately took defensive measures. However, instead of coming at him, Amon appeared beside the unsuspecting Wei Fan. The young master was too green to react to that sudden change. Amon slashed his Swan Dagger and cut Wei Fan's one leg clean off. Wei Fan screamed in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Young master!!" The aide shouted in panic as he rushed towards his liege.

Amon spun around and kicked the hurting Wei Fan towards the aide. The helpless young master flew at him. The aide quickly received him. But as he grabbed Wei Fan, a knife burst out through his body and stabbed into him as well. Amon had used the full power of the Hundred Shooting Stars art to throw the poison knife. This art at the Master level could punch through a solid concrete wall, much less a human's body. Although a cultivator's body was strong, it was still not enough to sustain this penetrative force.

The Black Slaughter Poison immediately reacted inside the two's bodies, killing them both in a short time.

Silence returned to the cemetery as all three of the Wei clan's people were lifeless on the ground. San Guo was holding his charred hand. He was still unable to believe the scene, he didn't expect the little boy would manage to do it. He had killed two transformation stage cultivators and a peak Strength stage cultivator, while still at the intermediate Strength stage.

Amon himself was panting. He had forced himself to continuously use his arts. He was running low already at the moment. San Guo could see that as well. He was having an internal debate at the moment. Should he attack? Maybe he could find the antidote if he searched the kid's belongings.

But when he looked again and saw Amon's stare, he immediately doused that thought. The kid's stare told him that Amon was ready for an attack.

Amon went around the battlefield to pick up his throwing knives. Those were his important arsenals. He wouldn't leave them behind unless absolutely necessary, especially the poisoned type ones, he only had four of those.

He didn't forget to collect the three space rings as well, but there was not much inside the aides' ones, just some recovery pills, salves, some common weapons, and some worthless necessities. They were not like him who brought all his stuff with him. These people had a safe place to store their belongings, preventing them from being a target of theft.

The young master's one only had a large pouch inside, containing 500 Aer stones.

"Let me guess, the price this guy paid for my death is five hundred aer stones?" Amon said to San Guo.

"It's the balance. The deposit is also five hundred which had been paid in front," San Guo replied.

Amon was impressed, he was worth one thousand Aer stones? But it was the Lin word in his given name that was worth that amount. Although he was an unwanted member of the Lin clan, he was still in the Lin clan. Assault on him meant offending the clan. No one would want to do the job if the pay was not tempting enough.

"I will take these Aer stones as compensation then," Amon said as he stored the pouch in his space ring. San Guo didn't make any comment.

"I will leave you to deal with these corpses," Amon said. "The Wei clan will come searching. How you deal with them to avoid getting blamed will depend on your own wits."

San Guo creased his forehead, "You are not killing me?"

"Do you want me to?" Amon asked back.

San Guo didn't know what to say.

Amon took out two round pills and threw them at San Guo, who deftly caught them with his other hand that was still fine.

"That's the antidote for your wife and daughter. Give them before the sunrise and they will be fine."

San Guo looked at the two pills. After witnessing Amon's coldness, he actually never believe he would see the antidotes, much less be the one to administer them to his wife and daughter.

"Why do you let me go? Aren't you afraid I will retaliate?"

Amon laughed. "You are welcome to try. Also, don't forget you are my accomplice in killing these three. If I tell this to the public, who do you think will receive more harm. As long as I hide inside the Lin clan, the Wei people will not dare to come looking for trouble. You, on the other hand, will not have that kind of protection."

San Guo was silent. Amon was right, he was just a nobody who worked himself up to his current position relying on his relationship skills. He did not have any solid backers to mention of. He would not survive if any of these big clans were gunning for him.

"I let you go because I see that you might still have a value," Amon added. "Though your strength is lacking, your connections with the underworld are impressive. I might need something that required your help later. Of course, I must warn you. If you ever dare come after me again, there will not be any warning. I will bury you and your family. Are we clear on this?"

San Guo nodded silently.

"Good, I will leave this cleaning to you then," Amon said and dashed away into the darkness.

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