Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 473 Up to speed

Chapter 473 Up to speed

Chapter 473 Up to speed

Everyone left staring at Alix, after hearing what he asked and the king's brows furrowed as lowered his gaze, wondering what he was talking about at the time and Adora smiled at him.

His friends wondered, whether he was really going to tell everyone the truth now or he was going to say something else and he exhaled deeply as the king got up from his seat.

"Alix, what are you saying?" the king asked and the demon lord glanced at him with a smirk on his face and Adora glanced at him.

"I am asking, what will happen if there is one alive? Do you think your chances will increase?" he asked and the king's brows furrowed as he thought about Alix's mother and father and the day they died.

"That's not possible, it can't be, we checked and checked, there are no pure blood Malactrics," the king responded and Alix sighed.

"I know why you guys would think that, it is said that they all died out on that particular day, but you guys didn't know where the land went either or whether there were any other survivor, am I right?" he asked and Xemon chuckled as he looked at him.

"The young man has grown a lot, who would have thought that he would be someone to talk to the king as though they were on equal ground, oh and not just the king, nicely done princess, he is completely changed," Xemon said and Adora's brows twitched in irritation.

"Do you want me to snap your neck for you? Why am I being blamed for that when it's not even my fault?" she asked.

"I am not blaming you, I am just saying that you had something to do with it as well, after all, you started his change, didn't you?" he asked and her brows furrowed then she scoffed.

After hearing Alix's question, the others exchanged glances and began whispering about what Alix was talking about and the demon lord got up then approached Adora and she looked at him and Alix glanced at him as well.

"You know more about what he is saying, don't you?" he asked.

"Of course, she does but she is not going to say anything, this is left to me," Alix responded and the demon lord glanced at him, then scoffed before exhaling deeply.

"Then, go on, I am listening carefully to what you have to say," the demon lord said as he sat down back and Alix glanced at him and the guy's eyes narrowed.

"Alix, is one of them alive? If so, that could be of great help, believe me, we would gladly bring the person in and have a talk, the more power we have the better it will be," the one from the draconics side said and Alix glanced at him and the young man's brows furrowed.

'I think it may be time to tell them, they look lost and confusing, I know that it's not funny but it looks that way,' Alix thought with a scoff.

"Why is he taking so long? Can't he just tell us already?" Aragi asked as he stood beside Adora and she patted him on his shoulder.

"You need to relax a bit, he is just analyzing a few things, that's all, after all, this is his choice and his alone, no one else has the right to say anything else," she responded and Aragi exhaled deeply.

"How about we start by telling you everything that happened during or trip, that way everyone would be in the loop?" Alix asked and the king smiled with him as he sat down with the others.

"All right, fill us in on everything about the journey you guys went on, I know you faced a lot of trouble, that's what I heard, so what exactly happened and how did you guys find the place that we couldn't?" the demon lord asked and Alix sighed then Adora scoffed, for now he is the one who had to handle their questions.

"Take a seat if you want to, this is an important meeting where things have to be done, decided, we cannot waste any time, so you all need to tell us what you know," the leader of the wolves said and Alix glanced at him.

"Well, he is right, after this, there will be things done in the city then two more things, and the fight will be here sooner than later," the king replied.

Alix sighed then began telling them everything that took place during their journey and everyone that was their paid close attention to every little details, without questioning him, leaving that for last and some of the things, they couldn't even believe, for they had no idea about it.

A few minutes after, when Alix finished telling them all of the necessary details to get them up to speed, he exhaled deeply as they looked at each other and began discussing a few things.

"Your Highness, reporting for duty," someone said as he walked in the throne room with a few guys by his side and Alix glanced at him as did Adora and they bowed their heads to the king as well as the others, out of respect for them.

"What brings you guys here?" Xemon asked. josei

"The king asked us to join, he said a fight might be nearing and we would be of help," the guy responded and Xemon smiled.

"Well, I am glad you guys made it, go to the general, we are having a meeting right now, he will brief you," the king said

"As you wish," he replied then left with the men that were with him.

"So, you got reinforcement?" the demon lord asked.

"Yeah, we have to be more alert as well," he responded.

"Well, I won't be going anywhere, I have been doing a bit of digging of my own, I think the chances of a Malactric being alive is good," he said and Alix smirked as he looked at him.

"That's right, because I am the last Malactric, the heir," he replied and the demon lord glanced at him and they all flung up from their seats and left staring at him, as did Adora and the others and a smirk appeared on his face.

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