Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 77 Bond

Chapter 77 Bond

"If you're going to make a move, hurry up and do it already," Adora said as the fox shot the ball right at her, but her eyes glowed orange and she punched the ball, causing it to go right back at the fox and the other to stare.

"It's going to kill that fox," Olivia said, but Adora appeared in front of the creature and created a barrier.

"I have no intention of hurting you, you need to calm down," Adora said, looking at the ball as it collided with the barrier, causing it to explode, leaving only smoke in the air, and they smiled.

"I can send your powers right back at you in a variety of ways; do you pledge your loyalty to me now?" Adora asked, her gaze fixed on the fox.

"She is something else," Alix said as he avoided the wolf's black lighting, which it released from it's tail.

"You have got a problem over there; handle it; do you think you'll be able to do it?" Adora questioned as she looked at Alix, who smirked.

"I think I can," he said as he stepped back from the approaching lightning wave.

"Does he intend to die?" Kyris asked.

"Stay out of it," Adora said as Kyris was about to get up, but he stayed put after hearing her warning.

"I can do it," Alix mumbled while closing his eyes and focused on the lighting striking the ground as it approached him.

"All you have to do is make use of the lighting it created," Kyris reasoned.

"I hope he can do it," Adora said, staring at the boy. Alix then opened his glowing red eyes, brought forth both of his hands, and as the lighting surrounded him, his entire body began glowing red, releasing a dark energy that Kyris sensed and his eyes widened.

"What in the world was that?" Kyris asked and Adora smiled as Alix pulled the lighting in the palm of his hand and shot it back to the wolf, whose eyes widened as it froze in shock, but Alix smiled and closed his hands, causing the lighting to disappear, and the wolf stared at him before Adora removed the barrier.

"Well, you did it," Adora said and Alix smiled brightly.

"Thank you to you, your highness," he said as they looked at the creatures.

"You removed the barrier and they haven't pledged their loyalty to you guys yet, I still don't feel safe," Aerav said, and they laughed as both the fox and the wolf bowed their heads to their masters.

"It's perfectly safe," Alix said as he approached the wolf, which sniffed Alix's hand before finally relaxing and allowing Alix to pet him.

"Let me treat your wound, I promise you won't get hurt with me," Adora said as she locked her gaze on the fox, and the fox finally rubbed its head against the girl.

"Are you going to take care of it?" Kyris questioned as he walked to Adora and the others went to Alix.

"Is the wolf injured?" Adora asked.

"He appears to be fine, he is a big baby when you get to him," Alix said, rubbing the wolf's head.

"They are all like that when they finally accept and trust you," Adora replied as the fox licked her and she laughed then it brought forth her injured leg and Kyris stooped down and began healing it.

"Is that all there is to the bonding and accepting process?" Alix questioned.

"There's one more thing we will do together in a minute," she replied.

"Got it," he said.

After Kyris finished healing the fox's feet, it stood up.

'Bring your wolf over here,' Adora instructed, and Alix looked at the wolf.

"Come on," he said, and the wolf got up and followed him to Adora, the fox then sniffed the wolf knowing it meant no harm, and Alix and the others smiled as the tiger appeared in front of them and roared.

"Star, easy boy," Adora said and he looked at the creatures as he grew larger and all three creatures placed their heads together in acceptance.

"They understand each other, which is fantastic," Ayden said.

"Now for the other half, brace your head against the creature," Adora said, placing her head against the fox, and Alix did the same, causing their bodies, as well as the creatures, to glow white and a mark to appear on the side of the fox's and wolf's feet.

"It's over," Olivia said then they moved away from the creatures as they stopped glowing.

"Woah," Sarah exclaimed, staring at how big they got just from forming a bond.

"The wolf's head now has a gold lining across it," Sarah explained.

"Look, it also has a gold crest on its leg," Eliza pointed out.

"Yours has a crest on its leg too," Alix said as he observed the fox.

"Yeah, the tiger has one as well," Kyris explained. "It shows that they are already claimed if anyone tries to take them."


"This is so cool," Ayden said, "I want a beast too."

"You will get yours in time,' Adora said, placing her palm against the fox's head.

"I hereby name you Silver," Adora said, and the fox leapt into the air, shining.

"What are you going to call yours, Alix?" Eliza asked.

"Hmm, he's powerful and a baby at times, I wonder what will work," Alix replied with his gaze fixed on the wolf.

"How about Adad?" Alix asked.

"The god of thunder and storms, sounds good" Adora responded, and they all agreed.

"You sure can come up with intimidating names, Alix," Kyris observed.

"I chose it because of the lighting," Alix explained.

"I figured it's a good name for him and Adora you chose Ilsa, a good one for yours too, it means silver guardian of the divine," Kyris said as she jumped up on the fox's back and lay back and smiled.

"I am finally getting a hang of my powers,' Alix thought while looking at Adora knowing she is one of the reasons he is starting to understand his powers.

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