Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 120 Few Minutes Away

Chapter 120 Few Minutes Away

"Are you trying to irritate me on purpose?" Alix questioned, and Adora smirked.

"Perhaps I am, but it doesn't matter," she replied as she stood up, grabbed her breakfast, went to the kitchen where no one was, shut the door, and began to eat.

After finishing her meal, the princess wiped her lips, reapplied her mask, and proceeded to meet the captain.

"Captain," she said as she approached the navigation room, when she saw the city of the kingdom, they were only a few minutes away from their destination.

"Get your things ready, guys," Adora said as she returned to the living room.

"Are we there yet?" Eliza asked.

"Only a few minutes," Adora replied.

"But aren't we staying on the ship?" Nina questioned.

"Would you like to?" Adora asked, and they all exchanged glances.

"I don't mind," Ayden responded and the others agreed.

"If that's what you guys want, sure, I don't mind, come on deck, we're almost there," Adora said as she walked away, and they followed her.

"Only a few more days until the finals," Yan said as they gazed at the city in the distance. The captain blew the ship's horn, and they jumped, then he laughed.

"You guys don't have to worry about the finals because you have plenty of time to prepare; we will go to the arena today and then go out, how does that sound?" Adora asked.

"That sounds fine to me; how about you guys?" Alix questioned.

"It's fine, I just hope we don't run into any other teams today," Aerav replied, and Kyris smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"I am sure you will, because the other team will use the arena as a training ground during the time," Kyris said, as Aerav sighed.

"Relax, all we have to do is avoid getting into a fight with any of them, because some of them can get pretty full of themselves," Alix explained.

"He is right, guys, don't get too worked up, relax a little," Adora advised.

"Besides, if something does happen, Adora is here, and believe me, she can handle any sort of matter or conflict with just as much punch as anyone," Eliza replied, wrapping her arm around Adora's neck.

"Is that right? Now I'm even more concerned "Alix said and Adora scoffed, then punched him in the stomach, and he grinned.

"You want her to kick your ass," Kyllan said.

"I am just saying what I'm thinking," he replied, and Kyris chuckled as Adora stared at Alix.

"I will kill you," she said, smiling.

"Go ahead, nothing is stopping you," he replied, and she sighed.

"Someone throw him off my ship," she said and they all started laughing.

"Adora," Alix said and they looked at him, then Nina smiled.

"You are finally using her name, which is great; did she hit you to get your head straight?" Nina asked.

"There was no reason to do that," he said.

"What is it, Alix?" Adora questioned.

"You remember what I asked you earlier, right?" he asked, as she smiled and approached him.

"Of course, I remember, sweetheart, I don't forget things so easily."

"Good, I am glad," he said, clutching his chest, and Adora sighed.

'I hope I can completely remove the block for him; he has a lot to do in life,' Adora thought.

"What are you thinking Adora?" Kyris asked as Adora noticed a frown on Kyllan's face.

"Kyris, keep Kyllan calm for me; no matter what we say, he will keep worrying about causing us harm or trouble; I don't want that; you know I can handle him if he gets out of control; can you find a way to make him believe that no matter what?" Adora questioned, and Kyris turned to face Kyllan.

"I can't promise I will get it to him, but I will do my best, Adora, you need to stop worrying so much, we're a team, we handle things together, right?" he asked, knowing she was concealing a lot from them, and she patted him on the shoulder.

"Sheesh, I know that," Adora responded, smiling. "I also know you know that I am hiding things Kyris, believe me when I say it's for the best right now and you know very well that I will tell you guys when I am ready or when the time is right."josei

"Can you guarantee you'll tell us?" Alix asked as he approached Adora and Kyris.

"I will definitely kill you one day," she replied, and he grinned.

"Well, promise?" Kyris asked.

"You two, you are such a pain, fine I promise, now I don't know if you will need anything, if you do, go get it, the ship will stop soon," she replied.

"I will just bring my credit card in case I need it," Alix said.

"I have mine with me, so I don't need anything," Kyris replied, before Alix left for his room.

"Are you as proud of them as I am? They are currently the fastest growing team, and they haven't even reached their peak; they will all grow to be more powerful," Kyris said while looking at Alix's team and Adora smiled.

"They are fantastic, they have a bright future ahead of them, I hope they take advantage of this, and yes, I am proud of all of them," Adora replied.

"That is good to know, well seems like the ship is coming to a stop, we better make sure the pirates are ready to leave on their own, come on," Kyris said as he walked away and Adora followed him to where the pirates were in the living room.

"Well, well, we've arrived at our destination; are you ready to try a new and different life, or will you perish here?" Adora questioned, sending shivers to the crew members.

"Please your highness, I don't want to die here; I want to give myself another chance at a good life," one of them said, and Kyris smiled before turning to face Adora, who was staring at the captain as the ship stopped and Adora sighed.

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