Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 130 Zavis's Question

Chapter 130 Zavis's Question

"Don't they already know the face behind the mask?" Zavis inquired, and Adora gave him a sidelong glance.

"Zavis, stop being mean to Adora; you're no longer children," the queen said.

"Aunt, let him speak, he's not looking for a fight, he just can't express what he is really feeling right now, I suggest you tell him to stop being a coward, I'm not going to let anyone walk on me," Adora said as she stood up and prepared to leave.

"Did you do it?" he asked, leaping from his seat, and Adora's eyes widened as she turned to face him.

"Did I murder my mother?" "Is that what you're asking, Zavis?" she questioned.

"Zavis!" yelled Niya.

"Niya, stay out of it, we are no longer kids," Adora said, and the girl lowered her head as Adora approached Zavis and he looked her in the eyes.

"I don't know what to believe, she was like a mother to me, we always fought as kids but- that's somehow hard to believe, did you do it Adora?" he asked and she sighed.

"I suggest you watch how you speak to her, you are really pissing me off," Alix said as he stood up, and Zavis' eyes began to glow green.

"I suggest you stay out of what is a family matter and not an outsider," Zavis said coldly and Adora looked at both of them.

"It's one thing for outsiders to think you did it, but when the family you spent most of your life with starts to doubt you, that's a whole other line, maybe I did kill her," Adora said, and Alix sighed. Adora's phone rang at the same time, and she answered it, and Zavis left the room.

"Good morning," Adora said.

'Good morning, Adora. May I speak with you for a moment?'" Zack inquired.

"Sure," she replied, then looked at Alix, who had his fists clenched in anger, and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I haven't felt like myself lately, sorry," he admitted as she patted him on the back.

"We are going training today; if not, you guys go sightseeing, don't stay cooped up in here," Adora replied, leaning in towards Alix.

"I am sorry, Alix, I am sorry Alix, if I am the reason you are feeling weird right now," she said and his eyes widened as she walked away and he sat back down to finish his breakfast.

'I am pretty sure you are not to blame for how I am feeling; the rage within me is also growing, but why?' Alix pondered before drinking his coffee and exhaling deeply.

"Are you all right?" Kyris inquired.

"Yeah, I am fine; I think I will practice today," he said.

"I think we should all practice today, then go sightseeing, because the finals aren't far away," Kyris said.

"I think you guys should take it easy as well, don't overstress yourselves," Niya advised, and they smiled.

"She is right, we need to relax as well; stressing ourselves out right before our match won't help," Ayden responded.

"Yeah, I saw a lot of people over-stress themselves before going up against the champions, even over-train, and it did not serve them well, even if they were a good team," the queen said.

"We understand," Sarah responded, and the queen smiled.

"May I ask you a question, Your Highness?" Alix inquired, and the king and queen, as well as the others, looked at him.

"Sure, Alix, what is it?" the king inquired.

"What's the story with your son and the princess?" Alix inquired.

"Alix," Sarah said.

"Let him ask," Kyllan said and she sighed.

"Adora's mother was like a mother to Zavis, Adora and Zavis fought a lot as kids, but they had a strong bond, despite fighting with each other, they won't tolerate when anyone else hurt or bully each other, and they defended each other a lot, but when her mother died and the rumor of her being the one that might have done it, it did a lot of damage," the queen responded while lowering her head.

"Does he really think she did it then?" Alix questioned, his eyes filled with curiosity and the queen scoffed.

"I don't know what my son is thinking kid, he has changed a lot these years, so has Adora, I can't tell what they're thinking anymore, it's difficult," the queen said, to which Alix scoffed.

"I understand, and I apologize for asking so many questions," he replied, and the king smiled.

"That's not too much question; you have every right to ask; you're like family to her now," the king said.

"I suppose we are," Kyllan responded, relieved.

"Zack, I will show them my face soon; I think I'll do it after the finals," Adora said.


"That's good; I think your trust in them will grow as a result, and I will learn more about the source," he replied.

"Are you certain you want to be a part of this?" Adora inquired.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure, and I promise I will be useful," he replied, and Adora smiled.

"You don't have to, but it's your choice; just be more cautious and don't get too involved," she advised.

"Got it, I just wanted to let you know that I think he might be here," he replied, and she smiled.

"I believe so as well, I will be fine, see you later," she said.

"See you later," he said before hanging up.

"What are your plans?" As Adora was about to leave, Zavis asked, and she looked at him as he passed his finger along the edge of her long silky hair.

"You have grown into a fine young lady, that's for sure, take your friends to the hills behind the waterfalls if you want to train for the finals, they will be able to train well there, I am not doing this for you, I am doing this because even though we don't get along, I don't wish for your team to lose," he said and Adora chuckled.

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