Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 82 Hungover

Chapter 82 Hungover

The next day when Alix woke up, his body was aching, but he wanted to train, so he got up to do his normal morning routine and start the day.

Alix showered, ate breakfast, and set out for the valley where they tamed the beasts.

Upon arriving at the valley, he sat under a tree to relax and take in the fresh air when he saw Elijah and Kyris training.

"Elijah," he called out, and when he saw Alix, he smiled.

"Alix, what are you doing here?" he questioned.

"I came to train," he said.

"Don't do it, the princess left strict orders for me to follow," Kyris replied and Elijah sighed.

"I don't think Alix is going to listen," Elijah said.

"Of course, he won't, he's stubborn; if he's here, I'm sure the others will follow, help Elijah," Kyris said, and Elijah laughed.

"We can help them train this morning and call it a day; tomorrow is their match, so we just have to make sure they don't overdo it or both of us will feel her wrath," Elijah explained.

"You're right, call the others, we'll have you guys train together, I want to see how you guys work together," Kyris said as Alix pulled out his phone and called Sarah.

"They were pretty high last night; I am not even sure if they are awake," he explained, and Elijah smiled.

"You sure are early, good morning," Sarah answered while yawning.

"Good morning, how 10 a.m. early? get your butt up, let's train, Elijah and Kyris will be helping," he stated.

"Where?" she questioned.

"At the valley where we tamed the beasts," he replied.

"All right, I will call the others; I'm pretty sure Ayden is out cold," she said, and Alix chuckled.

"He did drink a lot," he replied, "see you soon."

"See you later, early bird," she said before hanging up.

"Are they coming?" Elijah asked.

'Yeah, she will wake up the others, but one of them might be more lazy today," he replied.

"That was expected if you had a hangover. It's fine to have fun, but these things can be stressful at times. How much do you want to win, Alix?" Elijah asked as they sat down awaiting the arrival of the others.

"I don't want to lose any of the matches, she left me in charge of the team, I will make sure we win, I guess I don't want to disappoint the person who pushed us to where we are today, including you guys," he replied, and they both smiled.

"That's some dedication; we will assist you in any way we can; do you still regard our princess as a tyrant?" Kyris questioned, and Alix gave a nervous smile.

"I believe his answer is, in a way, yes," Kyris said.

"She isn't that bad once you get to know her; I believe the princess has suffered a lot in the past, we just don't know with what, she never opens up," Elijah replied, and Alix lowered his head.

"I guess that explains why she is sometimes lost in space, she is complicated," Alix said.

"That she is; do you have a girlfriend yet, Alix, or are you still single?" Elijah questioned.

"I don't have time to date," he said.

"Hmm, that's unfortunate," Elijah noted.josei

"You are the last person I expected to hear that from, which is unfortunate for you because you are still single Elijah," Eliza said as she, Sarah, and the others approached them, and Alix and Kyris chuckled.

"You are not the type to talk, Wolfy," he said.

'Who are you speaking to?' she questioned.

"I am talking to you, you're a spoiled brat, the princess should seriously consider releasing you into the wild," he said, and she pouted.

"I believe she should do the same with you," she stated.

"You are a hungry wolf, not me," he replied.

"Good morning, Alix, why are you training today?" Ayden questioned as he stretched off.

"Wake up, lazy," Sarah said and smacked him behind the head.

"That hurts, you guys are monstrous," Ayden exclaimed.

"You deserve, don't tell me you are that hungover that you don't have it in you to train today pretty boy," she replied with a wicked smirk and his eyes twitched as he looked at her in irritation while she turned away blowing whistles.

"I will show you, " Ayden said, "here's another one that needs to be released in the wild."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" she exclaimed.

"You," he said.

"I am going to teach you a good lesson," she promised.

"Don't forget Sarah, you owe him, and you don't want to make things worse for yourself," Alix said, as Sarah pouted.

"Alix "I thought you were different, but you are just as evil as they are," Sarah said and he smiled.

"I am just telling the truth; how does that make me evil?" I am just trying to help," he replied, and Olivia laughed.

"I can hear you guys all the way down the hill; what are you guys up to?" Olivia asked.

"We are going to help them train as a team; I'm curious to see how they work together; they have never fought as a team before," Kyris replied.

"Sounds like fun; let me join you guys; I am quick and can help," she said.

"She is really fast; she will be a good addition; join us, are you guys ready?" Kyris asked as he stood up, and Alix stretched off.

"I am ready," Alix said.

"So are we," Sarah replied.

"You guys can try to hit me, I'd like to see who can do it, you never know if one of the people you're up against is fast," Olivia said.

"She is correct, give it your best shot, we try to attack you and you guys defend yourselves and each other, if you can, don't worry, we won't actually attack any of you," Elijah said.

"All right then, let's get started," Elijah said, and they all got ready.

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