Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 142 The Ride

Chapter 142 The Ride

"What in the world do you think you're doing? Do you intend to give me a heart attack?" Alix inquired, and Adora chuckled.

"Enjoy the ride, it's rare to get strangers to ride on her back," Adora responded, and Alix smiled before turning to face the dragon.

"I am curious if I can fly," Alix said.

"You could try," she said.

"Now?" he asked.

"Yeah, go ahead and jump, whether you can or cannot, take a leap," she said, and he jumped off the dragon, balancing his body in the air, and she smiled.

"You can't fly, but you have the ability to balance your body well," Adora said, and Alix smiled.

"You won't last long, but do you want to put it to the test?" Adora asked, and Alix's eyes turned bright red.

"Collect him, Jade," Adora said, and the dragon flew beneath him and he sat on her back.

"Are your powers acting up again?" she inquired as the dragon flew above the city.

"Adora, do you really believe I will be able to control my powers if you remove the block?" he asked, and she sighed.

"Don't worry about it right now; you will be able to control it as long as I am willing to teach you how," she said.

"Will you get in trouble because of me in the future?" he asked, as she clenched her fists.

"Please stop, don't worry about me, I know the role I have to play in your life, and even if I get into trouble, it won't matter," she said.

"If you say so," he sighed as he noticed light reflecting in the air from the arena.

"Are they training?" Alix asked and the dragon flew over the arena and Adora scoffed.

"Yeah, they are training for the rumble later today," she said, and one of the fighters noticed them when she looked up.

"Am I seeing right or is that a dragon?" the girl asked, capturing Zack's attention who was passing by the ring while talking to someone and Adora peeked at him then he smiled.

"This is a pleasant surprise; guys wrap up your training session now, save your energy for later, they will be setting up the ring for tonight's fight," Zack said and then they left the ring.

"What are you guys doing here?" Zack asked.

"We were just taking some fresh air, got a good view of a lot of things too," Alix responded.

"I am sure you did, seeing the city from that high up is great, but it would be even better at night because night has things that day doesn't," Zack said.

"Well, maybe we can try tonight as well," Alix said, and Adora glanced at him.

"Really?" Adora asked.

"I don't think the dragon has a problem with it," he said, smirking.

"I am sure she doesn't, Zack, thanks for the tip," Adora said, and he grinned.

"You are very welcome; you're still coming to the royal rumble later, right?" he asked.josei

"We are," Alix replied, "we want to see how skilled they are."

"Nice," he said, "does that mean my lady here will be joining you guys as well?"

"My lady? Seriously Zack? Yeah, I will be joining you guys even though I am having second thoughts," she responded.

"Even if you have second thoughts, I suggest you push them aside because I am pretty sure you will be dragged along whether you like it or not," Alix said with a cold smile and she scoffed.

'That smile is quite scary,' Adora thought.

"That's new," she said, "you're threatening me."

"I don't see how I am doing that," he said and Adora sighed.

"You are like a silent assassin Alix, I will be going to the fight, now stop smiling like that and go back to normal," she said, and he grinned at her.

"You two are simply hilarious; I could watch you guys go at it all day; I am looking forward to seeing you guys," Zack said.

"We will be there," Adora said as someone with a strong presence entered the arena, smiling.

"His presence is palpable," Alix said.

"I know, he will be one of your opponents in your match," Adora replied, and the guy smirked at Alix.

"Let's talk for a minute, Zack," the guy said, and Zack sighed.

"I will catch you guys later, be careful," Zack said and they smiled, then left and Zack went to talk with the guy in his office.

"Uh... guys where are those two?" Eliza asked when she noticed both Alix and Adora were gone.

"I saw Adora kidnapping Alix on Jade not long ago," Zavis explained.

"She kidnapped him, huh? poor Alix," Yan replied and Nina laughed.

"I am confident he will be fine; after all, he is with Adora, who is the most responsible person I know, and Alix is as well," Kyris said.

"You are right, both of them are responsible, but you can't help but be concerned at times, especially with what's going on," Sarah responded.

"They will be fine, I am sure; as for me, I am going back for a short nap, I didn't sleep well last night," Kyllan said as he stretched off, and Nina patted him on the back.

"Shall we return now, or is there somewhere you want to go, Alix?" Adora asked.

"Nope, do you want to go somewhere?" he asked, and she smiled before laying back on the dragon and gazing up at the sky.

"Let's just relax a little up here; you don't have anything else to do, do you?" Adora questioned.

"No, I am free, and you said we should ease up on the training," he replied, and she smiled.

'It's not just me, but something is off about her, I am not sure what it is, but something is wrong, maybe it's the connection to her the reason I am sensing it and the others can't, her and Zavis are not making any sense either, they suddenly want to meet after constantly fighting,' Alix thought while looking at the princess.

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