Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 71 Intervention

Chapter 71 Intervention

“Tch. You…” r

Melissa was nearly speechless after our brief exchange. Apparently, her trump card, Daniel’s existence, did her no good.r

‘As expected. She hasn’t changed, still leeching off the authority of others…’ I thought to myself.r

I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little frightened of Daniel, or his existence within the Camp. I certainly hadn’t expected to meet the two worst people I knew in my life in the same place.r

‘Does this mean… even more of my classmates are here?’ My mind rang.r

If that was the case, then that would be bad. I don’t think I would be able to control myself with so many targets for revenge in my line of sight.r

Merely seeing this bitch was enough to send thoughts into my head. I didn’t want more distracting flies buzzing around me.r

“Why are you here?” I asked, glaring at her.r

The sooner she left, the better. If possible, I would prefer she left before Ana’s group returned.r

‘I don’t want them to see another side of me.’r

“That’s none of your business!” Melissa spat back, refusing to accept a non-aggressive conversation.r.

Still, I needed her out of the room.r

“Are you looking for Ana? Is the Camp leader requesting to meet with them?” I asked calmly.r

She appeared surprised by my questions. It would seem I hit the mark.r

“How do you know about all that In the first place? Why haven’t I seen you before? When did you get here?” Melissa asked me, not even bothering to give me an answer to my question first.r

A smile formed on my face as I thought about the perfect response. Just in time too.rjosei

“That’s none of your business.”r

The instant she heard me say this, Melissa went into a fit of rage. I thought she would have developed some common sense by now, but I was wrong.r

She raised her two hands and began sending me a flurry of assaults with her fist. It looked like her broken pride couldn’t endure any more of the insult and so she unconsciously resorted to violence in order to assert her dominance.r

‘Perfect!’ I grinned.r


The door behind the both of us sounded, and Ana’s team poured in. As planned, I fell into a victimized state, with Melissa atop me, sending waves of attacks.r

She quickly stopped upon noticing that some people had entered the room. Her crazed expression morphed into a nervous look as soon as she turned her face and met the eyes of our abrupt spectators.r

The group that had just entered was welcomed with this scene, causing them to react accordingly.r

“A-ah, this isn’t what it-” Melissa tried to defend herself, but before she could say any more, Ana dashed from her location in a flash.r

She separated Melissa from me and grabbed her by her shirt before flinging her to the side.r

“Gahh!” She yelped, feeling her back hit the wall, a couple of meters from me.r

“What do you think you’re doing, Melissa?!” Ana asked, glaring at my assaulter.r

The other team members also glanced at Melissa with suspicion. The look on their faces even sent shivers down my spine. r

‘It seems I have reliable backup!’r

When Melissa was still giving me her attitude, refusing to leave the room some moments ago, I had sensed their approach.r

Since I couldn’t chase her out in time, I decided to provoke her instead. By doing this, it would defeat whatever purpose she came here for, and even destroy her credibility.r

Plus, it was an excellent way to gain more sympathy.r

‘Is this the new family you promised me, Anabelle? I don’t feel welcome at all!’ Were what my thoughts would have been at this moment, making all the group members feel guilty.r

“A-ahh… Urhhh…” I gave pained sounds, drawing their attention to me.r

Ana turned behind her to see me, and her eyes bulged upon noticing some bruises on my body.r

“Jeremy!” She shouted, rushing to my side as she ignored Melissa’s groans.r

‘Welp, my bruises were self-inflicted, so my situation appeared real. Hehe, meanwhile the one in actual pain was Melissa.’ r

“Ana… I… I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was… your friend. >COUGHS<“r

Simply perfect!r

“No, Jeremy. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you like that!” Ana said, drawing me closer to her as she watched me writhe.r

‘Idiots. Pfft.’r

“Melissa, you’ve gone too far this time. Why did you harm Jeremy? No, in the first place what are you doing here?” Peter asked, glaring at Melissa in a super-aggressive way.r

I had no idea what it was, but from Peter’s expression, something must have gone down between him and her. No surprise there, the bitch was a manipulative slut.r

“J-Jeremy!’ Lily rushed toward me, nodding at Ana that she could take over for her.r

Seeing that Lily was taking care of me already, our dependable leader turned to face the villain and malefactor of this entire incident. Melissa!r

“Do you realize what you’ve just done?!” Anabelle asked, a certain intimidating pressure emanating from her.r

It didn’t feel like much to me, but Melissa looked absolutely terrified by the aura she was feeling. Even the remaining team members looked quite shaken.r

‘It must suck to be weak…’ r

“Anabelle, take it easy. Jeremy is still hurt.” Peter quickly cautioned, snapping Ana from her bloodlust state.r

“A-ah, that’s true. I’m sorry about that. Thanks, Peter.” She replied.r

“S-stay away from me, bitch!” Melissa hastily screamed and quickly took advantage of Ana’s moment of distraction by erecting a barrier around herself.r

The pink energy field glowed, and particles of light danced around it. It was certainly pretty.r

‘Oh? So that’s her Gift. A shield would be quite troublesome. I wonder how strong it is. Well, considering her level it can’t be that high…’r

“Melissa. Explain yourself. What reason do you have to break into our residence? Why were you assaulting Jeremy? Choose your words carefully and answer me quickly… before I conclude you’re a spy and end you now!”r

Melissa was clearly intimidated by Ana’s threats, but her ego was not about to let her give in so easily.r

“Are you threatening me, Ana? You seem to have forgotten who I am, don’t you? I’m the-“r

Before she could even conclude her statement, Ana launched her red-torched fist toward the barrier, causing it to vibrate violently upon impact.r


“I’ll ask you once again, Melissa… and you’d do well to answer me. Explain yourself!”r

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