Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 92 Abilities

Chapter 92 Abilities


"What is the matter with him? He was almost out of energy just now, and now he seems to have more than before "Soren inquired as he stood up, and Alix smiled.

"Perhaps I can use my powers to end this fight, but I can't push it too far," Alix mumbled as his injuries caused his body to hurt more than normal, but he ignored them.

"I don't have time to waste, come at me," Alix said as he closed his eyes and Soren's feet began to glow red, blue, and orange as fire and lightning formed beneath his feet.

"Soren isn't going all out, but with Alix's dark presence, I can tell he might have the upper hand now; what are his powers?" " Adora... what is Alix?" Kyris mumbled as he looked at the screen.

"Seems like there is more to you than I thought," Soren said, and Alix smirked as the guy rushed towards him, about to kick him with his glowing feet, looking for a way to knock Alix out, but Alix blocked them with the back of his arm, which was glowing red, acting as a shield against Soren's attack.

"Damn it, it's not working," Soren grumbled as he stepped away from Alix.

"He's working on defense for the time being because he's really hurt, that's smart," Yan said and Aerav smiled as he went to the others and they smiled upon seeing he was fine except covered in bandages.

"Are you all right, Aerav?" Sarah questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I defended myself pretty well, so only a few bruises and broken bones, I will be fine," Aerav said. "I see Alix defending himself, Soren is really hard to take down, that's for sure, he isn't planning on showing people his true powers in this match, as the captain of his team, he won't."

"You are right, he's not going all out, and I'm not saying he should; I don't know Alix's powers, but Alix seems different than before; Soren has to keep a few of his attacks hidden, after all, he's the captain of a good team but I wonder what's up with Alix ," Elijah said.

"I would like to know the same thing; it appears that Soren is looking for an opening; I am on Alix's side, but if I were Soren, I would aim for his sides, his injuries; Soren is a good martial artist, but against a strong defense, even that isn't going to be good enough, and Alix knows that very well," Yan said, enjoying the fight.

"Things are about to get more interesting, this fight has been going on for hours, more people are coming, it's catching a lot of attention, I wonder what Adora has in store for you guys," Kyris said, as Aerav smiled.

"What the hell are his abilities? They are somewhat intimidating," Soren reflected as Alix opened his eyes, which were glowing red with a blue snake mark.

"I've never seen eyes like those before," he said as they rushed towards each other and clashed with their swords, except Alix's sword was none other than Adora's.

"How is he going to head on with me?" Soren questioned as he became angrier, and his entire body began to glow black as dark spears appeared out of nowhere in the air, widening Alix's eyes.

"Oh no, this is one of Soren's finishing moves; the minute Alix moves, one or all of those dark spears will rush at him, they won't stop until Soren stops them or the opponent finds a way to do it, he used this many times, many teams lost to it," Elijah said worrying about Alix.

"What am I going to do now to get rid of those?" Alix asked as he took a deep breath and remembered his training with the others, smirking and lifting his sword before his face, then the sword began to glow and as the spear came at him, he began moving his sword so quickly, cutting all of the spears, and Soren's eyes widened.

"H- He stopped them," Elijah clarified.

"He is using his training, but that sword belongs to Adora, no wonder it can cut it," Kyris explained.

"You are really getting on my nerves now," Soren said as his body relaxed and he looked at Alix, who was panting.

"Alix is quickly losing strength; it's been hours; how much longer is this fight going to last?" Sarah questioned, frustrated.

"You are not going to win against me, I told you to back off, there's no way you are not going to get away from this," Soren said, and Alix clenched his fists.

"How am I going to put an end to this? He keeps using trick after trick, and he seems to have a lot of them up his sleeve; his abilities irritating me "Alix mumbled as he began to hear the same screams, and a swarm of fireballs with red glow and darkness formed above Soren, aiming right at Alix, whose hands from his arm down transformed into the red claw and he gasped when he saw the fireballs.

"This guy- damn it," Alix said as a lightning tiger formed before him and Alix smiled nervously as all came rushing at him and suddenly a burst of energy released from Alix's body and formed three red and blue snakes behind Alix and his clawed hand started glowing blue and released a blue energy before him that slashed Soren across his legs and the snakes rushed towards Soren's attack.

Everyone gasped as the two powers clashed, causing a large explosion in the ring that sent both of the boys flying, and as Alix's snakes devoured Soren's power, Soren got back up, attempting to use another power despite his weakness and bleeding. Soren summoned a black ball above his head that emitted lightning and directed it at Alix.

"I'm not losing," Alix muttered as he raised his clawed hand, and as the ball touched his hand, it changed direction and returned to its user, Soren's eyes widened as he clashed with his own powers, and both of the boys fell to the floor as a few magic users reinforced the barrier that was cracking at a rapid rate.

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