Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 281 Awake

Chapter 281 Awake

Lily remained frozen.

Sweat dripped from her trembling body as tiny squeaks could be heard from her.

For someone who had not seen the outside world in years to be greeted with this sight of horror in mere minutes… it was beyond traumatic.


A System Alert suddenly popped as she got a closer visual of the monster.

Then… the next thing she experienced was a System Window.

[System Information]

– Name: Sin Eater Spawn

– Level: 3

– Race: Demon (Lesser) – Grade: 1

– Age: 29 days


– HP: 130

– MP: – –.

– Strenght: 45

– Agility: 90

– Vitality: 60

– Intelligence: 10

[Status Condition]


– Ignores bystanders and focuses on predetermined targets.

[End Of Information]josei

It was as if her brain would explode.

Lily knew her current Stats were barely on the average Level since she had already checked. Not only was this monster superior to her in Stats, but the terror it exuded was even too great for the girl to think of fighting.

In essence, this was the end of the line!

For a few moments, there was silence and the girl sharply closed her eyes in fright, expecting death.

Lily awaited her fate, but to her surprise, nothing occurred.

She didn’t want to open them—her eyes—but after waiting for seconds, she couldn’t resist the urge. Once she did, though, the girl was met with an empty hallway.

No one was there, no sign of life. If not for the trail of blood that led straight down the hallway, she would have believed the place was deserted.

Silence filled the area as the girl lost all feeling in her legs and crumbled to the ground.

Her breaths were strained and her bulging eyes told the message that she was panicking within.

Unknown to the poor little girl, though, the despair had only just begun.

Lily remained in her hospital ward for days after that incident. Even though she was assailed by hunger, thirst, exhaustion, and a myriad of unpleasant sensations, she still couldn’t leave the curled-up position she took by a corner.

The remnant fear of the monster plagued her mind… and the little girl couldn’t leave her tiny little box!

She prayed for help to come, but Lily was t sure whom her requests were directed to.

Was it the white being she met not too long ago? He was aware of her situation, though. No, he was the one who thrust her into it!

How would such an existence save her now?

There truly was no hope! She was going to succumb to the hunger sooner or later… and die!

Even if she didn’t starve to death, perhaps a monster would enter the room and eat her instead. She couldn’t imagine anyone being interested in her bony, malnutritioned body, but it wasn’t like common sense applied to Demons.

Just like in the nightmares she had been getting…it was only a matter of time before she got feasted on by those creatures of horror.

To Lily’s surprise, though… someone did come to her rescue.

She was dazzling so bright, like an angel, storming into the room with such precision and grace that Lily was in awe.

Even though her blurry vision couldn’t really pick up the image of the one who had saved her, the girl knew within herself that her savior had come. And with that… she was able to safely pass out.

This was Lily’s first encounter with Anabelle. She was saved by her, and once she regained consciousness, they were in a rough shelter.

Anabelle was a lone wolf, and thanks to saving Lily, she had a follower behind her.

Lily did her best not to hold Ana back, but it was clear that the opposite was the actual truth.

The girl was truly useless in combat, and practically all other things. Ana had to take care of meals, protection, shelter, and practically all they needed to survive.

The young girl couldn’t do a single thing right.

Of course, Ana never complained that she was useless, but Lily felt terrible within herself.

If only she was better!

If only she could do more!

If only she wasn’t a burden!

Perhaps it was these emotions that caused her to be more determined to increase her strength and usefulness. Slowly, she became more adept in the hellish world, and alongside Ana, they traveled.

Later on, they settled at a ‘Camp’ made for survivors, and became established members there.

This was Lily’s life now.

It wasn’t perfect, but… she had come to accept it and grow stronger.

Unfortunately… that also came to an abrupt end.

The dream slowly started melting away and everything began turning dark once more. Lily saw the image of those she cared about… and their last moments.

Ana’s death.

Peter’s demise.

Daniel’s murder.

Everyone she knew and loved slowly fell and died.

Lily felt like someone was missing from the list of casualties, but she couldn’t remember.

The girl was sinking deeper into the world of despondency when a voice called out to her. Then, a bright light slowly began to illuminate her surrounding, causing the shadows around to disappear.

Now within a white space, Lily thought of the warmth enveloping her. Even after such loss, why was she feeling so calm and satisfied.

It was as if a hole had been plugged somehow, and her bleeding heart was fixed.

‘W-what is… thisss….” Slowly, the girl’s eyes opened, and she was back in the realm of existence.

Reality set in, and the clouds hanging above came into view.

Her vision was still blurry, and her thoughts hazy. Even though she had only just regained consciousness, it felt like she would sink back into sleep.

The girl didn’t sense anyone around her, only felt the hard ground she was on. As she pondered on what to do, something suddenly sounded that startled her.

No, not something… but a series of sounds.

If not for her exhausted state, Lily would have jumped to her feet to face whatever was making that sound.



It was footsteps… there was someone nearby!

The footsteps grew louder and the presence of someone began registering in Lily’s senses.

Thanks to her exhaustion, the girl couldn’t completely comprehend the stranger’s identity, but her numb face slightly tilted to get a visual of them.

It was—

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