Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 84 Morality

Chapter 84 Morality

“Why don’t you just kill some people off? That way your supplies will last you till then… What do you think?”r

An eerie silence crept across the office as none of us spoke for a moment.r

“W-what are you-?!” Charles stuttered in shock as he looked at me.r

He appeared incredibly astonished that I had mentioned murder like it was nothing.r

“Oh, don’t look at me like that. It’s an option, and a very good one at that!” I responded, now feeling like the weird one in the room.r

“H-how can you even suggest that? What do you think human life is?” He responded, gritting his teeth as he spoke.r

This made me sigh in disappointment. I thought Charles was a rational man, capable of doing the most expedient thing to ensure his survival, but it appears that I overestimated him.r

‘As expected, the concept of morality still shackles him… How unfortunate.’r

It was evident that the camp had reached an impasse, and they were in a very difficult situation. If they didn’t solve the problem of food and water fast, everyone could die. With the emergence of the horde of Goblins, that was another disaster.r.

But, with every disadvantage, a smart person had to think of a silver lining.r

If Charles was like me, he would recruit more people from the useless mobs to fight against the Horde of monsters, while sending Ana’s team to retrieve more Supplies, which wasn’t food or water, since they had already brought the most essentials with them when we came to the Camp.r

Daniel’s team would lead them, and since the second team members were injured, there would be a massive hole to fill in the expedition force. Normal civilians would have been forced to fight in order to earn their keep.r

The cowards who failed to do so would be chased out of the Camp. After all, they weren’t selfless enough to defend the place they lived in.r

This would reduce the mouths that have to be fed, but just sending a few away wouldn’t be enough. The ones who volunteered would be sent to subjugate the horde, and a lot of them would be bound to die since they were weak.r

Doing so would further reduce the count of the Camp’s residents. Of course, since I was interested in the horde, I would also participate in their subjugation. This wouldn’t sit well with Ana, but if she was already deployed to my base for the remaining supplies, then she wasn’t going to be around to complain!rjosei

The expedition would succeed. Resources and EXP would be gotten by the Camp members, and more fighters would be born.r

Many would die, but their sacrifices would be worth it! After the threat has been neutralized, the final phase would be concluded, and the survivors would last until the harvest of the crops.r

‘This way, the problem is neatly solved!’r

Unfortunately, such a method is considered unthinkable by morally driven folks. They don’t see the merit in the sacrifice of many useless parts to save the few expedient ones. How sad indeed.r

“Forget I mentioned that. It was just a joke.” I laughed, shrugging off the stare Charles gave me.r

‘It’s their loss, anyway…’r

After all, the Horde was still a problem, same with food and water scarcity. Whether or not they chose the most efficient way, these people would still die.r

At least with my idea, the most useful ones would live. Yet, I am the one who looks like the bad guy.r

‘In my opinion, though… the true villain was the weak leader who knows what has to be done, but chooses to remain shackled by irrelevant thoughts.’r

This would lead to the death of everyone… Including his family! r

“Ironic, isn’t it? Choosing to stick to ideals rather than doing the needful. In the end, they’ll all die, and their blood will be on your hands. Including that of your child, Charles.” I laughed at the indecisive man.r

It seemed as though I had struck a nerve because the next thing that happened was quite spectacular.r

“That’s enough out of you!” Charles raised his hands to hit me as he screamed in rage.r

‘Pfft, weak.’r

I grabbed his hand in a flash, twisting his wrist slightly.r

“A-arghhh!” He screamed in pain.r

I reattached it, and he made another sound in response.r

“You’ll do well to remember that I’m not one of your lackeys, Charles,” I said, letting his hand go.r

He grabbed it with his second hand and rubbed his sore hand painfully.r

“Last question… for now…” I said, moving close to the door since I would be leaving shortly.r

“There’s a member of Ana’s team… Larry… you know his Alignment is Evil, don’t you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.r

Charles was still panting while nursing his hand painfully.r

“Y-yeah, I know…” He huffed.r

“Then why haven’t you done anything about it yet? He’s dangerous.” I asked.r

“Hehe, that’s a funny thing for you to say…” Charles smiled at the little joke he made.r

It wasn’t like I didn’t see the humor in his words, but I wasn’t in the mood. My expression darkened, showing him that I was serious.r

“It’s more complicated than you think. That guy, Larry… he was sent to infiltrate us by another group, they comprise of Evil Alignments just like him.” Charles said.r

“Oh? You know quite a bit…” I smiled.r

“Of course. I’ve been observing their movements well, as well as the communication he keeps with them. He can fool the others, but he can’t fool me.” r

“If that’s the case, then why aren’t you doing anything about him?” I asked.r

Charles smiled a little. Despite the humiliation he faced at my hands, he was still a sly man.r

“I only learned so much about them due to Larry being here. I intend to keep harboring him to know even more. Once his use has expired, I’ll take action.” He replied.r

A smile formed on my face the moment he said this. Charles was more twisted than he would like to think. If only he was truer to his inner nature…r

‘He would have been a true masterpiece…’r

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