Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 431 Reacting

Chapter 431 Reacting

Adora lowered her head as the glow from the tree got brighter as did Alix's body and she exhaled deeply before looking at Dral and he glanced at her as Ifrit approached her.

"Is he going to be okay?" Ifrit asked and Adora glanced at him, then lowered her head before gritting her teeth and Ifrit sighed.

"He is going to see everything that happened, after all, he was present there, it's within his memory, now it's just being dragged to the surface, it's what he lived, what he does after this is up to him, but, I think he will pull through," she responded and a gentle smile appeared on his face as he looked at her.

He has been through a lot, ever since he was a kid, he just didn't know how much," Kyris said.

"This sucks, to the highest degree," Yan replied.

"Yeah, none of us here other than Adora can possibly understand how he may feel after all of this," Aerav said.

"I agree, we can't understand, we didn't expect anything like this, right guys?" Eliza asked.

'No, we didn't expect anything like this, not even close, but we knew that the truth would not be easy, whatever it may have been," Nina responded and the girls along with the others nodded and Dral smiled at them before looking at Adora who exhaled deeply.

"I haven't been through as much, I have been doing what I needed and was supposed to do, if Alix knew beforehand, things would have been different than it is now, who knows what could have happened," she said and Dral's brows furrowed.

"Adora..." Dral mumbled and she smiled at him, then Kyllan began sniffing the air and they glanced at him as his eyes lit up red and they looked at him.

"What's the matter?" Serina asked and he glanced at Alix and his eyes widened when he saw blood dripping on the floor.

"He is bleeding, the scent is strong," he responded and they looked at Alix then Adora flinched before going to him.

"What's going on?" Sarah and Scott asked at the very same time and Adora's brows furrowed.

"He is reacting, I am not sure this is..." she responded.

"This may not be a good thing, not when he is like this," Dral added and Adora nodded as she lifted her hand and was about to touch him but Alix's body began glowing slightly and the air around him changed a little.

"Adora, what's going on with him?" Zack asked and she looked at Alix with her eyes narrowing and her body began glowing slightly.

"Alix, open your eyes," she said as she got closer to him and his body began glowing brighter and some of the energy that was released from him, pushed Adora back and her eyes widened then Nina looked at her as did Dral and Adora smiled a little.

'Your true power will come to light, but right now, you have had enough for one day, your full awakening will come when you choose it, at the right time, which I don't think is now, there are a few more things,' she thought as she pushed forward and the others looked at her.

The energy released from his body shook the ground under his feet, cracking it a bit and the others looked at each other.

"Should we knock him out or something?" Yaron asked and Dral chuckled, then patted him on his shoulder and Yaron glanced at him.

"Relax a bit, he is just blowing off a bit of steam, according to the princess, Alix is not the person she met, he has changed, grown more, he is not easy," he responded and Yaron sighed.

"If I am being honest, I really want to see what you are capable of, you are the last heir, the one that can carry on the true bloodline, but..." Adora mumbled and Ifrit glanced at her as the memories of everything that happened to Alix's parents and the land came rushing into his head as well as the wonderful ones he shared with his parents.

"Alix, you need to snap out of it, I imagine what you might be seeing is painful but, you are going to damage the remains of your homeland at this rate, you know, there are things you need to do and in order to do it, you need to be yourself," she said.

Alix opened his eyes and he looked directly at her then her body went back to normal as she looked at him and the others smiled, the tree vines moved away from him and he lowered his head then gritted his teeth.

"They destroyed everything without thinking twice, they did that then and are doing it again... They don't care at all about what is lost in the process, how many things they are destroying and have destroyed..." he mumbled as he clenched his fist, blood continued dripping on the ground and Adora lowered her head, not knowing whether she should say anything or not.

"You are right Alix, also, I have to say this, I don't want to push you to hate anyone, to be honest, I would rather if you didn't, but with them, I know if you do, you have all reason to and I can't stop you, there is going to be a fight and what you choose to do is up to you but never kill an innocent, in the upcoming fight, every life will be at stake, your own especially," Dral said and Alix glanced at him. josei

"I know and I know what's at stake as well, all of it, just so you know, I will never take the life of an innocent, you all know that, also, many times before they were given a chance, if they don't stop I don't care, I will get rid of all those in my path, this is a fight for survival after all, on the battlefield, they won't be given another chance, don't worry, I will not lose myself," Alix replied with a red glimmer in his eyes and Adora swallowed as she stared at him and the others left staring at him as well.

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