Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 360 A Supreme Being's Melancholy

Chapter 360 A Supreme Being's Melancholy

What does one call a being who can see the past, present, and future?

An existence that is omniscient and omnipotent—outside the boundaries of space and time.

There is only one name for such a perfect entity.


However, the life of someone like that—who can do and undo at will—is not as glamorous as people would think.

Humans only desire power because of their weaknesses.

They chase immortality because of their limited lifespan.

They seek after wealth because of the unfairness of society.

They wish for peace because of the looming dangers present.

But, for a being that transcends those petty concepts... those ideals that mankind chases are all his to possess.

However, those possessions have no meaning if there is no desire.

Imperfection births the desire to grow—to evolve.

So, for an already perfect entity whose existence is already the epitome of everything one wishes to attain, those possessions lose their luster.

As such, even God can get bored.

This was the very thing that assailed a particular entity in a Sector among a constellation of universes.

Within Sector A-67, a Supreme Being battled these ideals endlessly.

No matter what he thought of, nothing stimulated him—not even the humans who were kept under his watch.

Even the other inferior species on several other planets did not entertain him.

"I see everything. Past. Present. Future... I see everything."

Nothing surprised him in the slightest.

He questioned the meaning of his existence and did not find an answer.

And so, after battling these emotions for a long period, the Supreme Being reached a conclusion.

"Stimulation. I need stimulation."

That was when he consulted the Oculus—the System that bound all the infinite realities in existence.

As a Supreme Being, he had exclusive access to the System as pertaining to his world, as well as general permission for other worlds.

The stimulation he sought was something beyond what had ever been done.

—A Singularity!

This God, who was supposed to be against the concept of disturbances, now desired one.

And not just any kind of singularity... one that could not be resolved by a single sleight of hand.

Unfortunately, none could be found.

That meant one thing.

"I have to create one—a Singularity of my own making."

It would be according to his taste, but not a complete replica of his desires. If the Singularity was entirely designed by him, that would make things too boring.

Of what use would an idea so predictable be?

As he had these thoughts, while exploring the several infinite worlds that existed, the Supreme Being of Sector A-67 found something oddly fascinating.

"He always dies..."

A certain human caught his eye.

Now, there was nothing spectacular about the human he saw.

He was an ordinary joe who did not live a fascinating life. Everything about him was ordinary—except for one thing.

"Even here too. How is this even...?"

No matter the world, no matter the timeline, this human's Steam Of Fate was something that had a central course.


Throughout the infinite collection of realities, the entirety of the multiverse, this particular human managed to die in every single one of them.

"That... shouldn't be..."

The multiverse existed thanks to infinite possibilities.

For everything that exists, there is a world where it doesn't.

Every decision one makes has a world where that action is never taken.

As a result, an unlimited number of realities exist.

But, for every reality this Supreme Being saw, this human never survived the catastrophic event known as Armageddon.

He always wound up dying.

"There should at least be one where he lives, right?"

Before the Supreme Being knew it, that slight notice turned into an obsession that gnawed at him.

He had to get to the bottom of things!

And finally, he did.josei

He reached the root of existence, yet found not a single world where the human lived.

The Supreme Being came to a conclusion.

"He is an exception... a Singularity yet to be discovered."

You see, the System operates like a simulation.

One could say it is a program

Another can call it a game—perhaps a finely tuned machine?

There are many ways to describe the concept, but one thing was certain.

Programs were bound to have certain bugs. Machines sometimes became clogged.

Even the System that held together the Multiverse in its web of intricacy had something it overlooked.

No, it wasn't exactly overlooked. It was simply... unavoidable.

"For every rule, there is an exception."

That was a rule that was as old as existence—no, even before then.

And the result of that concept was the human the Supreme Being chanced upon.

"Jeremy Lewis. He sometimes goes by other names, depending on the universes, but that is his identity in my world..."

He was the exception to the rule of the multiverse itself.

For everything that happens, there should exist a world where it doesn't. Yet, Jeremy Lewis was a loser in every single reality.

That meant he was the very thing this Supreme Being was looking for.

"The Ultimate Singularity!" A bright smile formed on God's face as he looked down at his own world.

"I wonder what will happen if someone like him, who has nothing... wounds up possessing everything."

A certain feeling of exhilaration washed through the body of the Supreme Being as he had this thought.

It felt strange initially, but there was no doubt about it.

It was excitement—the very stimulation he sought.

"This is a future that had never existed. A brand new reality..."

It defied the very laws that held the world he was meant to watch over, but the Supreme Being no longer cared for order.

He simply craved adventure.

"I have decided!" He accessed the Golden Screen and upon the miserable human in his world.

There was no way such an insignificant entity could end up achieving anything his whole life.

He was simply one of those people who would keep wishing, yet have nothing to show for it.

However, that was only because no power was given to them.

God smiled and made up his mind.

"Jeremy Lewis... I will give you everything."

The results of defying his predetermined fate and attaining the very pinnacle of power... God wanted to see.

And that was because he had no idea of the outcome.

"I want to see what will happen next!"


There you have it, folks.

That's the petty reason.


I certainly hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Some might feel a bit let down after all that buildup, but I personally like things this way. It also shows the possibility of more.


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