Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 300 Simple Advice

Chapter 300 Simple Advice

While Adora was taking a shower, a lot of things from her past flashed through her mind, making her angry, and she took a deep breath before calming down, knowing that venting her rage on any object would be futile, and she decided to wait her turn to get what she wanted, which she had every intention of getting regardless of what came in her way.

'I promise, I will not stop until this is over, not only for myself, but for the others; I will not let them have their way,' Adora thought when Alix gnashed his teeth, thinking about the enemy even more because of everything that had happened, and it also pushed him to learn more about himself, just like the princess had suggested.

After Adora finished taking her bath, she got changed, dried her hair, then came out of the bathroom and looked at Alix who had started sleeping away on the couch and she smiled as she approached him, then leaned in closer and her hair brushed against his face because it was open and he caught onto the nice scent of it then opened his eyes and they left staring at each other.

"Now, who exactly is the pervert?" he asked, and she chuckled before sitting beside him, and he sighed.

"Are you tired?" she inquired.

"Sort of," he admitted.

"Well, you can get tired from practicing control too much, it's not good for you to do it like that, there should be limits, you test yourself and see how much control you have gained and how much more you need, after doing that, you do them in portion, not so many time in a day, it's okay to take a break," she said, and he glanced at her as she smiled at him.

"I see, so doing it in portions might actually be better for me, but are you sure about that?" he asked, and she placed her hand on his shoulder, sensing even parts of his presence had already begun changing at a fast rate, which she knew was due to his powers and him accepting them one by one without hesitation.

"Yeah, I'm sure, take a break every now and then, it won't kill you to do so, you have gained a lot more control, I know control can be easy to lose at times but, our current situation has nothing to do with that, whatever it is, it's up to you, Alix, you get to decide how far you can go, what's good for you and what's not but that's my advice for now concerning this particular matter," she replied, and he smiled before getting up and looking at her.

"You do have strong points, and each makes more than sense, so I'll take your advice on this, I have grown a lot stronger, like it or not, I think I owe you a lot, you have been right so far, I'm going to freshen up now," he said and she winked at him, to which he scoffed and went to the bathroom while she paused the anime he was watching and laid back on the couch, relaxing herself while giving her hair more air.

Alix finished his bath, got dressed, and came out of the bathroom to find Adora sleeping on the couch. He sighed before approaching her and lifting her up in his arms, then gently placing her on the bed, before covering her with her a blanket and collecting the other along with a pillow and going back on the couch to continue watching the anime rather than sleeping because he wasn't tired yet.

More than an hour had passed and Alix was still watching television when he noticed a strong, heavy feeling oozing in the room. When he looked at Adora, he realized it was coming from her and his brows furrowed, not knowing why that was happening but knowing it had to be from a dream.

'What in the world is she dreaming about?' Alix wondered as he paused his show, got up, approached her, and sat on the bed, looking at her when he saw a mark began to appear on her right arm.

"Didn't know she had one of these too," he said as he looked at the marking on her hand but couldn't recognize what it was.

"Adora," Alix said as she grasped his hand, then her eyes opened and she looked at him, then at the mark on her hand before sitting up and sighing.josei

"Did I wake you?" she asked as she let go of his hand, and he smiled.

"No, you didn't; I was watching anime," he responded, and she smiled.

"Good, glad I didn't," she said, lowering her head and letting her hair fall beside her face.

"Are you all right, Adora?" he inquired.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Alix," she replied, "you can't stop certain dreams, I'll go back to sleep, sorry to bother you."

"You don't have to thank me, you didn't bother me in the first place," he said and she smiled then lay back and sighed before turning her back on Alix and gnashing her teeth, then he got up from the bed, turned the television off then laid back on the couch and covered himself with the blanket.

"Will you be able to sleep again, Adora?" Alix inquired and a frown appeared on her face before she clenched her fists.

"Yeah, I will be able to sleep, Alix, good night, Alix," she responded.

"Good night, Adora," he said, and a little while later, Alix fell asleep and Adora didn't, but after much trying, the girl managed to fall back asleep, but that doesn't mean the unpleasant dreams she was having was over.

When Adora awoke the next morning, she sighed and looked at her right arm where the mark had appeared, knowing the mark was a sign of her powers growing and she had no idea how much stronger she had gotten but had every intention of finding out because control and mastering her powers meant nothing to her since she had a goal, one of which was to destroy the enemy and avenge her mother's death.

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