Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 94 Anarchy

Chapter 94 Anarchy

“I-I see…” Charles mumbled, clearly stunned by the strategy I had devised.r

Rubbing his chin, he mulled over my words carefully, considering if they indeed had no defects.r

I smiled, watching him patiently while I awaited his decision.r

“I-it’s actually very decent, even more efficient than what I initially considered. And it’s only going to be possible with your assistance…” Charles stated, now looking me in the eye.r

“So, what do you say?” I said, already knowing he couldn’t refuse.r

“Is there anything left to say? I’m in!” r

‘Smart choice.’r

I rose from where I sat and used my <Recall> Skill to return the milk bottles from both my end and Charles’ to [Subspace].r

“Very well then, as per our agreement, I’ll provide more food and water supplies while you fulfill your end of the deal. Once the scout teams return, you will take action immediately.”r.

Upon saying this, I left Charles’ office and headed back to Ana’s room. Before I went beyond the hearing range, I heard him say a few words.r

“That milk… was so good…”r

I smiled. Something as common as milk was seen as a rare delicacy now. The value of certain things was changing, and soon, it will come to a point whereby human lives will have less value than resources.r

I descended the stairs and went into the welcoming hands of my unsuspecting friends, as I awaited the good news to come.r

[Two Days Later]r

The Scout team came hours earlier than the due time, and the information they gave Charles indicated that the matter was way more serious than anyone expected.r

“A-at least a hundred of them… No, over two hundred could be seen around the area.” They reported with bulging eyes.r

Charles was startled, but to keep a semblance of sanity among everyone in his office, he kept his emotions in check and listened attentively.r

“There are bound to be more of the Hobgoblins within their territory, but we couldn’t get closer or get a better visual into their compound.” They added.r

Apparently, of the four teams that were sent, three didn’t encounter anything, while the last was able to spot the Horde’s nest.r

“It’s a good thing they’re not spread out. We should be able to launch an effective assault against them.” Charles replied to the Scouts.r

However, they didn’t look convinced about the Camp Leader’s words. After experiencing the multitude of what the Camp was up against, the Scouts didn’t have any hope of victory.r

“We should just make a break for it. With our current forces… can we even win?” They asked Charles.r

Of course, Charles knew that with a certain someone’s help, victory was assured, but he couldn’t tell anyone of his existence.r

“We can’t afford to run. With our current supplies, we wouldn’t even last a week while moving. The only reason we have been able to conserve our supplies is because of our lack of activity.” Charles explained.r

Fleeing required way more energy, and without the right nutrition to supplement them, everyone would run out of energy.r

“Besides, where do we flee to?” Charles asked.r

The outside world was just as dangerous. For all they knew, the Camp could be jumping from the frying pan directly into the fire, if they chose to make a break for it.r

“B-but, we can’t win… our numbers are just not good enough.” r

Charles knew what he had to do at this point, it was to raise their morale. As the leader, he was well versed with the art of advocacy. His skills weren’t going to fail him now!r

“With a solid strategy, we can win! Plus, have you forgotten who you’re talking to? Have I ever placed this Camp in an impossible situation? So, believe me when I say we can win!” Charles smiled confidently.r

The Scouts were not entirely convinced, but they had to trust in the Camp Leader’s words. What other choice did they have?r

After his brief meeting with the Scouts, Charles told them to rest well, and that in the evening he would be having an elaborate meeting with everyone, to decide on the next step to take.r

After dismissing them, he sighed while burying his head in his hands.r

Fighting the Horde would mean the use of extra resources, especially if they were to use a well devised strategy and not an all-out desperate attack.rjosei

‘We need Jeremy, no matter what!’ His thoughts rang.r

It was fortunate that he chose to help them if Charles did his bidding, and to be honest it wasn’t much. Still, Jeremy’s goals were too vague for the Camp Leader to decipher. r

While they all needed Jeremy now, Charles was unsure of what was waiting for the Camp after they overcome the approaching crisis.r


News of the Horde spread like wildfire within the Camp. No one knew who started the rumors or where the leaked information originated from, however, within the span of a few hours, it was a hot topic in the camp. r

The administrators, that is, Camp executives were flooded with questions and desperate complaints from the Camp members.r

They knew something about the Horde, since Charles had already told them the possibility of it and his plan of sending Scouts in their last meeting, but they hadn’t gotten his confirmation of the matter.r

The Scouts arrived not too long ago, so a lot of time had not yet passed since they told him of the outcome.r

At the moment, everyone was bustling with unrest and confusion. The situation seemed chaotic and answers were needed.r

“What’s going on?”r

“Is it really true? They’re here already?”r

“Are we going to die? I don’t want to die!!!”r

The news didn’t escape the Expedition teams, who tried finding the source of the leak, to no avail.r

Many panicky Camp Members tried placing responsibility on the Expedition team, claiming it was their duty to stop the Horde and prevent their deaths, and in less than an hour, the whole area had turned upside down.r

Ana and her team, as well as everyone else, was either trying to stop the commotion, or causing it.r

Anarchy took free charge, with everyone in disarray. Everyone except one.r

“Just look at them… hopeless maggots.” Jeremy smiled from where he sat, at a height no one could see and observed the crowd.r

“This will all be worth it.”r

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