Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 133 The Dragon Knows

Chapter 133 The Dragon Knows

"Hey- don't do anything, he only pulled you in the water because you pushed him, that's so unfair," Kyris muttered as Alix's eyes widened as he felt something wrapped around his feet.

"W- What the hell is that?" he asked, taking a deep breath and about to look at his feet when something pulled him down, and Adora chuckled as the whip from around his feet vanished.

"Did you do that?" Alix questioned as he rose from the water, and Adora glanced at him.josei

"What are you talking about?" she asked and he smirked.

"You are quite sneaky," he observed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said as the water seeped through her clothes, causing them to stick to her body and reveal her curves and she stooped down in the water.

"Are you embarrassed?" Alix questioned.

"Have some shame, dude," she said.

"With what you're doing to me, I would rather not have any," he said.

"Why are you being mean?" she asked.

"Oh, you sound cute," he said, and her cheeks flushed as she averted her gaze from him.

"You know you need more freedom," he said as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around her, despite the fact that it was wet.

"It's wet, but it will cover your upper body," he explained, and Adora smiled.

"Thank you," she said, a little sleepy.

"I believe you should return to the castle and rest; what were you doing all night?" Alix questioned.

"I was gathering information," she explained.

"Information? huh? Don't tell me you are going around gathering information alone at night," he said and she patted him on the back.

"I was with Zack, don't worry, I am not that crazy," she replied and he sighed and was about to leave when the water started getting rough forming a small tornado.

"Guys if I were you, I would pull back," Adora said, and everyone screamed as the dragon flew out of the water and drew Adora on her back.

"Woah, Jade," Adora exclaimed as she looked down at the others and Alix smirked.

"That dragon really likes her," Alix said.

"Yeah, it does," Niya replied with a bright smile. "You know, Adora was the one who tamed that dragon; she was younger, but the dragon took a liking to her."

"You seem to adore her," Kyris observed.

"Who wouldn't adore someone like her? Adora is one of the nicest people I have ever met; I know she left and things changed, but that doesn't matter to me "Niya responded, and Kyris and the others smiled.

"Jade, please take me down," Adora said, and the dragon stopped midair, looked at her, and took her back down to the others, while Alix looked at the dragon.

"Try petting her guys," Adora said as she stepped off the dragon and onto dry land, feeling a little chilly.

"Is it going to snow?" Adora asked.

"Soon yeah, it's going to get really cold," Niya responded and Adora sighed.

"It's no surprise," Adora said as the dragon approached Alix, both of their eyes glowed blue, and Adora smiled.

"Are you the last?" Alix gasped when he realized the dragon was communicating with him through telepathy.

"I am the last what?" Alix questioned.

"Oh, the princess seems to know, I can tell, but it doesn't matter, it's nice to meet you, my name is Jade," she replied, and Alix sighed.

"More secrets, never mind, I am Alix, nice to meet you too," he replied and the dragon broke the connection, then Alix along with the dragon turned to look at her.

'I bet she knows, I hope she hasn't told Alix yet,' Adora thought as the dragon flew to her and placed her head against the girl, making a connection.

"I can tell he is one of them, after all, I am a dragon," the dragon said, "but he seems lost."

"I know, he doesn't know because I haven't told him yet, it's a secret for now," Adora replied, "but he knows I am hiding something and he is okay with it until I am ready to tell him, he is still growing."

"Stop talking secrets," Alix yelled, and Adora jumped, then glared at him and he grinned.

"You two are getting close," Kyllan said, and Alix gave him a glance.

"How exactly?" Alix asked, and Kyllan's brow furrowed.

"It really doesn't matter right now, you will see what way, it's very surprising how blind one can be," Kyllan replied.

"Guys, I am going back to the castle, have fun," Adora said before leaving.

Upon arriving back at the castle Adora found Zavis eating ice cream in the living room.

"Zavis," she called out, and he sighed as he looked at her.

"What exactly do you want?" he questioned.

"Nothing, go eat food for heaven's sake," she replied.

"Don't act—whatever, are you guys finished?" "It's after midday," he said.

"It's now midday, not after, but yes, we're finished; also, were you looking at me last night?" she inquired.

"Looking at you? how? what do you mean?" he asked.

"It's nothing," she said.

"If something is on your mind, then just say it," he shouted and she left staring at him.

"Perhaps I should be the one saying that to you," she said, and he rushed up to her, grabbing her tightly by the arm and squeezing her.

"Ouch, idiot," she exclaimed.

"Shut up, please; if something bothers you, just say it," he replied.

"Zavis, do you hate me?" she asked, and he trembledly released her arm.

"Never mind, maybe it was me last night," he said as he walked away, leaving Adora frowning as she returned to her room and locked the door.

"He sure is tense, I guess he really does despise me after all," Adora concluded as she changed her clothes.

After the girl finished the others came back to the castle to get changed and go sightseeing while the princess opened the seal on her chest and looked at herself in the mirror before putting on the mask and her eyes glowed orange before the shadow formed beside her.

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